If I do recall, not a single final villain put up their last stand without some form of transformation or outside power. Even Ultimeccia resorted to the Guardian Force Griever. And she was capable of high class Time Magic. Able to move into the past and pass on her power. Causing her consciousness to essentially 'loop' between a single time path, in practically endless branches of the same time frame. Giving her while a relatively futile chance, still a chance to succeed at some time in one of the many passes through this loop.
It has a story, but a terrible one. It was just a quick way to make money from guys who want to watch their fav female characters get sexed up and fight in skimpy clothes. Post Merge: [time]1330055965[/time] I thought that Cloud of Darkness stayed consistent in appearance and didn't really obtain outside power as he/she was already powerful enough to KO the warriors in her/his first appearance.
Okay everyone needs to accept the fact that if its not listed in the list, then its simply not there and never going to be. Not up for debate any longer. If you don't like it then make your own thread. Back on topic please.
I dont know anything about Cloud of Darkness, I didnt play through dissidia. Also its off topic to even mention. Considering the topic is about the main villains.
M'kay, you do know that Cloud of Darkness didn't come from Dissidia, she comes from FF3. And she is indeed listed and is also indeed a main villain, primary antagonist, or call it what you will. http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Cloud_of_Darkness So you can discuss her as much as you want o.o