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FF7 Remake! :O

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by cjdogger, Jul 20, 2008.

  1. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    There will be a new one eventually, possibley the handheld after the nds...
  2. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    You actually think a release on the 360 as well is a poor decision? 360 units have sold significantly more than PS3, I'll bet it ends up being more successful on the 360 than the PS3 even, despite people who bought Sony because of Square. Any fan who would be disappointed is simply ignorant about gaming, and should probably go get friends or something of that manner. There's nothing to be disappointed of, Square is bringing the game to a larger market, the only thing I could imagine a fan being ignorant is that "but Final Fantasy is a sony game!" which is not true. Remember, 1-6 were on Nintendo, and many other Final Fantasies were on Nintendo's hand-helds; it wouldn't be all that surprising to see a complete system switch by Square in the future (we're talking years though, past FFXIII), it's happened before.
  3. Atlnathics

    Atlnathics Active Member

    well duh... the 360 was released a year earlier :-\ but the PS3 is actually starting to outsell the 360 each month.

    Also, FFXIII is coming to the PC. (i love the fact its coming to the pc, but hate the fact that microsoft is gettin more involved with FF :'( )
  4. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    Worldwide Sales:
    Wii - 29.58M
    360 - 19.88M
    PS3 - 14.48M

    "The game is being built using PC-based development tools, but that doesn’t mean it’s being created for the PC platform. Our current plans are to release FFXIII for the PS3 and Xbox 360 only. Sorry for the confusion!" - Square-Enix.

  5. ricky_

    ricky_ Well-Known Member

    Wow. So much disinformation still.

    Sony doesn't own FFVII characters, at all. Square-Enix owns them. Who even thought of something like that?

    Microsoft isn't getting 'involved' with Final Fantasy XIII. Square-Enix develops. Sony doesn't, Microsoft doesn't. Square-Enix does. It doesn't gyp the fans in any way other than making people who used FF13 as their excuse for buying a PS3 feel a few moments of regret.

    Square-Enix IS working on FFXIII, but not everyone is. They're still working on Wii titles (whatever happened to 'The Crystal Bearers'?), DS titles, X360/PS3 hybrid titles (Last Remnant/Infinite Undiscovery), and other things. I doubt manpower is their issue when it comes to releasing a remake, as they can either hire more or simply wait for one of their titles to near release.

    You won't see FF7 on the DS anytime soon. The cartridges are simply too small for all the game content. Even games like ASH pushed the limits of the cartridge sizes, and that was only 2 Gigabits. Realize this: 3 discs (granted, there is some redundant data) of game content for Final Fantasy VII? That's almost 2 Gigabytes (precisely, it's 1.904 GiB), or 16 Gigabits. You'd need 8 DS cartridges to do a bit-for-bit copy of Final Fantasy VII to the DS. Not... going to... happen.

    And just about all games are made with PC/Mac tools. All of them. This is nothing new, and should not, as void posted, be used to determine if a game will come out for the PC.
  6. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    however, a remake of FF7 on the PSP would be a better option than the DS.
  7. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    I'm not saying the current DS or the PSP, I'm saying that one of the future Nintendo consoles will have FF7 on it because it will have the power then... It is possible though for the psp but it would be better for the PS2P/PSP2 as 2GB is the average for the PSP...
  8. thecreameggking

    thecreameggking Active Member

    I work for a Final Fantasy forum and IF there was going to be an FFVII remake someone there would know about it, Square has repeatedly denied that they are going to remake VII for the PS3 and I'm sure they would announce it if they were going to, people would go nuts over a bombshell like that. It's not happening anytime soon. I personally hope it never happens.

    Why fanboys get so worked up over the 360 getting FF XIII is beyond me, they make themselves look stupid, Square is a company and all companies world wide have one goal: To make as much money as they can. XIII going multi platform just insures that SE will maximize their profits. Don't worry though you fanboy tools, you still got FF Versus XIII exclusive, so stop squeezing you balls between your legs and let it go.
  9. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    You tell them ricky, PC though. Also, if there was one, it would most likely not be a port, but different graphics. But if you check out SylphDS, someone managed to port over 3D models of Cloud and Tifa and Aeris to DS, however it got abandoned. A bigger surprise would be to release a game to shops etc., without telling anyone. And then boom, it's in stores.
  10. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    So you hope a good game with better graphics won't be released? Sad...

    People aren't goining mad about it being released on the 360, it's just better that the PS3 doesn't get everything because most people don't have or want them unless they were free, which would never happen, don't talk rude either, it's annoying and it doesn't make you look big! :p
  11. banhmr9001

    banhmr9001 Member

    I'm not a fanboy of any console or any company, so don't expect fanboyism, but...I'm not an idiot either, and I'm gonna help him out.

    Any fool can see the PS3 sucks in comparison to the competition.

    In the meantime, their competition may not be focusing on the latest and greatest hardware, but they've got great concepts and innovative ways to use the second-to-best technology that people still are comfortable with.
    Xbox360 seems to be doing just fine with the DVD standard, as well as the Nintendo Wii.

    Don't get me wrong, it's not that I just absolutely love Micro$oft or Nintendo, but I see no evidence to support the PS3 being superior in any way to its competition in the marketplace.

    Internet. Serious business.
  12. monter

    monter Guest

    Right I'm going to end this now. All consoles are equal in my eyes so what if the xbox 360 sells more than the PS3 but the Wii is doing just as well if its a fact of console there all the same thing "CONSOLES". Each company has its rough patch. The gamecube never did so well now look at its successor. Whatever console its released on it going to be the same story the same world the same character and the same gameplay. In my eyes its just sqaure going oh look HD ! If you guys have to get in conflicts leave where it should be on your console.

    P.S I think square have better things to do.
  13. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    the PS3 doesn't suck, its the only console that can do something actually USEFUL rather than just playing games and films.
  14. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    FF7 remake topic turns into which console is superior.

    but loony is right. the PS3 is the only console that does something useful besides playing games and movies.

    I really hope the next-gen DS will be much more powerful than its current one.
    Powerful enough to actually be able to handle a FF7 remake (even with just the old crappy graphics).

    If it weren't for some random freezing error I get while playing FF7 on my PSP, then I would be playing it on my PSP.
    However, FF8 works perfect.
  15. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Actually, there is a way to emulate FFVII on a DS, a guy started a project on it, but abandoned it. He did give out some screens. http://www.sylphds.net/. But yeah, I really hope the next Nintendo handheld will be a lot more powerful.
  16. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    Exactly. The only reason I could imagine a PS3 fanboy getting worked up about this is either anger (that should be directed at ones self for picking a console that they regret, but is instead redirected towards others) that they bought a console that they regret deep-down or, well, an obscure jealousy. If I bought a PS3 for this game and then Square said, "just kidding, 360 only" I'd be rather irritated also, but it's just an expansion of market. PS3 owners still get the game regardless of whether it comes out for the 360 also, so they can stop bitching because other people get to enjoy something they thought they'd have all to themselves. It's pathetic that most of the gaming world (note: much of which is very antisocial) thinks this way. This logic applies to all similar scenarios, because a console is a console and a game is a game; get over your unconstrained love for whichever piece of tech you own.

    This is a bit off track from he FF7 remake topic but who cares, we're actively discussing something. ;)
  17. Kyosukedate

    Kyosukedate Member

    That would be cool. FF7 is the only FF game I like. I still think FF is the most overrated rpg EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. thecreameggking

    thecreameggking Active Member

    have you tried using popsloader? that works really well when you play psx titles on your psp....
  19. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    i haven't used popsloader, just the regular PSP menu.
  20. thecreameggking

    thecreameggking Active Member

    Whats sad about not wanting one of the top ten greatest RPG's of all time to be reduced and made inferior by a remake which would look worlds better? ....whats sad is people like you don't know how to appreciate things that were great in their time, no, you and others like you demand a remake because you're too low brow to want something new instead of remaking a game thats already had its time.