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Favourite Final Fantasy?

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by JohnnieBob, Mar 13, 2010.


Favourite FF?

  1. FF

    0 vote(s)
  2. FF II

    0 vote(s)
  3. FF III

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  4. FF IV

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  5. FF V

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  6. FF VI

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  7. FF VII

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  8. FF VIII

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  9. FF IX

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  10. FF X

    0 vote(s)
  11. FF XI

    0 vote(s)
  12. FF XII

    0 vote(s)
  13. FF XIII

    0 vote(s)
  1. bellsarc

    bellsarc Well-Known Member

    ff3 is heaps fun, so thats the one I like.
  2. zangief

    zangief Well-Known Member

    lol that's stating quite the obvious.
  3. mrnails

    mrnails Well-Known Member

    if fft woulda been in the poll i woulda voted for it. i've logged over 200 hours into it. it was a damned good game!
  4. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    FFvi. After all, its the only game where u can suplex a moving train!!
  5. NeoMagicwarrior

    NeoMagicwarrior Active Member

    FF I.

    For me, FF is really not the greatest RPG franchise, and defiantly not the first. It DID however pioneer the genre and bring it a bit more mainstream. It took RPGs in the direction they needed to go, and with the addition of the new installments really laid the framework for future games (ex, amazing cut scenes in FF7).

    That being said, I happen to enjoy FF I the most of all. With my first system being the NES, FF and Dragon warrior lay the framework on which I now base all RPGs against. FF was simple, easy to start, easy to understand, and yet challenging enough to make you keep coming back every time you died.

    With the FF series being more of the same each time, it stands to reason that if the original was good enough to have spawned 12 (with 13 on the way) "sequels" then perhaps that simple, short enchanting adventure may be the best of all.
  6. hiddenblade

    hiddenblade New Member

    FF I? No. Not good enough to be the best. Not all first games are the best. I like Dragon Warrior but the best is the third one. For FF the best is FF6, and spin-off is FF Tactics (original FFT, not GBA / NDS version).

    I played most of FF main series (excluding side games like Chocobo Dungeon and FFX-2). I almost finished all of them. But none of them make me want to play for third or fourth time like FF6 & FFT. I completed FF6 on SNES (using emulator) 6 times, and refinished on GBA 2 times. FFT also 3 times.
  7. chadrix

    chadrix Member

    FFIX, my very first RPG eheh.. i like the story. its clean and lighthearted.

    not as convoluted and hard to follow like 'ahem' the overrated black sheep lol
  8. LordSasuke

    LordSasuke Member

    I have played and finished all of them, except for FFXI (which is online-based) and FFXIII. I loved all of them, my fav has to be Final Fantasy X. Overall it just did it for me.
    But if i get all nerdy and categorize I would say:
    Story: FFVII
    Battle and Levelling System: FFVIII
    SoundTrack: FFX
    Monsters: FFXII
  9. khaos_dragon89

    khaos_dragon89 Active Member

    I'm the typical "FF7 was not the best game in the series and it's over-hyped" type of person. Was it a good game? Of course, I do love it after all. However the fans are pretty freaking scary or just...Well stupid. I'm not talking about the sane fans of course, you might know which fans I think of. FF7 was good and I did enjoy it. However it's story is on par with all the Final Fantasy stories. So it's not the best story, though all could be said about nearly all of the games.

    Anyways enough of my fanboy/fangirl hate.

    I pretty much loved Final Fantasy 4, 9, Tactics and the original Crystal Chronicles best. I do like all the Final Fantasy games though, yes even Mystic Quest, which not a lot of people could play/stomach.
    It's hard to choose just ONE game and my favorite list with FF goes something like this:

    1st Place) IV, IX, FFT, FFCC
    2nd Place) I, II, III, V, VI, VII, VIII
    3rd Place) Everything Else

    Maybe it means I'm just not that picky with favorites. I can play all of them and enjoy them. Ah except 11, I haven't played that one though I do want to. And I actually didn't like 12 but I didn't play much of it, nor have I played 12's spin off game so I can't honestly put my opinions on those. And I also haven't played Crisis Core, I'll get it someday just now now when I have other games and things to worry about.

    Also I can play all the games at least two times, it's the first and second place favorites that I can play multiple times over and over again. Sometimes I need to stop with the second place games, but for the ones I put on first place I can play over and over without having to stop or without it getting old.

    Also original Tactics/Remake needs more love. As does the original Crystal Chronicles. The other CC games were okay but I liked the original best. I don't...I don't know how many times I've played that game and I'd have to check how many hours I've played. But you also have to take in account how many times I've deleted to start over with a new char/town, and those couple of times my family accidentally deleted my file(earning my rage).

    Also story wise I'd have to say Tactics had the best story. Well any of my first place games I'd say that about but if I had to pick one it'd be Tactics.
  10. ashley_surferboi

    ashley_surferboi Well-Known Member

    hmm im trying to decide whether to get ff 7 or 8 from the psn store, which should i get?
    pm me
  11. FF7 always.

    If i can pick more than 1 option, i would pick FF1, FF2, and FF7.
  12. Alvster

    Alvster Member

    For me it's FFVIII, it was my first FF :p
    FFVII is number 2
  13. SushiKing

    SushiKing Well-Known Member

    Every one knows that Cloud is the most EPIC character in ALL of the FF Games! ;) (FF VII)

    Then is Titus! (FF X)

    But i would have to say that FF X is my favorite, mainly because of the better graphics than FF VII.
  14. omgwtfitzben

    omgwtfitzben Well-Known Member

    I'm 17 so I've only played a few. FFX was my first FF and I absolutely love it, it's my favorite. I've only played IV, VI, VII, X and XIII (Completely). The 'best' Final Fantasy has to be VI, it excels in everything I can think of.

    This thread is for your favorite so FFX is my favorite. :)

    The story really got to me, it's arguably one of the best (in my opinion of course!) I've ever played. I got it when it came out, when I was around 10. I wasn't a big fan of reading (The older FF games), so this took the spot.
  15. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    ffvii wins for a reason....its the best
    votes and polls have proven this time and again and unless square get back to that style of game it will always be the best
  16. gr8 1

    gr8 1 Well-Known Member

    IX was the first Final Fantasy game i played still waiting for a DS remake of VI (hopefully)