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Favorite Underrated Nintendo Ds Game

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Mcoupe69, Oct 4, 2009.

  1. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    Say what you want about my country, but don't don't compare it to New York. It's place full of obese assholes and pollution, so I think I'd rather stay in my "little village" ;D And I know you americans love to think that your country is center of the world, but it's not, so don't give me crap that "this game isn't popular there, so nobody plays it", ok?

  2. JazzyBunny

    JazzyBunny Well-Known Member

    Wow,.......would ya look at this. I think someone needs help understanding things. Lucky for you JazzyBunny is here for you to make things a bit clearer :D! Let's go back to where it started shall we.

    JazzyBunny: Funny how I can never find anyone to play with......popular where?

    When I said popular where? Ummm I was really asking where is it popular because then I'd look into the forums and ask people by profile location if they'd want to trade FC's so I could have people to play this great game with. Now we come to this comment.....

    Rysio: Or maybe just nobody wants to play with you?

    Now that's uncalled for wouldn't you agree? It's not my fault that YOU misunderstood what I meant, perhaps next time you can ask... "Hey are you being an ass or not?" or you can just PM me and we can talk in private. Moving on.

    JazzyBunny: BTW I hail from NYC and if you can't find someone who plays a certain game here next best place is your little village perhaps.

    Now perhaps "little village" hit a nerve with you and for that I am sorry, but I've read about the nice (again) little villages out there in Poland. Now going on to what I meant, what I was implying is that NYC has a vast number of gamers and it's damn hard not to find someone to play certain games with. Example - In NYC you can find people who play games as far back as Intellivision. Yet I can't seem to find a NYC person other than me who plays CRA, when I made that statement you actually gave me some hope that maybe just maybe that I could get people playing this again and start having wifi sessions. Now........with your last comment again I never put down your country and never will (I'm too old for that) As for the obese assholes and the pollution.........Dude I agree 100% I often wonder why so many people want to visit and go sightseeing in this gutter of a city, and as for it being the center of the world.....Honestly I could care less about it. If I could I'd want to live in New Zealand, so note that I'm not giving you crap.

    Wow just realized how long this is.......well hope you learned something through this, and stop getting mad over forum chat life's too short man.
  3. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    Woah, this is long :eek: I didn't get mad at you... I maybe got bit too far with this
    ,but in my country asking questions like this...
    ...is treated like an insult, and I was extremely tired and irritated that evening :p

    However, your reaction to my question was pretty offensive too :p I hate it when ppl compare my country to some sort of village. Poland was almost completely destroyed after WWII, but it was rebuilt and is still developing. It's obvious it won't be as modernized as NY, but it isn't that bad :p
    On the other hand, it's true there are some nice villages here, but I live in the city.

    Well, this wasn't plaesant conversation, but I hope you learned something too, because I dare to say you got more mad than me :D
  4. darky000

    darky000 Well-Known Member

    JazzBunny has "dude" in his/her dictionary. You are a man behind in a girl gender here in the forum, is it? Correct me if I'm wrong.

    This quote feels like a man talking. Everytime I talk it in my head it's a guy... this is giving me headaches.

    On Topic: I loved playing Dark Spire. It might be made in a classical feel, the gameplay alone is really good and I am quite addicted to it before if you don't mind the graphics or you are a hardcore gamer yourself.
  5. JazzyBunny

    JazzyBunny Well-Known Member

    Well now I know you live in Poland's city Rysio, as for being more mad I really wasn't mad at all :D And sorry that you felt insulted by my comment.

    @darky000 - Yeah "Dude" is in my vocab, it's prolly due to the fact that most if not all of my friends are guys. Being a gamer girl kinda makes other girls see you different. Besides ever seen a prissy game girl? (other than booth babes) Look I always tell people "think what you want" I mean come on it's the god damn internet. I've never cared on anyone's personal options (only about games) if you feel a certain way towards me, about me, etc etc and guess what I'd care less (prolly because it's not like I'm ever going to see anyone from this site in RL) So if a girl saying "dude" gives you headaches I'm sorry (being honest here) Glad to see everyone is past this small issue of misunderstanding, I know I have been since it began lol!

    On the topic Labyrith is a pretty decent game I've come across recently has anyone played this one too
  6. Mcoupe69

    Mcoupe69 Guest

    anyone feel like getting back on topic? :I
  7. darky000

    darky000 Well-Known Member

    Sorry "Headaches" you better get a hold of yourself. :p

    Did you mean Deep Labyrinth? Tried it and it gave a good first impression and potential but never really been a fan of dungeon crawlers unless I get a week or so free time.
  8. JazzyBunny

    JazzyBunny Well-Known Member

    It's just called Labyrinth, basically you control a ball and try to get through the maze within a certain time limit. It's pretty addictive, also it has download play which is always a plus in my book :D
  9. s_quizno

    s_quizno Well-Known Member

    Oh I see, the Dark Spire huh? A perfectionist you say, may I ask how long you have spent creating a new character then?
    Also, I haven't been paying attention to game ratings, I just tend to download away and judge for myself. Soooo, I wouldn't really know any underrated games . . .
    Oh yeah, I haven't really gone far in Lock's Quest, but it wasn't horrible . . .
  10. Mcoupe69

    Mcoupe69 Guest

    when i was playing it i spent a long time just rolling stats , think it was like an hour til i got 4 decent chars, lots of time spent re rolling/reloading the game trying to get better hp rolls :I ..sad..
  11. Sarah Kreuz

    Sarah Kreuz Well-Known Member

    lol, yeah. I think that`s pure fun. I remember spending whole Evenings just creating my Characters in these "old school"-RPG`s. Neverwinter Nights, Baldur`s Gate, Star Wars - Knights of the old Republic, Dark Spire and so on.

    Another underrated one is "Robopon II" for the GBAdvance. A Pokemon-clone with Robots instead of Pokemon-Animals. Didn`t got the attention in the past, but it`s a really nice one, if you already finished with Pokemon. I hope they are developing a sequel on the DS sometimes, even if it IS dominated by Pokemon.

    Oh and btw: The brandnew "A Witchs Tale" is likewise underrated (in my opinion). This Game will also never get the Attention it deserves, thanks to the Game-press.
  12. Mcoupe69

    Mcoupe69 Guest

    yeah.. i hate how so many people base their opinions off of random review dudes on random sites.. thats why i get pissed when i see a good review for a good game...then right down the line a very credible site comes out with an awful review for it.. its not fair to just judge a game by what a couple random video game players over at the top of their game (ign gamespot(although gamespot usually does a good job) say ... but o well, i like to give games a fair chance and to be honest, i wasn't gonna play witch's tale right away based on reviews, might check it out now
    Post Merge: [time]1256149876[/time]
    since i know personal messages arn't the best way to communicate with you ill ask you here sarah, or anyone else.. whats the gameplay /overall game of witch's tale loosely resemble?
  13. Sarah Kreuz

    Sarah Kreuz Well-Known Member

    As a rule of thumb i would say it takes 45min until the first Battle takes place. (It depends on how "fast" you play,of course). And that`s what extends throughout the whole Game: It`s...well, kind of comfortable, kind of "let the Storyline guide you through this Game....just relax,baby".
    The Battles are turn-based, the Puzzles are quit simple and all in all it`s very easy. Not this pressure that you feel when you`re playing Games like "Fire Emblem",where your Goal is the survival of all (/most) the Comrades.

    Its a cute little RPG. And...damn,I never thought I would say something like this....but it`s a >Girls-RPG<. ;D Well actually that`s what it feels like. ;) So no wonder most of the Guys are to dub "A Witchs Tale" as a boring piece of Software. I really don`t know if you could chum with it. But try it anyway. ::)
  14. Mcoupe69

    Mcoupe69 Guest

    true.. well im not one to judge - I have played through super princess peach and i thought the gameplay was pretty fun.. ill try witch's tale out ..but i think my masculinity is in jeopordy if i start playing games like atlus's My World My Way(ds)
  15. exiavalanche

    exiavalanche Well-Known Member

    resident evil deadly silence
  16. rocklee823

    rocklee823 Well-Known Member

    TWEWY, it can never be appreciated enough!
  17. Mcoupe69

    Mcoupe69 Guest

    i still havn't played it all.. i forgot why i didnt beat it the last time i owned it and then i played through recently to the point where he switches partners, joshua or whatever.. and i get really bored at that point
    pretty sure thats the reason i didnt beat it before :/
  18. rocklee823

    rocklee823 Well-Known Member

    Gasp! The game is amazing! Just keep playing, the storyline is very well written.
  19. Mcoupe69

    Mcoupe69 Guest

    i know the story is sick, i guess it just kinda put me off cuz i usually grind and i had shiki pretty damn strong and then all of the sudden they stick you with joshua .. who in my opinion kinda sucks..i heard you get to play as beat...that should be sick
  20. rocklee823

    rocklee823 Well-Known Member

    joshua is the best one, you to get part way through the week to see