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FF VII remake on the DS

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by halohanh, Nov 15, 2007.

  1. Little_Sean

    Little_Sean New Member

    I reckon it would be well worth porting with maybe a graphics change cos VII had lego men characters; if its possible with the DS...

    Personally I thought XII was amazing especially the battle against Yiazemat it took My bro and his mate well over twenty hours to kill it at level 82. VIII was by far the best but Squall was made too much like Cloud as they are both just depreeing emo's with serious problems and when it came to battling they were amazing. You can see how alike they are in KH 2. IX started to have more lively characters which cheered things up and the game kept me entertained for weeks. But seriously when they made X and X-2 Squaresoft deserved to be skull ed.

    The FFIII remake was good... still haven't completed it... If you think about it the DS FFIII had better graphics the VII so I think its quite possible to upgrade it [/size]a bit more :)
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    FFIII didn't have 3D graphics, and it was originally an 8-bit game. There is much more ability to improve the DS version than there would be with VII
  3. FantomRedux

    FantomRedux Well-Known Member

    I honestly think it would not only be possible, but they may do it. Think about it. Tetsuya Nomura (I think thats his name) said that FFVII is going to be a 20 year project ie 1997-2017. If they stick to this, they could easily release a sequel and a remake. They may not do it on the DS as I think Sony have an exclusivity contract. If so, that would explain why everything barring the Mobile games (DoC: Lost chapter, Before Crisis) have been on Sony Consoles or released by Sony. CC - PSP, DoC - PS2, AC - Released by Sony Pictures and on UMD. But if thats not the case, they could easily port the game and give it better graphics. The DS has roughly the same power as the N64. Almost. I think... Either way, with the reduced resolution on the DS Screen, they could just scale the videos down and/or reduce the quality. It could easily be done. But they'd have to keep the PreRendered backgrounds in, because all 3D wouldnt feel right.
  4. Sonica

    Sonica Well-Known Member

    I'm pretty much 50/50 on FFVII remake. Though if it's on a new system, it'll be either PSP (for portable, on-the-go) or PS3 for the fans that missed out.

    But I probably won't get it, since I got the original (albeit second-handed and without the manual). But I would worry about changes due to the compilation.
  5. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    ??? What you talking about....the fans who missed out ?? FFVII - FFXII have all been on sony consoles....
    The fans who missed out were the people who have been buying Nintendo,Sega and Microsoft consoles
  6. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    FFVII was also released on PC, as was VIII. Prior to VII, all FF games were Nintendo exclusive.
  7. FantomRedux

    FantomRedux Well-Known Member

    I just wish Squenix swould stop being Sony's bitch. If they released an FF game on 360, that'd seriously boost the 360 sales in Japan, and would sell a hell of a lot more than a PS3 game is US/EU due to the fact that there are a lot more units in homes compared to PS3.If they released one on Wii other than Crystal Bearers, the that'd sell like hotcakes too.
  8. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Microsoft doesn't need any more money, they shouldn't have butted into the console market in the first place.

    Final Fantasy on Wii isn't going to happen, it was a Nintendo exclusive prior to the Playstation being released, and around that time Squaresoft and Nintendo fell out.
  9. sir spamalot

    sir spamalot Well-Known Member

    wern't microsoft with the dreadcast?
  10. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    the Dreamcast used the Microsoft Windows CE operating system, like a large number of other embedded devices do. That was a choice made by Sega, and does not constitute Microsoft entering the console market
  11. FantomRedux

    FantomRedux Well-Known Member

    They didn't fall out. For Squaresoft to release FFVII, which altogether is about 1.4-1.8GB, on the n64 they would've had to either seriously reduce what was in the game, or release it on LOADS of n64 cartridges, neither of which were very suitable options. However, the PSone used CD's which were cheap and compact (go figure, thats what theyre called) and could hold 600MB of data at the time. Therefore it was basically just the right move for everyone. Who in their right mind would have shelled out for 30 N64 Carts which would be upwards of £350 rather than £30 for 3 CD's.

    And as for "Final Fantasy on the Wii isn't going to happen, probably not in its truest form, but it would be nice to have a proper RPG on the Wii, whether or not it's FF. 360 only just got one last year (Blue Dragon) and in my opinion, it isn't even that good. But each to his own. My friend thought Enchanted Arms was good xP
  12. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    ;D....I don't see how it was the right move for Nintendo.
    True, the only sensible option was to release FFVII on CD-ROM....when Squaresoft found out Nintendo was going to continue to use cartridges for N64, this led to a dispute....

    Square ended their contract with Nintendo, and then and only then did they decide to develop FFVII for PSX...
  13. CloudBoy101

    CloudBoy101 Well-Known Member

    Besides, you can't just switch a cartridge like you can a CD. Nintendo made the right move. Now FFVII is being remade on the PS3, which I think is totally awesome.
  14. FantomRedux

    FantomRedux Well-Known Member

    Aw for fucks sake. IT WAS A TECH DEMO!!!!!!!! NOTHING MOAR!

    If ANYONE, even the almighty Seph or his right hand man loony, post that theres a remake in the works I will rach down my internet connection and bitchslap them so hard they'll wish they bought shovelware with their money.

    Not that Seph or loony would ever say that. That'd be like Santa and the Easter Bunny being made up lol.

  15. CloudBoy101

    CloudBoy101 Well-Known Member

    Well then, your just gonna have to bitch slap me, I STILL BELIEVE IT'S GOING TO BE CREATED, SOONER OR LATER!!!!

    Cloudboy = true believer.
  16. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    I've added part 1 of my FF7 review to my blog....


    might interest some of you :-X
  17. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    Tl;dr. :p
  18. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    ...what ?
  19. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    Too long; didn't read.
  20. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    thx 4 ur suprt den....