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Female Gamers

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by --life-sucks--, Jun 27, 2009.

  1. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    are you talking about Chinatown Wars?
    Post Merge: [time]1248236893[/time]
    Eh, I don't care if a girl beats me in guitar hero...the satisfaction of pulling out a real guitar and playing along to one of the tracks and "beating" her with a real guitar is worth the loss
  2. Lil SaintDemon

    Lil SaintDemon Well-Known Member

    Guitar Hero? It's bad enough I lose in Brawl to her. Just cause she owns the game and I don't.
    (Ego -10)
    She hasn't beaten me in Pokemon yet. Only once in Bleach Dark Souls. HAHAHA. I forgot the other little games we play.
    (Ego +100)
    Ego = 0...
    (Emo tear: Activated)
  3. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    I don't get why it's bad if a girl were to beat a guy in a video game...they're people as well and just like guys they can easily practice at a game and get good at it just like us...it's no different than losing to another guy
  4. hamjambo

    hamjambo Active Member

    Um.... sure....China Town wars. Right.

    I'm just a competitive type. I don't like losing anything to anyone let alone a girl. *just realized I'm sexist*

    I would now, after saying that statement, like to apologize to the one girl on this forum. lol

    But really, I'm a Heman Woman Hater.
    *Sees if anyone catches this second movie quote* (This one IS easier.)
  5. EmmaGebz

    EmmaGebz Well-Known Member

    GTA is better to just drive around once finished cause you would have unlocked way more things and areas etc, although I really can't accept Chinatown Wars as a GTA game, it feels...different. I love Guitar Hero but I find it so weird when people play it and REALLY get into it, makes you wanna go "....you are aware you're pressing a heap of buttons and it's not a real guitar!??" Haha I find it amusing when a guy realises he has lost to a girl :p
  6. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    Isn't the graphics GTA: CW based on the graphics in the original GTA game. I've never played the original it's just what i heard. I love it when I'm on xbox live and we all get our butts kicked by this person and we find out its a girl when she starts talking in the lobby and all of the guys flip out on her...it's quite amusing and pathetic
  7. Abbafan1972

    Abbafan1972 Well-Known Member

    I would imagine that you would see more women playing games than you would men standing at the kitchen sink washing up. ;D
  8. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    don't underestimate the number of whipped men out there = p
  9. --life-sucks--

    --life-sucks-- Well-Known Member

    I am a guy and i do kitchen work and my best friend (which is a girl) kicks my ass in guitar hero all the time, but we're pretty evenly matched in Super Smash Bros Brawl.

    Wanna hear the sad part? She's not not even a hardcore gamer like me. She"s a "casual" gamer.

    One of her favorite games is Animal Crossing.

    ...It's soooo redundant...
  10. hamjambo

    hamjambo Active Member

    lol that's pretty funny. I can't find any girls around me that can match me in Brawl. Most guys can't either.

    On that note, I've never fought online. I heard the lag was bad. Is it just as bad in one on ones? If not I'll take some of yall. But I can't tolerate lag in the least.
  11. The_Fox

    The_Fox Well-Known Member

    Lag can vary on alot of things, mostly what time you're connecting, peaks times, obviously you'll lag.

    Also depends on your type of connection, aswell as silly stuff like how far you away from the terminal of your ISP.

    So lag tends to vary..

    What interests me is has anyone got a lag switch for XBOX live? Bloody things, everyone seems to have one except me... and I keep losing because they're cheating Q_Q
  12. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    i don't have one but i want to get one...do you have to mod your xbox to use one?
  13. The_Fox

    The_Fox Well-Known Member

    Well, I've been looking into it lately, and instead of buying one from some dodgy bloke, I'd figure I'd put my talents to skill and make one... from a guide :D

    Not sure if I'll get in trouble for posting a link, but meh, delete my post if it's against the rules.


    Check that out :)
  14. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    woah, thanks.

    what exactly does the switch do...makes other people lag and you don't right?
  15. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Yay, more players to ruin the fun of online console gaming.
  16. Lil SaintDemon

    Lil SaintDemon Well-Known Member

    Damn Laggers... Stop the lag damn noobs. Get some skills, use some strategies. Don't cheat to victory. It's not fulfilling.
  17. The_Fox

    The_Fox Well-Known Member

    The lag switch makes you lag, so you flick the switch, run all the way over the other side of the field and unflick it.

    It's like pausing everyone else, 'cept you.

    Yes it's cheating, yes it sucks, but yes, it means you win.
  18. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    luckily i haven't experienced anyone doing that...or I just haven't noticed yet
  19. Lil SaintDemon

    Lil SaintDemon Well-Known Member

    Has anyone ever pulled out teleporthax on you in the middle of the game? Or have your bullets never connected? These are some of the sypmtoms of lag. Most cases due to a lag switch.
    Beware as there is no cure.
  20. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    not really...occasionally it happens i suppose...you keep shooting someone and they just won't die....but not enough to bother me, unless it happens a lot in a day or whatever