So when does everyone think there will actually be a FINAL fantasy? they just seem to keep going and going... lol
I hope that's the case ^_^ but then the name of the game is stupid/redundant - because it isnt a FINAL fantasy. why isnt it just fantasy 1, 2 etc ... and then final fantasy when they make no more? (yes i realise final fantasy sounds cooler and that the series technically isnt a series...)
could you please direct me to the thread/page that does so then? i thought i was posting in the appropriate topic - you cant have expected me to have searched/known otherwise when the topic heading clearly implies that this is the topic for all things related to final fantasy - including speculation of its name...
Squaresoft was on rather bad times back then, so they decided to make and release one last game before they finally went out of business, which they aptly named Final Fantasy since it looked like it was going to be their last game. The game was so popular that it actually managed to save them from going bankrupt. I didn't go into the details, but there's the basic gist of it.
wow i wonder what wreck of a game couldve sent them into bankruptcy? or that may not e the case. just wondering though.
the only ones i really know of or can think of are the final fantasy series they make. if they put all their effort into those games they could probably run on the income from them alone. i kinda wish they would come out with a new tactics like the original. exceptionally driven story line and i really liked the way the jo system was executed.
Which is the exact point, no one bought the other games they made and no one will remember them. They thought Final Fantasy was to be the last product of their imagination - obviously it turned out a fair bit nicer for them.
I have to say Final fantasy is the most exspansive RPG out there. They have Turn-based battle system and tatical battle system and Real-time battle system.