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Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light (SPOILERS?)

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by Inunah, Oct 8, 2010.

  1. miniafroboy

    miniafroboy Well-Known Member

    Hey Inunah, to get Jusqua to wake up, talk to the kid Apollo kid in the cave behind the building Jusquas in, then talk to Jusqua, and he'll get up.
  2. ChristMonkey95

    ChristMonkey95 Well-Known Member

    To get to arbor, do you go up the tower at Urbeth, or am I supposed to go somewhere else entirely?

    Well, I'm a dumbass. Shoulda thought of talking to a few npcs before I went off to urbeth.....

    In case anyone else has the same problem, directly west of Liberte, there are some strange looking trees at the bottom of some hills. Walk into them, and you'll enter the Animal Burrow. Just continue from there.
  3. scorpio1964

    scorpio1964 Active Member

    I really need some help in beating Rolan. Does anyone know a good strategy?
  4. bikeboy99

    bikeboy99 Well-Known Member

    hmph, i got just defeated Trollud to get the artists back and didnt know what to do so i started wondering around battling , got to bout lv 14 with the princess and guy and finally found out how to proceed :/
  5. ichiirou

    ichiirou Active Member

    i already get the fairy map
    walk into fairy path and still cant go to Arbor
  6. Blade5406

    Blade5406 Well-Known Member

    anyone here know the locations of the eight hidden items in Guera?
  7. ChristMonkey95

    ChristMonkey95 Well-Known Member

    Aire keep getting viciously raped? I had that problem as well. Visit Guera at night. In front of the inn, Brandt will be standing. Talk to him, he joins your party. I put him as a bandit. He one-shots everything in that cave. Then, when you leave the cave, just go north a little bit and Arbor will be right in front of you. After you enter Arbor, you will see a cutscene, then start playing as Jusqua back in Liberte, so if there's anything you wanna do with Brandt/Aire, do it before Arbor.
  8. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Some help for Liberte and beyond. Enjoy. It stops at the point where I am.

    To get Jusqua's ass moving, you have to enter a house off to the left in the same area as the building you awake in. If you explore the handful of buildings in the area, it should be relatively easy. Talk to the people in said house a couple times. The kid in the house will mention his mom and dad were taken by pirates, etc., etc. You then talk to Jusqua, it will get him curious. I forget when you get the heads up, but the pirate cove is in a cave to the east near the ocean. Guessing the password is simple since there are only three non-alternating ones.

    You will head back to town after collecting the spoils in the pirate cove and talking with the real Captain Drake. At this point, a fairy will appear before Aire and will join you as a non-combatant companion. Upon reaching town, you will head back to your room that you started your journey for this region in and Aire will complain about wanting more treasure. This will bring up the Whirlpool. Although Jusqua is reluctant, he still agrees to go.

    If you're like me, you tend to wander into town at night generally only far enough to hit the Inn. Well, this is where it gets tricky. People will only say it appears between Liberte and sea at night. Well, it appears in the watery area between Liberte and Port Liberte. Be rested and save before hopping in.

    The dungeon is fairly straightforward with some goodies to behold. Be sure to explore all around and pull any of those hanging switches you see. Once you hit the room with the Adventurer and his Fox, be sure you are done exploring if you decide to go no. Upon moving on, you will end up in a boss fight (surprise surprise) before too terribly long. The main reason for this is Aire's incessant greed. This boss fight is relatively simple if you have the water resistant shields and such from Liberte. If not, make sure that you have probably Aire as a white mage ready to heal like hell every turn.

    Once you defeat the boss, Jusqua decides to split due to Aire being too much trouble. Naturally, you go after the treasure in the center, I mean, after all, that's what you went there for. Well, bad idea. You get hit by a water jet and end up in Liberte in an unsavory form. Aire is now, a cat. She retains all of her powers, and her equipped weapon doesn't show. The weapon's effects still all work though. You can still use all of her magic too. Nothing is limited, not even shopping, resting at the Inn, or storage.

    After a long course of events, Aire will be a cat. You'll be able to talk around town and swing back to try and talk to Jusqua in the house in Liberte. He has no clue you're a cat though, so it's fairly useless. If you want to, you can still rest on your bed. Kind of funny really. The Fairy will suggest going to Arbor which lies north of the desert to the West (exactly where Brandt is after defeating the Sand Devil). Rest up, save, and move out. If you're like me, you may have missed the hints about the animal hole that lies to the west. Well, go to the west of Liberte, and creep along the southern edge of the tan colored mountains. I forget if there was a solid indicator, but you should end up in the Animal Hole.

    As you move through here, it's fairly straightforward. You will see a swirling purple mist with eyes indicating an enemy. Well, I'm pretty sure it's not avoidable. Upon entering battle with it, it is a gargantuan Ogre Bear. You can't run even if you have the ability and get thrashed for over 13,000 damage. You think, "Crap, game over." Wrong. The fairy repels the bear, and gives Aire her life force and wings. You also get two new crowns to enjoy. You continue through the Animal Hole and will end up in the Western Desert.

    Continue on to Guera.

    Don't yet talk to Brandt, do a little exploring. You will be able to go through all those tiny doorways that you couldn't when normal sized. Most notably, you can go to the other magic shop. This shop holds a good amount of level two magics. Beware though, it is expensive. 1k gil to 1.5k gil per magic. Either offload some of those 2k gil gems, or offload extra gear and buy a spell or two as you can afford them. I'm not sure when you will have access to purchase these spells again. Toss something into storage for Jusqua if you so please, you will be him again very soon.

    Once you're done shopping and looking around, talk to Brandt. A similar scene will occur and you will be teamed up with Brandt. You can change his class at this point to something more useful than the Wayfarer if you so choose. Simply head north to the cave in the northern part of the desert, and navigate it to the other side. This is a simple journey, though a torch is always recommended regardless to make sure you get everything.

    Go north to Arbor, and a scene will occur that leaves Aire confused and Brandt immobilized.

    The scene shifts back to Jusqua.

    You are now back in Liberte with a confused Jusqua. A cat comes in and won't leave him alone. He assumes it's Aire and that she got cursed in the whirlpool. Well, at least he is half right. Talking around town, you won't find out much except that the cat joins you as a non-combatant character, and that a town to the north may hold some information towards lifting the curse.

    Not much to do now except maybe hit up the storage unit to grab anything you may have left for Jusqua and to possibly lighten his inventory a bit. Once you're done, leave town and go north to the Hunting Caves.

    TAKE A TORCH. These caves can easily send you the wrong direction if you aren't careful. The exit is on the same level, directly north. Wrapping around to the path to the left should take you to the exit, or you can go right and find the stairwell to collect potential goodies. It shouldn't be too difficult if you have at least the Fire and Water spells and are a black mage.

    Upon exiting the cave, there will be a town close by. You have access to the World Map as all characters, so be sure to use it.

    Enter the town.
  9. bikeboy99

    bikeboy99 Well-Known Member

    i got to the Ogre Bear and of course died and nothing happens i die like normal :L
  10. Just beat him. Used Jusqua's Spell Focus and Banishga to deal large amounts of damage while the rest of the members kept him/the rest of the party alive.
  11. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Only got upto the first boos - and it's a bi*ch lol!

    This Final Fantasy is not a Re-Make of the Original 1st Final Fantasy - But it is a Re-Built version !
  12. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Beginning of the game mini-guide:

    As you start, you are awoken by a women in your home. You are told you need to go see the king to receive your first quest. Talking around town, you will find that the castle lies directly north whilst staying in town. You can chat around, but as you have no gil yet, there isn't much to do. One person in town will try to get you to find all eight items they have hidden around town. If you have the will to go around and check every little spot, you can grab a few items before continuing on.

    Once you are ready, take the road north in town and continue on to the castle. The castle sequence is very straight forward. You meet the king, he requests that you investigate the witch's castle up north as he sent a platoon of soldiers to rescue the princess, and thus you head off. You will get a sword that you should equip.

    You may now venture out of town safely. You may want to gain a few levels, and gain some low level gems to sell before moving on. Make sure you have a torch before continuing on to the cave.

    Once you are ready, move north into the only accessible cave. This cave is fairly straightforward. Feel free to look around in the few nooks and crannies for a little extra treasure. Upon hitting B1, you will find a monster, and a man will come out telling you that you need magic to kill it. You enter the battle against a Minotaur creature with the new character, Jusqua. You must cast fire multiple times in order to defeat this enemy. Brute force will not work.

    Once you defeat the enemy, Jusqua parties up with you for awhile. Continue upward and outward, exploring as you go. The Witch's Keep is about the only notable thing in the area directly outside of the exit to the cave. You'll enter the Witch's Keep and find many soldiers down for the count. By first taking the door to the right, you will first make it to a candle. Along the way, talk to everybody you see to get any possible items and spells that you can get. Upon reaching the candle the one option will be to light it. Proceed back the way you came.

    This is where it gets a tad fuzzy for me. The event with Yunita either happens on the way back, or after you view the princess for the first time. Continue back to the first room, and take the main entrance. If you didn't run into Yunita, continue on to the princess. She will be the downed figure on the ground in the area after the adventurer. At this point, if you don't have Yunita, backtrack the path that took you to the candle. You will run into her at this point if you didn't before. Upon defeating some monsters, she will join you.

    Go back to the downed princess, and Yunita will react. This will initiate a scene where Princess Aire awakes, and the witch appears. Aire joins your party at a low level of five. Fight the witch and cure as needed. She should go down before too long. You will then be met by the crystal, given the crown of the Wayfarer, and be told to enter the light.

    Feel free to save first, and then continue into the light.

    Feel free to equip the new crown as you see fit. Just remember, if you get wiped out with nobody as a freelancer, you lose gems. This may invite you to keep a freelancer early on in case of accidental death.

    You will be forced to backtrack through the entire first cave, but the journey is fast with no sidetracking required. Returning to town, you will be met with a cruel surprise. Everybody is turned to stone (as was everybody in the Witch's Keep that was left behind), and there is no one to really talk to. Upon moving back up to the castle, and into the king's chamber, you will be met with a member of a magic investigation unit.

    After some discussion, Yunita and Brandt decide to split off to try and save the town, while Jusqua and Aire remain with the magic unit. The magic unit will now be all over the town allowing for any services you might need. You can also still use Brandt's bed to rest. When ready, exit town.

    You will now move east into the desert. Upon getting there, there is little to find. Moving up to the only visible structure will initiate an event. This structure is along the western portion of the desert, near the coast. You will be met with a new party member who is none too weak. You can change out his gear (he has good gear for this point if you want it), change his abilities, but you can not access his crowns menu indicating a temporary party member.

    You will move into the tower which is fairly straightforward. Explore as you see fit, and move to the top. There is no boss here, so feel free to relax a little. Beware though, these foes are not weak if you are of average level, so take caution when fighting. At the top, you will receive an item that will allow you to safely navigate the desert. Leave the tower, hit Y to access your map of the region that you now have, and move towards the town marked on the map.

    Explore the town well. Sell any gems you feel you need to and upgrade your gear. Getting the Rock Shields for sure is imperative at this point. Once done shopping, continue to the castle of the town. The king will request that you slay the Sand Devil in the Quicksand Castle that sits northeast of town. In return, he will help you in any way possible for sure. Don't move so quick though.

    There is more to do yet.

    You will find that all the water magic is gone in town, and that it was actually confiscated for some mysterious reason. In the castle, if you explored, you will remember two doors you could not enter due to guards. Well, they don't guard at night. Leave town and wait until night. Upon reentering, you will move straight to the castle. Enter one of the two doors that were being guarded during the day, they both go to the same place. Move down until you reach the dungeon area.

    Moving immediately right, you will reach a chest with a torch. Be sure to use it. Simply explore and don't die, collect any treasure you find. There are some moderately good treasures down here. Once you reach the chest with the Water Magic, you are almost done. A little exploring further in will take you to a jump off point. Once ready, jump down. You will be right next to the first chest and the entrance.

    Exit the castle at this point, rest, and save. If you have upgraded gear and the water magic on somebody, feel free to move on to the Quicksand Castle.

    Upon entering, a few battles will tell you that the enemies here are a step up from what you were previously fighting. If these are too hard, or especially if you don't have the all important Rock Shield for everybody, you will need to level or get money. Whatever your situation may be, you don't want to advance if these enemies are too tough. It will only serve to make things far more difficult.

    Progress through the Castle, and of course, explore! There is nothing too terribly wonderful here, but there are some goodies. Using the quicksand pits well, be sure to collect all of the treasure. Progress as far up as you can and save at the Adventurer when you reach him. The next floor up should take you too the Sand Devil.

    This boss fight is fairly straightforward. Keep your party at good health, and cast water on the Sand Devil to severely disable it. You will do big damage after it is hit by water magic, so use the time it is weakened by water magic well. Using this cycle, the boss should drop quickly.

    You will find the Sand Devil was actually of the Moon people, just as you more than likely figured your third temporary member to be by now. At this point, he departs from your party along with anything he was holding. Hopefully he wasn't holding onto anything too important. Leave the dungeon and head back to Guera.

    Get there, rest at the inn, and it will separate off to Brandt alone. He will want to leave on his own, and a white cat will jump down holding a world map. This cat will join your party, and the scene will shift to Liberte where Jusqua and Aire ended up.

    Refer to my last post for a continued walk through.
  13. ichiirou

    ichiirou Active Member

    how to use Magic Key? i'm at Invidia
    and the path in 4th door in cave is blocking by grey thing, how to open that?
  14. unqiueninja

    unqiueninja Well-Known Member

    It is impossible to kill Rolan ;D He is resistant to all element attacks and when you are paralyzed, goodbye ;D
  15. danielto

    danielto Member

    hahahha i killed rolan n i found his armor shield cape and lux now im jus stuck i dont even kno wat to do next
  16. miniafroboy

    miniafroboy Well-Known Member

    Go to Liberte, and talk to Pione in town. You will hear about an animal burrow to the west. Go to the blue trees, and turn the party into animals and go through the path. Rescue the fairy, and go to Pione's house. He will ask if he can have the fairy. Say yes, and then go have a sleep. Go talk to everyone in town the next day. Pione has been kidnapped, and you need to go to the pirate hideout again. The guy at the front will ask for the password, being freedom. Go to the same place as last time to find the boss.

    Sword of Light
    The last thing is the sword, which is at Spelvia, go into the dungeon and Rolan will be at the last area. Talk to him, then go back into the fountain. Go into each door and fight the enemies, and go fight the boss in the last door.
    Hope it helped. And sorry if this post sucked, i'm new to it.