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First thing you hate about school

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by AhsanShawl, Mar 17, 2010.

  1. triemie

    triemie Well-Known Member

    My math teacher and all the punishment i have to do
    and i'm only in the first :S
    i already wrote over the 1200 rules : I have to do my homework every lesson
    or to write an essay as punishment
  2. deanalexander

    deanalexander Well-Known Member

    That depends on your learning style.
    Did you not learn this at school?
    You have visual learners, auditory learners and kinesthetic learners.
    The names itself explains it.
  3. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

  4. dblood

    dblood Well-Known Member

    I hate the teachers who take thier jobs too seriously even though the class is an "elective"
  5. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    nope theres no way on earth i will employ someone straight out of college with a distinction or whatever. if they have no qualifications but can show me some experience and know the job they can start tomorrow. same with my dads business, he wont employ truck drivers unless they have at least 2 years experience. its more hassle than its worth
  6. deanalexander

    deanalexander Well-Known Member

    GOING to college GETS you qualifications.
    Job w/ training earns you NO qualifications.
  7. Zdroyd

    Zdroyd Active Member

    I will have to agree with that. College students are the ones with the SMARTS, let alone they deserve to get a job, seeing that they worked their life off (and their wallet dry) to go to college.
  8. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    nope i worked as an engineer and gained qualifications whilst i worked, then i got bored and got a job as a mechanic and also got qualifications while working.
  9. deanalexander

    deanalexander Well-Known Member

    Unless its an apprenticeship, you will not get any qualifications.
  10. JohnnieBob

    JohnnieBob Well-Known Member

    English teacher.
    She's really small, she's from Wales, has an English accent (Not that I hate English accents, hers is all high and retarded....), she looks like she walked out of a funeral EVERY F***ING DAY and she smells like curry/pee.
  11. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    were talking 1990's here. if you want me to scan them and post them up i will

    and i did try college and university, did adult learning and got equivalent of 3 a levels in 3 months then got into york university to be a p.e teacher but its just not worth 5 years of debt when i can earn more than a teacher doing what i do now and i pick and choose my hours.

    im not saying its right for everyone but at 16 you should be capable of deciding to stay at school or go the work route
  12. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    What i hate about school?

    The students that dont appreciate what their teachers paid/unpaid are doing for them. Some teachers uses their own money just to provide them with visuals and other teaching materials like chalk, whiteboard, cartolina, manila paper, bond papers, markers...etc... and they dont even appreciate it and even call the teachers names and judge them to be incompetent and cannot teach. What if the teachers says you are incompetent to learn? What if the teacher says you like to learn but learning doent like you?

    The students today are punks! They think they are gods because they cannot be harmed due to the law, but they can harm the teachers and get squat free because of the law. I say corporal punishment is a must in todays school.
  13. bellsarc

    bellsarc Well-Known Member

    I agree that there are a lot of stupid kids these days but there the only people your throwing the blame on, if teachers listened to students and weren't so aggresive then some students may listen but in my school there are teachers who let out there anger on students just because they have had a bad day.

    Its not only kids who are bad there are adults too, and the 2 main reasons kids are bad are because of either how they were raised or who they hang out with. You can't say that when you were a kid there were no idiots because there always has and always will be.
  14. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    Thinking of it is bad for me...
  15. Meagansaurus

    Meagansaurus New Member

    my maths teacher's monotonous voice.

    oh, and my druggie friends constantly distracting me by being hilarious when they're high.
  16. MR4Y

    MR4Y Well-Known Member

    The school itself! (just kidding). Then you find later that the following phrase makes a lot of sense:

    "You pass a bunch of years trying to get out of school and the rest of your life wanting to go back to it."
  17. a1234b

    a1234b Member

    classes espcially english :p
  18. AnimeboyX3

    AnimeboyX3 Well-Known Member

    Not having a Girlfriend.
  19. asep soenardi

    asep soenardi Member

    teacher who's always absent. gives test without gives any explanation about the lesson -,-