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Discussion in 'General News' started by nomercy, Mar 27, 2008.

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  1. Woolie1994

    Woolie1994 Well-Known Member

    Geert Wilders is really stupid ( I live in Holland) ever1 was against it( except those stupid ppl )
  2. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Old news...
    Everybody has got over it...
  3. DevilDinah

    DevilDinah Well-Known Member

    yes, well i'm from indonesia too, and moslems here, especially at my region,are people who hold are very devoted to religion, and will do anything to protect the name of Islam. it's a small wonder of they protest it. this film are practically banned in Indonesia, but some sources say that foreigners smuggle it in, so you can imagine that as spraying gasoline to an already huge inferno

    no, their brains are practically made of the same thing. but the guy who made this movie, it's a different story
  4. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    have you actually seen the movie....... the guy makes a very good point, he's not saying bad things about the religion he's having a go about the the assholes that murder hundreds of Innocent people because they have been told to by someone in power twisting the words of their holy text. and saying why when in the world we live in to day where we stop so many injustices do we still allow this to happen just because it has some relevance to religion.

    aaarrggghhh i hate religion...... its stupid all it does is cause pain, hurt and loss of self identity. if there was none the world would be a better place for it!!! that's not to say faith and belief is a bad thing don't get me wrong that's fine but its organised religion with a power figure twisting text as they please because people follow it blindly without asking questions. its fine to believe what you like but when it affects other people that's when its gone to far.

    and to be honest SHUT UP the man has made a video that has not hurt a single person the only reason people a pissed about it is because it shows the atrocities to man that those blind brain washed fools have done all in the name of a stupid fictional character that was written about very recently in terms of human history.
  5. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Religious groups often take their own beliefs out of context,
    The kuran (there's an online one so i ctrl f'd it) doesn't tell muslims to kill themselves and the others around them and that they would be rewarded with lots of virgins :p The bible didn't say for white people to hurt and kill the black people (klu klux)... Waste of time...
  6. Adnan1992

    Adnan1992 Well-Known Member

    You know that virgins thing is (i have heard) actually talking about grapes. Its somthing about dying and gettting some number (i think its 42) of grapes, not some number of virgins.

    But i wouldn't be surprised if it was not at all in there. it doesn't seem to make mistakes. However the grapes could be symbollic of something else
  7. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    All religious books make mistakes, it's a story made up by people who think there should be a story for life
    Yeah, balls...
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