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Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light (U) | Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by meganova, Oct 4, 2010.


So, what do you think about this game?

  1. Excellent. Really.

    1 vote(s)
  2. Kinda okay, I guess.

    0 vote(s)
  3. Nah, I'd better play another games.

    0 vote(s)
  1. Soluri

    Soluri Well-Known Member

    ... Ack... My save file got corrupted -.-'
  2. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    nope nope, the gems are ... just there. when you wanna sell them , you sell them. Interesting,right? I mean, you can't have more than 15 items but you can have 10000000000 gems in your pockets...
    Post Merge: [time]1286610698[/time]
    I agree completely... read my pseudo-review on page 13 of this thread ;)
    Post Merge: [time]1286610886[/time]
    and for the record (sorry for post-merging): DQ IX is far far far superior in strategy than this ... this is ... just easy and yet frustrating <--- don't mix this with difficulty.If this game had micro-managing style of any other FF game, you would've beaten it quite quickly.
    Bottom line,it sounds like they rushed this ,made a cheap story , cheap game elements and voila' - let's all pretend it was on purpose if you like it, if not let's say you are a hater or whatnot (i expected this kind of behaviour from all fanboys, so far i wasnt disappointed).

    And what i said above, Soluri reminded me: I mean, you can have only 15 items in your pocket...but you can carry (NOT IN STORAGE,mind you) 100000 of gems without problems?!?!?! THIS IS THE PROOF THEY WANT TO FUCK WITH MY HEAD ... why ? WHYYYYY:??

    ... because they like it this way and i dont. different people in this world... BUT WHYYYY?
    Post Merge: [time]1286611149[/time]
    ... oh gooodd... this is so horrible, why do they heal the wrong guy...why do they attack that bastard in the background when i want the forward pricks to be shiskababed ?? WHYYY ....
  3. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Alway's back one up now and then!
  4. Mishy

    Mishy Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I got the clean rom and my file got corrupted when I walked out of the inn in the first town. So I stopped playing and won't play for a bit.
  5. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Look at the attack, it will usually say frnt or back for attacking front or back row. Swords attack front row, magic attacks back, spears attack back. THey heal whoever has the lowest hp
  6. M.AzaryPika3172

    M.AzaryPika3172 Well-Known Member

    Clean version of Final Fantasy The 4 Hero of Light (USA) is out!
  7. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    Well,what you said i know already... As i said before, if you've read , about healing: what you said is not entirely true... they heal in a weird way. I gave a good example on pg 13 or so ... Sure, it may have a logic , but it is entirely uncessessary for them to implement auto-targeting.It would be all much simpler and ultimately easier if they gave us the option to attack targets manualy.I want ME to be to blame if something is screwed in my pattern.
    Also, I hate the inventory menus...you must constantly jump from one menu to another,switch characters>items menu>select tome> use spell> select target> spell done ... what the HECK!! (during battle it is different,thank god)
    Another thing I realy despise is the backpack limit...this doesnt bring more challenge, just more frustration.

    And lest we forget, there is also a AUTO BATTLE option if you press X during combat... that's rich coming from a game who has auto-everything by default.
  8. Soluri

    Soluri Well-Known Member

    I'm not gonna back up my sav files if I play for an hour... ::)
  9. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    oh and the one thing i utterly despise, is when i press incidentaly DOWN after im in the last menu (Crowns) and the menu closes... or even more frustrating, in normal games when you hold the cursor it "boosts" and it scrolls automaticaly...not here, you must press for each movement in the loot section after the battle. Thankfuly DISTRIBUTE is there.

    p.s.: i wont bore you and i'll just explain the healing "problem" i encountered several times (so you wont have to go to page 13 ... i am a nice person) : health lvls are just an example - 1. 37/47 , 2. 36/41 , 3. 51/62 ... i cast a health spell with Character No. 2 > health restored to No. 2... ok this is infuriating.I wanted No. 1 to be healed ,because of the situation (had more AP,more phoenix downs and i used Boost ,had more health and i could use him better even if No. 2 died for whatever reason... ). That's my logic or opinion... I know ,you'll say that No.2 has lower overall max. health,so he/she is the priority or else whatever... but i just dont like to play a game where it forces you to guess.
    Let me be clear,that those were a FEW "incidents" ,okay? Somewhere like 20% ...but that's still enaugh to make you guess what will happen next time,u know?

    That's my opinion, if you hate what i said...im sorry,i didnt want to invalidate your points of view with this.I'm just saying ...
    Post Merge: [time]1286617161[/time]
    oh,can somebody confirm what i just said please? i dont wanna be speculating... i maybe missed something and thus made some wrong conclusions
  10. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    I just read your post about healing, that's honestly never happened to me. Well i can't say that for certain, a few times i would pick everything, put the ds down and look back to see that the person's hp i thought would be healed stayed the same. You're preaching to the choir about auto targeting, but i've learned to live with the stupidity of my magic hitting the most magic resistant monster of the bunch.

    I also don't like the 15 item limit, and the fact that the mages need to carry the tome to use spells. Which take up spaces by themselves.
  11. Sorry to repost, but could someone please post a .sav file for this game? I would be very, very grateful. Thanks in advance! ;D ;D
  12. theprins

    theprins Member

    Yes I agree, there is no logic here. You can carry 1000s of gems but you can only carry 15 curing plants in your pocket...

    No one else bothered with the lack of skills you can have active (6 as it seems), especially with the mages who need alot of different spells to be versatile. Not to glorify DQIX too much but each character had like 10 abilities and 20 spells and it made it a lot more strategic.

    Don't get me wrong I enjoy the game, and I love the FF remakes especially FFIV with it's dark atmosphere, I'm just saying that the hype might have been a bit overkill...
  13. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    E X A C T L Y ... well putt. Well, it's not crime saying that a product in certain areas is better, because it is. I enjoy playing FF III and IV or DQ IX more, because it is more enjoying.Fair battles. No unfair restrictions. I like FF IV DS too , but i find it sometimes frustrating, especialy after the 2nd boss ...the zombie-thing with the water (Tsunami or something) spell.
    I can't get rid of Sap spell when it casts on my party... not even Esuna works. (Esuna is for removing stats. lowering effects,right?)
    Post Merge: [time]1286624005[/time]
    oh , despite what i said about this game ...i like to criticize products, because I want to explore its flaws completely. Even so, I can still like a product - in this case FF 4 Heroes of Light.
    I can hate its features, but I can still like to play it ... and in this case, I like to play this one.

    Now i destroyed the sand monster-devil... and guess what, the story moves on with other 2 characters that left my party and all the cool equipment is gone. This doesn't motivate me to play ,dammit ;) But i'll persist, if it's the last thing i'll do dammit!
  14. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Alway's add the link!
  15. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    oh,right...Tomes taking up space ,good point - i haven't thought about it for some reason. Spells shouldnt take space,dammit!
    You are correct , that healing problem is not that frequent, but it is kind of disappointing knowing it could happen.It happened again barely 30 minutes ago...
    Oh,so you can only have 6 spells/skills during combat?? That's disappointing ... i thought the menu would expand after i filled up my 6 spaces...

    Btw, what do u suggest i use after the Sand Monster ? White Mage or Black Mage or both?

    This game is so picturesque, makes you realy feel the fable spirit of the game (so to speak)... it realy has a nice atmosphere to it. I dont know why, but it reminds me of days when i watched The Neverending Story for the first time ;) (i was 5 years old)
  16. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    EDIT: Re-Done with all clean 64mb roms

    Final Fantasy - The 4 Heroes of Light - Ultimate Collection - All Clean 64MB ROM's


    Fixed 6 bad multiple Header's in (EUR) (ABSTRAKT) ROM



    Run it on no$zommer for no$gba

    Enable in no$zommer most ex0 - Other(H) - EXTRA -> tick EX0 to EX4

    Hear is the no$gba full-package

    NO$GBA 2.6a - Full Package


    A simple nds pen path to edit into no$zommer.ini file and save - to see a NDS PEN on the bottom of the screen!!

  17. M.AzaryPika3172

    M.AzaryPika3172 Well-Known Member

  18. Santaki

    Santaki Member

    The blog owner stopped updating about 35% through the storyline. ughh, it's so confusing on where you have to go after you kill a boss ... storyline is a pain until you free Rolan and get your full party of 4. (wait until you get to the two evil spirits boss = longest boss fight yet)
  19. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Save corruption Fixes

  20. SoulSin

    SoulSin Well-Known Member

    Gonna agree with Shiokazu in the "old-RPG-felling".

    But no... thats more like FF 1~3 than 4 and beyond.
    At least FF 4, 5 and 6 had a history that made sense, and a logical chain of events.

    Gonna leave it on the R4, someday when I have the patience I pick up a guide and try playing it.
    Because old-style RPGs just require patience. Simple as it.