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Female Gamers

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by --life-sucks--, Jun 27, 2009.

  1. --life-sucks--

    --life-sucks-- Well-Known Member

  2. eildus

    eildus Active Member

    I actually know a few of them, some are good, some are not.

    But from my experience with gamer girls though, they're pretty rad and fun to hang out with.
  3. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    A word in your ear, most of the time you'll just need to say something, anything at all.
  4. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Basically. If I talk (I barely do) all the guys in the game like, jizz. Then I get about 7 or so friend requests, which I deny. :\

    Sometimes I get my husband to reply. :3
  5. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    KK is awesome. Just saying.

    Well, if you ever do get around to it, you should record them and post them. I always enjoy a laugh at the expense of others.
  6. asdzxc123789

    asdzxc123789 Well-Known Member

    Yeah go buy a Ps3 bundle with LBP :D
  7. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    I'm embarrassed to play with my friends, when they find a girl playing in Halo 3 social matches they chase after her, beat her and teabag her and then the rest of the enemy team is killing me!
  8. EmmaGebz

    EmmaGebz Well-Known Member

    As mentioned before, there are less females gamers than male. It can suck cause none of my friends play any games so we can't talk about anything game associated >.< Haha or like my friend was like 'I'm gonna go play GTA now' then I discovered all she does is drive around and none of the missions haha
  9. Lil SaintDemon

    Lil SaintDemon Well-Known Member

    True that. Ahhh, the times I've masqueraded as a girl and got guys to get me things on sites like Gaia. So desperate, and so hilarious.
  10. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    It's not a driving simulator roffle
  11. lil_thought

    lil_thought Member

    ha, i heard
    have you heard about the whole uno thing on xbox live? my sister told me it was all perverts and webcams.
  12. Lil SaintDemon

    Lil SaintDemon Well-Known Member

    LMAO! I remember that. I would do that all the time when I started. Wow. I should start doing that again... Those were good times. Goood times.
  13. --life-sucks--

    --life-sucks-- Well-Known Member

    Not doing missions on GTA can still be fun :-\
  14. EmmaGebz

    EmmaGebz Well-Known Member

    Yeah but it's only fun for so long and if you wanted to just drive around or whatever, do the missions first, finish the game then driving around will be waaayyyy better.
  15. --life-sucks--

    --life-sucks-- Well-Known Member

    And why is that?
  16. The_Fox

    The_Fox Well-Known Member

    There are female gamers :O?!?!?!

    Lol bad joke
  17. olliebot

    olliebot Well-Known Member

    Oxy moron: female gamer

  18. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    around me, almost no girls game... i know of one and I'm dating her =p

    I guess i got lucky though, she also pays her own way as well (it gets really annoying when girls expect you to pay for everything...I'm sure someone agrees)...She plays DS and wii and we just got her an xbox, I'm pretty damn happy.

    But yeah, I think it's cool when girls play video games...mostly because it's rare and because if you can really connect with it
  19. hamjambo

    hamjambo Active Member

    I love it when girls are gamers but it really burns my....ego...when a girl kicks my ass in a game. I think it's hot but usually I get hooked into whatever the game is. For that very reason I became a tourney Brawl player.

    Did you that in GTA if you reach 88 MPH it puts you in a version of the game that is in the 1950s.

    *looks around for someone to get this joke*
  20. The_Fox

    The_Fox Well-Known Member

    Well, I wouldn't say I'm a gamer like you guys, I'm more internested in coding linux and mySQL etc etc, so PC stuff.

    My girlfriend is too, she's just took up a course in windows server 2003, which I turned down, lol.

    So I understand what you're on about, like paying for equipment, :p That'll be the day, I buy her ram or stuff, I'll stick to the flowers and chocolate LOL.

    I do agree, it's cool when the girlys play Video games, however, not to good when your girlfriend beats you on guitar hero and doesn't shut about it for weeks! *vented*
