V1.18? What is then the V1.32 i play my nds games from?? downloaded the kernel at r4sdhc.com, like it says on the package of my card. Thx
You're correct. Fake sounds so negative though, I prefer the word "clone" True....but who wants to waste time downloading a bunch of different firmwares and using trial and error to see which one works when you could simply just look at the box/card and determine what you have.
Yes , ysmenu will run games like mario and luigi BIS (U) , legend of zeldsT (U) , COP , where kernal v1.18 would not Post Merge: [time]1269107758[/time] I know what i have, i was just leting sonic322 know! thats what he could do...
Personally, I have the original R4 (non-clone) and I used to think that 1.18 kernel was the lastest but then I found that I could use the one on this site: http://www.r4li.com/download/r4.html I used this one and it works perfectly fine: 7- R4 V1.24 kernel (English)2009-11-25R4i - You have to scroll down first cause the first set of firmware is for the DSi. Hope it helps.