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FF7 Remake! :O

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by cjdogger, Jul 20, 2008.

  1. ricky_

    ricky_ Well-Known Member

    If the system is good enough (to your standards), it should have more than 4-5 'good games'. I have 10 360 games, not including Rock Band and Guitar Hero 3. I think added up, all my games cost about $900 thus far. Considering I bought the core 360 ($299), I have x3 the price.
  2. monter

    monter Guest

    The people who develop the games are Japanese and there is english isn't good to be perfection the american Square-enix who are the translators not the developers even if they saw that they couldn't do anything about.
  3. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    1) Holy shit, it's Hypr and ricky!
    2) ricky dominated, end of that discussion plx.
    3) I would actually love a Final Fantasy remake. It should be noted until finally recognised that the Final Fantasy VII introduction redone on the PS3 hardware is nothing more than a TECHNICAL DEMO. They redid the Final Fantasy VIII ballroom scene on PS2 hardware before it came out also, and, as you can see, nothing came of that. Despite my crave for a FF7 remake, I will not sign this petition? Why, because the author of the petition is either a 13-year-old pimply faced geek (in which case his opinions would be understandable) or a complete moron. Aside from poor logic, his English is barely fucking legible. To top it off, it's hardly even the form of a petition (and his silly comments really degrade the serious behaviour of what a petition like this should be). Moreover, petitions like this never take off the ground and accomplish anything. Square probably pissed themselves in laughter the first time they saw 400 losers sign their name on a pointless document online. Trust me, Square knows fans want a FF7 remake; and they can calculate how it will sell better than the creator of this petition. The ball is in their court and they will do as they like. They don't need your confirmation of support, really.
  4. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    im commenting on how expensive ps3 and xbox 360 games are.
    according to your 1.5 rule, 4-5 games are the 50% (or the 0.5) of the cost of the system.

    but yes, the number of games should be past those standards into the 3.0 or the 4.0 of the cost of the system.
    i remember microsoft talking about giving away xbox 360s since most of their money comes from the sales of the games, not the console.

    i do think that petition is useless. no formality, and it isn't even documented correctly as a petition.
    to make a petition (at least in the US) you must go through a procedure. simply writing up one on the internet doesn't count.
  5. ricky_

    ricky_ Well-Known Member

    If I am translating your post right...
    Screw it. I honestly have no idea what this post is supposed to be about. Translation quality of games? Where games are developed? What did they see? WHO WAS PHONE?
  6. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    What's this about a phone?

    Anyway, I think what he means is that translations take a long time, and they never get it completely right.
    That, plus there are just some things that can't be translated perfectly.

    For instance, if I say, "What up G?"

    that doesn't translate nicely into Japanese, or German, or Russian.
    ...and they take forever to translate, sometimes a year gap (or more) between the Japanese and American releases)
  7. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    There's a thread like this somewhere else. insane, not really :) Actually, Square-Enix USA does help develop some of the games. Petitions online do make a difference, to annoy Square Enix or to change their minds slightly.
  8. ricky_

    ricky_ Well-Known Member

    That often depends on the translator. I'm following up on the Mother 3 translation, because I know that Tomato is an insanely great translator. Final Fantasy XII's translation was great, and many would argue that Ted Woolsey (translator of Final Fantasy IV, VI, Chrono Trigger, SMRPG, etc) did some amazing jobs. Translations will never be perfect, sure... but there's a point where it just doesn't matter anymore. We, as humans, are made to tune out small bits of imperfection. When something is actually too perfect, we recognize this. It's an issue with CGI and robotics (look up the uncanny valley--as we get closer to perfection when it comes to how computers and robots mimic humans, we notice smaller and smaller details that were not issues before). Besides the points before, perfection or not, it's the fact that the experience should be remarkable. Some games are hits, and some have horrible translations which live in infamy.

    Often times, the jokes, slang, and what not are just as easily replaced with something that fits into the culture being translated into. That's the responsibility of the translator. You don't see this issue with modern games, as they already know this and it's a complete non-issue.

    This isn't just translation issues. It's marketing, manufacturing, bug checking, fixes, and changing gameplay. Sometimes even, they add special content too that takes up time. Final Fantasy XIII, for instance, is being ported to the Xbox 360 and being released at the same time as the PS3 version. I don't think that localization will be the key issue as to why the game takes so long here--the port will honestly take more time.
  9. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Shut up! It's long posts like that above that annoy me, I can't be bothered to write all that! :p
  10. Atlnathics

    Atlnathics Active Member

    Back on topic.
    Final Fantasy VII might get a remake, but most of Square Enix are working on FFXIII.
    Maybe they will announce FFVII remake after the release of FFXIII, but they also might start on FFXIV and not say a word for a little while.
    (if they do make a FFVII remake, there's a slight possibility that it will go to the 360 considering Sony owns the rights to the characters in FFVII...)

    P.s. Anyone considering a remake of FFVII on the ds?
  11. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    There's been several rumours of a 2D remake for the DS, however they were all mockups and the sprites were from a popular sprite site, spritedatabase sdrhp. I'd doubt VII (if were made) would go to the 360.
  12. billybobjrrr

    billybobjrrr Member

    people have been discussing a FFVII remake for years now. it would be great, but its almost definately not going to happen for another year or two at the earliest. square-enix is working on FFXIII mostly, along with other stuff, and they usually anounce a game nearly a year before being released to allow hype to build up before the release.
    oh, and if it is remade, theres a high chance (i think) of it actually going to the 360. square-enix has decided to make many of its other games cross-platform now, such as other developers have. FFXIII was meant to be ps3-only, but square decided that they would get better sales if they made it cross-platform :)
  13. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Wouldn't be as exclusive though, PS3 sales would be higher. Playing Final Fantasy on 360, cant..put..words..together..like..that.
  14. DevilDinah

    DevilDinah Well-Known Member

    agreed. it would be a million years before square releases any final fantasy to Microsoft. again. played FF8 at PC. feels awkward, better if you play it with an Emulator
  15. thebass324

    thebass324 Well-Known Member

    I assume you missed the note that Final Fantasy XIII is now coming to 360 as well as PS3?
  16. DevilDinah

    DevilDinah Well-Known Member

    Yeah, i just noticed that a few seconds ago, right before i wanted to post this. what were square thinking? they actually made something for XBOX? this will have an effect for a lot of fans out there
  17. dmac154

    dmac154 Well-Known Member

    On either system, Square-Enix is gonna make a lot of money. So really they don't care about the fans, but the $$$
  18. thebass324

    thebass324 Well-Known Member

    Yep, it's mostly about the money. Now that they've reassigned the FFXIII Versus team to help develop FFXIII I imagine that the cost of production is just too high to see a reasonable profit on only the PS3. Plus, Square Enix has slowly been trying to get on all three companies good sides, lots of remakes and the Crystal Chronicles and Tactics series for Nintendo, and Microsoft got a little shortchanged when all they got was a port of FFXI for the 360.
  19. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    As long as FF7 comes out on another console to PS3 i'll be happy as I don't want to buy a PS3 just to play...
  20. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    there isn't going to be a remake...