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Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light (U) | Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by meganova, Oct 4, 2010.


So, what do you think about this game?

  1. Excellent. Really.

    1 vote(s)
  2. Kinda okay, I guess.

    0 vote(s)
  3. Nah, I'd better play another games.

    0 vote(s)
  1. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    Thanks Jhon, I'll be downloading this when persona 3 finishes ;)
  2. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    It's possialbe they could be a saving issue - but need testers to confirm it ?..
    Post Merge: [time]1286541232[/time]
    Your welcome! , msg
  3. fireemblemfreak

    fireemblemfreak Active Member

    You're right it says There's an error reading the save after I saved and re started the game :( I guess it does need a Patch, The trimmed Intro version of Venom's Rom Looks exacly the same and it's patched. they have it here http://www.mxgamers.net/ (there very cool people too ) here is the trimmed rom for the non-spanish readers it's the same patched Venom rom but with the crack intro cut off looks the same as the clean one you posted except it may be patched if the venom one is I supposed this is too, it's 42mb: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=MP24EK9T

    it seems to be working fine too.
  4. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    what about the time when the A.I. cures someone else?! Let me give you a first hand example: 1. 41/41 hp , 2. 27/39 hp, 3. 59/61 ... I wanted my weaker unit to be healed (the one with the fewest HP),but instead it healed No. 3 ! WHAT THE FUCK

    And what about the Auto Targeting? Honestly, this realy wasnt the major issue for me ... even if i HATE THIS. In combat, only a FEW TIMES there were...well... times, where the A.I. did verry poorly. Instead of attacking the SAME faggot monster, they kept attacking 2 different ones...meaning, it took more time and ultimately MORE HEALTH before i could reduce the number of monsters in battle.
    That's why Auto Targeting sucks...

    Action Points are not the problem im having with. But it is annoying that after battle, you also must use Action Points to heal or whatever. And what about the 15 item limit on your backpack???? WHAT THE HECK!!! And btw, if you go over this limit, u cant collect anything...it's not that you can store it in some rucksack or whatever. I thought I would at least have a rucksack and that only during battle ,im allowed to have max. 15 items - NOPE! In the entire game, you can have max. 15 items per character. And then you must go back to the town (whatever which ones) and go to the Storage service shop ... oh man,this is so fucking tedious.

    Also, I HATE how you use magic after battle... you DONT USE IT in the ABILITIES section...oh no, this would make too much sense.Instead,you must select items , scroll to the book/tome you have and use that on yourself. Why not just have a simple way to access abilities and that's that?

    Besides this and the complete lack of directions in the game - which i can live with, because I kind of like this - I give this game a Medium Meh ... 6.5/10 that is. I love the music, gfx but the story is a complete joke so far.
  5. Soluri

    Soluri Well-Known Member

    I must be stupid ... but I can't seem to figure out how to pick up items and gems that monsters drop :p ... Help? X3
  6. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    p.s.: i insist on the 6.5/10 ...but this game feels just damn cool. It's cutesy and yet serious. Music sounds so epic in my ears, maybe because i grew up with these 8bit/16bit era soundtracks - it doesnt sound completely 8bit though, but orchestral with a 8bit/16bit "Aftertaste" if u know what i mean...

    See,this is why i should shut the f up ... i write too much about stuff that you didnt even ask me about

    Post Merge: [time]1286551450[/time]
    Just drag them to the free slots in your character's backpack...or click DISTRIBUTE. Gems are automaticaly putt in your inventory , though items are not because of limited pack space (the most idiotic thing i ever saw)
  7. Soluri

    Soluri Well-Known Member

    Aha. So the gems go to the storage thingie, right?
  8. theprins

    theprins Member

    I agree about the music, it's spot on with the retro feel, but what really annoys me is that I have to wait and see what classes I will eventually be able to choose from. I liked how the did it in DQIX, when you could set up everything from the beginning and plan all the equip and skills. Also, I'm not a fan of when they split up the group, you never know who's gonna go where and take all the good stuff you stashed on them.
  9. Mishiro

    Mishiro Member

    So you guys like the music? Ok.
  10. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    I think they could have done much better !, Mabe do new music and use classic at random !, Mabe the battle as well - random new and original ... , Just a thought ?
  11. Rod182

    Rod182 Well-Known Member

    Really awesome game. After hearing a few negative impressions about the japanese version I wasn't that anxious about it, but I'm pleasantly surprised.

    Just got to the desert town, and I'm enjoying it a lot.
  12. ReeferMadness

    ReeferMadness New Member

    How do you get the text working with no$GBA?
    The game runs fine for me except for the text part when im in name creation its blank and the text when fighting is bugged as well.
  13. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Run it on no$zommer for no$gba

    Enable in no$zommer most ex0 - Other(H) - EXTRA -> tick EX0 to EX4

    Hear is the no$gba full-package , if you do need it!

    NO$GBA 2.6a - Full Package


    A simple nds pen path to edit into no$zommer.ini file and save - to see a NDS PEN on the bottom screen!!

  14. ReeferMadness

    ReeferMadness New Member

    Thank you very much!
  15. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Your very welcome! ;)
  16. theprins

    theprins Member

    I find the battle system a bit on the simple side, you can mix it up with different weapons and spells to compliment each other, but that's about it, it's very automated. Haven't really played with a full party yet, i hope it gets a bit "deeper".

    And you seem to only be able to have six active spells at a time which is a bit selective, like choosing between atk up or def up for a white mage is very hard.
  17. Shiokazu

    Shiokazu Well-Known Member

    uh... i guess its unnecessary to say but, 4 warriors of light is a " old school final fantasy fans only " game, just like Knights in the Nightmare was " Tactics games fans only ". so if you dont like the game, even if you are a final fantasy fan, it must be because you couldnt handle the real old ones. like 1/2/3/4/6 not the 5, the 5 was so-so IMO.

    well here are my impressions and opinions.

    first something i cant let pass. the art style. its so cute, stylish, there is no way you dont fall in love with the colors and shapes. and the characters, brandt, jusqua, yunita, aire, they're all so cute and alive, each one has their own personality, which is kind of childish and lovely. the art style matching their personalities are the best.

    the music, its so nostalgic, if you're into this enough, sometimes you can notice old final fantasy tunes being played. or at least some parts of them. this made me smile so many times during the day. indeed this is a good work of square.

    the battle system, kind of odd, i didnt liked much the part of auto target but them i overcame it, and the targeting is VERY predictable, there are descriptions of where its going to hit and how much enemies. like the bow and shuriken also some spells says REAR, and the melee weapons strike at FRONT as the description says. so its not a real hard thing to deal.

    so far the story seems a bit forced, nothing really flow naturally, you can feel that most things here and there are forced, it can be a positive or wither a negative point, depending on how you see it. i found very funny the fact that the king sent brandt to save his daughter from the hands of the witch who had slain many of his soldiers. also many others facts.

    the world is BIG, and when i mean BIG is REAL BIG. i got lost at the desert seriously, its necessary to have a bit of a sense of adventurer there. or else you're dammed. but exploration fuck yeah, the game tells you were you need to go but still you can say, " NO, FUCK YOU, IM GOING TO THAT OTHER DUNGEON BECAUSE I WANT ". And then just go to the dungeon pointed by the game later on.

    the crown system is very simple, although you need to hunt for gems. :\ which is a pain on the buts.

    but there is still that " 4 warriors joins together to fight for the light driving darkness away from our world " nostalgic final fantasy thing. i didnt saw much crystals until now... just one, giant, who knew how to talk;

    in the end, its a pretty cool game. i recomend.

    PS: i didnt knew that ROMU returned to its old good activities. its nice to be back.
  18. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    XD not liking it has nothing to do with not liking the old games, seeing as how this game doesn't seem to have much in the way of what they even had.

    Not picking targets, the old ones had picking targets

    Item limits. the old ones didn't really have any limits

    Upgrading Jobs, Some of the old ones had it, but in those games you upgraded your jobs by gaining exp in battle, in this game you have to use hard to find specific gems that are rare to upgrade your jobs, although jobs in here only have a few upgrade levels, so upgrading them seems like more of an accomplishment.

    It doesn't seem to have much in common with the old FF games, so not liking this has nothing to do with being able to handle them. They aren't hard games bro
  19. Shiokazu

    Shiokazu Well-Known Member

    hahaha alright. looks like i jumped the gun there. right?

    oh and the comments on the features on 4 heroes of light were about the game alone, not comparing to the old ones.

    still its a really cool game
  20. unqiueninja

    unqiueninja Well-Known Member

    The thing I dislike is the training part... I have to fight lots of weak monster that give between 1-10exp for many times before I level up =.=