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Female Gamers

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by --life-sucks--, Jun 27, 2009.

  1. asdzxc123789

    asdzxc123789 Well-Known Member

    LoL that is the worst pick up sentence I've ever seen!
  2. sylky0604

    sylky0604 Well-Known Member

    omg how sad can a person be!!
  3. Reider

    Reider Modereider


    Much worse if this thread I linked to is any indication. =/
  4. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member


    Crimson's response: "Get the f**k away from me"
  5. sylky0604

    sylky0604 Well-Known Member

    i take back what i said to --life-sucks-- it can be worse!!!
  6. --life-sucks--

    --life-sucks-- Well-Known Member

    A little off subject...

    "did you get wet last night, when you fell into my dream?"

    "Did you clean your pants with Windex? I can practically see myself in them."

    "hey baby, does this rag smell like chloroform?"

    These were fucking hilarious!
  7. sylky0604

    sylky0604 Well-Known Member

    do you ever get to go on a date?
  8. --life-sucks--

    --life-sucks-- Well-Known Member

    Well if you think that last one counts as a date then sure ^.~

    Just kidding, i got those of a different thread.

    The one mentioned above
  9. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Pick-up lines aren't needed, sorta whorey to be honest
  10. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    So what do you do then if that is the case?
  11. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Just be yourself, be friendly, just make friends, you're usually much more emotionally connected if the girl has been your friend for a while, you get to know each other better
  12. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I tried that, I failed, I tried being myself, and people told me "your anti-social-your a weirdo, but your very helpful thanks for helping me out :)"

    ...back on topic...

    "I herd u liek mudkips"
  13. lil_thought

    lil_thought Member

    hmm...my sister meets boys on xbox live and makes them her boyfriends...
  14. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    ...never pick up gamers online-if you can't see them then it's a massive risk...don't know who's on the otherside these days...

    Unless your using web cam-but then again...
  15. --life-sucks--

    --life-sucks-- Well-Known Member

    Whats her gamertag? ;)
  16. asdzxc123789

    asdzxc123789 Well-Known Member

    Yeah ,life must suck for ya.
  17. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    I should seduce men over Xbox Live.

    Then tell them how desperate they are.
  18. --life-sucks--

    --life-sucks-- Well-Known Member

    no, I've never encountered a female on Xbox live yet, and I'm always busy when the frag dolls, and the Gamerchicks are playing.
    Post Merge: [time]1247855616[/time]
    Whats your Gamertag? ;)
  19. asdzxc123789

    asdzxc123789 Well-Known Member

    Come on?
    None of you has Ps3? You can seduce ppl in Ps3 too :3
    But rlly ,%10 of the LBP players are female.
  20. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Depends how far they get, they can flirt without being desperate, if they try to cyber they will get banned :p