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FF VII remake on DS?

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by teheezin, Nov 20, 2009.

  1. Hypr

    Hypr Well-Known Member

    Care to present your "logical reasoning" then?

    Just for the record, you are talking about compressing a 1.3 gigabyte game (PSP converted EBOOT) to fit into an NDS cartridge. And so far, the largest size of an NDS game that we have seen is 256 megabytes. That's slightly less than one-fifth of the PSP version. And given that comparison of the max NDS game size to the PSP version of Final Fantasy VII, that means a lot of content in that game is going to have to be watered down a lot. Which is likely going to result into a shitty looking game on the DS, unless they choose to redesign the entire game from scratch just to work within the DS hardware limits. And even if that happens, there are still going to be some sacrifices made within the design and development process.

    And saying that remark above doesn't exonerate your "logical" claim being wrong either.

    The multi-cartridge system approach is a big NO. Any game requiring multiple cartridges would make portable gaming counter-intuitive as portable gamers would be required to carry two or more cartridges just for that one game. And besides, what would happen if someone were to lose one of the cartridges to a multi-cartridge game? That would render the game almost unplayable, and that person would likely need to buy another set of cartridges just to replace that missing cartridge.
  2. namklaw7

    namklaw7 Well-Known Member

    Dear, Hypr...

    You sir, are an idiot. Cart sizes are only limited by cost. We've only seen 256 mb carts to keep DS games around $35. SD cards are about the same dimensions, but hold gigs more data. It wouldn't take much to see a 512 mb or 1 gig card to hold the game and stay at a $50 price point. The max size of most SNES and genesis carts were 32 megs but there were a few 40 meg games released. Anyways who cares I said I wanted to see a FF6 remake, NOT FF7!

    P.S. Don't ever reply to my comments.
  3. agunimon45

    agunimon45 Active Member

    It's a perfectly logical thing not to release it on the DS. Sadly(As I'm a fan of nintendo) the DS had horrible graphics, unfortunatly.Also, there's a bigger chance of releasing it on the PSP, DS had 1 % while PSP had 2%. This is the best case scenario. Worst case is, no remake, which the chance is 98-99%, sadly.
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    You evidently have no idea how ROM chips are priced. SD cards are flash memory, which is something entirely different and completely inappropriate for the task.

    Also cut the insults, especially when you're the one that doesn't know what you're talking about.
  5. slyzer

    slyzer Member

    I hope there's not a Final Fantasy VII remake on the DS.

    It would kill the game even more, with its obsessive fan base.
  6. Hypr

    Hypr Well-Known Member

    Wow. You sure display a lot of confidence and flare, especially for someone who lacks complete understanding of electronics and memory format structures.

    First of all, as Loony has pointed out, the cards in which the games for the DS are manufactured on are different from FLASH SD cards. FLASH SD Cards can be written to and formatted with ease, while the DS game cards are not. That's due to the fact that the DS game cards are in Nintendo's proprietary format; the DS game cards can only be written to only by using authoring/writing tools provided in Nintendo DS developer kits. Also, if game developing companies were manufacturing games on a FLASH SD card, that would open up a whole slew of problems, including the possibility of the game data being directly modified on the SD card in which it is stored on.
  7. hightimes

    hightimes Well-Known Member

    It's a good idea like world peace, it's not going to happen.

  8. namklaw7

    namklaw7 Well-Known Member

    I'll explain a little more in depth so you both can understand.

    "might" and "someday" are terms of possibilty. They are not definitive.

    Would humans have ever reached the moon if scientists thought it "couldn't be done". Would lance armstrong have, not only beat his cancer, but come back to win the tour de france if he thought it "couldn't be done". Would the wright bros. have gone from running a bike shop to creating and flying one of the first aircraft if they thought it "couldn't be done". Would I be living in my own apartment or working at the great job I have if I thought it "couldn't be done". Hell, would RomU still be up if the people that run this site (Loonylion) thought it "couldn't be done".

    I've been into tech since commodore 64 and NES. I'm not a n00b. I know the difference between "read only" and "flash" memory. I was comparing dimensions. And last but not least...

    FF3 DS came out in '06. FF4 came out in dec '07 (jul '08 in US). That would put FF5 coming out some time in '10 or early '11. Based on this ,if the DS survived that long (a BIG if), a FF7 remake would come out around '13. Between now and then a lot can happen and DS cart manufacturing costs will definitely be less. So although it might never happen, it "could be done". I'm "done" wasting my time.

    FF6 DS FTW
  9. Hypr

    Hypr Well-Known Member

    Yeah, and it's a very low possibility given the next statements you presented.

    And here's the flaw in your "possibility"; 2013 is around three years from now, in which the fate of the DS's lifespan on the market is arguably debatable since the DS has been out on the market for five years now. You are riding on an assumption that the DS console would still go strong by then, which is hardly logical. After all, there's also a possibility that Nintendo might release a portable system to replace the DS.

    There is nothing logical about your supposed possibility that we "might" see a Final Fantasy 7 remake on the DS. If you had done more research, you would know there are many obstacles to overcome before that happens. One of them (as Loonylion pointed out) is cost of memory in high-capacity DS game cards. If it is not that, then it is dealing with trimming or cutting out certain things from the game to bring the size down. Second is working within hardware limits, whether it is memory-related or graphically-related. And last is time. If the entire project is going to take too long, then it is not worth working on it at all as the DS console might expire on the market before the game is finished. Also, as you pointed out, that the manufacturing costs of DS game cards would drop. But the question is how long would it take for the higher-capacity DS game cards to become much more affordable? And also, would the manufacturing cost of such higher-capacity cards drop in time before the DS dies out on the market?

    So again, there is nothing logical about your highly dubious possibility. And your analogy that you provided is incorrect as none of those situations that you brought up have nothing in common with the gaming marketing industry, as the purpose of that is to make profit within time constraints. The situations you have poorly tried to compare to this are a different matter: the Space Race to the moon, and the Wright brothers' first airplane were solely technological breakthroughs, Lance Armstrong's Tour de France was just merely about his own ambitious goal to prove himself, your personal living situation pertains to your goal of becoming independent and self-sufficient, and the situation with Romulation is about making its impact to the emulation community. Each situation mentioned contains a different goal and/or purpose, which are all entirely different compared to the floundering possibility of Final Fantasy 7 being remade onto the DS.

    A Final Fantasy 7 remake on the DS is not just a technical problem, but a marketing problem as you are dealing with cost and time. If the game cannot be produced at a reasonable price to the consumer, then it is not going to happen at all.

    So much for you having logic...
  10. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member

    why not an extension or prequel to VIII, I like squall more then cloud
  11. slyzer

    slyzer Member

    If they would do anything with VIII, they may want to improve the story because it's pretty bad.
  12. darky000

    darky000 Well-Known Member

    I love the idiotic fight here. ;)

    Both of you are defending yourselves and pointing out facts, or we can call it "guessing". You don't even belong to Square-Enix, so stop assuming things that would defend your argument. In fact, both of you (or three of you) should try and be reasonable. You are not debating, you are both protecting your bloated egos. People in this forum are not all tech savvy, they are simply saying what they want if possible. No need for large fights like these.

    @Loonylion - With respect, you are insulting namklaw. Point out the mistake but never in the face. People who boast their knowledge are well.... nvm. ;)

    I for one want to see FF VII. If possible better if not sorry. haha. Hey, I'm free to wish this christmas. :D

    P.S. Let's all have peace this christmas. xoxo
  13. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    I love the fight toooo ^_^

    Merry Christmas everyone ^_^
  14. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member

    to you, i enjoyed it... besides FF8 was a brighter version against the dimmer ones of 1-7
  15. Hypr

    Hypr Well-Known Member


    Natalie is right about one thing: some people here just don't know what it means to insult/flame people.

    Darky, Loonylion never insulted namklaw at all in this topic. Loony simply pointed out things that namklaw overlooked (and namklaw still does that over a PM discussion with me.) But when namklaw calls me an "idiot", that's an act of insulting someone. Please learn to differentiate between those two concepts for everybody's sake here. It's bad enough that this forum has been plagued by this particular confusion, and we shouldn't have to put up with this crap any longer.

    Also, telling someone (whether "in their face" or not) that he/she is wrong isn't insulting either, especially when you present information that that particular person in question (i.e. namklaw) has missed.

    And for the record, the one who has been doing all the "guessing" was, again, namklaw. Loonylion and I have pointed out the reasons why namklaw's "logical" claim was wrong, which would hardly be called "guessing" on our behalf.

    Last note for you, Darky, I don't know whether you have intended this or not, but that post of yours in which you try to sit up on your high horse of morality isn't helping at all, especially when you yourself are spouting presumptions here. I suggest that you just leave this topic alone as it is and leave it at that. There's no need for you to get all caught up in this, unless you want to.

    With that said, Merry Christmas!
  16. ultra

    ultra Guest

    there are a lot of things on the playstation system that could be ported to nintendo consoles but are not done so for the reason of exclusives. every final fantasy game was made on a nintendo system will always be ported to a nintendo system. however, anything from final fantasy 7 and up will never end up on a nintendo system because of exclusives that square and sony wants to keep. so this discussion should end because there is no point in discussing a remake of something that would never exist on a nintendo system. no matter what, square would never remake it for nintendo because of their sony and square exclusives that both company want and share.
  17. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member

    how about starcraft DS?
  18. teheezin

    teheezin Guest

    Seeing how DS graphics we're advancing nowadays I don't see why they can't make something better
  19. ultra

    ultra Guest

    i could see this happening. look at age of empires or other similar games. they were ported and remade for the ds. i'm more then certain that it is possible. but with the way blizzard and activision have been acting, it won't happen.
  20. Hypr

    Hypr Well-Known Member

    Age of Empires and Age of Mythology ports on the DS both happen to be turn-based games, not real-time strategy just as it was on the PC.