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Favorite Underrated Nintendo Ds Game

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Mcoupe69, Oct 4, 2009.

  1. Mcoupe69

    Mcoupe69 Guest

    word, ill give it a try
  2. tevak

    tevak Well-Known Member

    The story of contact makes lots of sense........
    You just have to get far enough into the game........
  3. Busterthefox

    Busterthefox Member

    Contacts box cover makes me lol. XD Little kid wiht the shave cut, LOL.

    Hmm...well, it's a little off topic(Again, lol) but I think Pokemon Ranger was a bit too OVER rated. Just circling and circling...you can get better circling experiences in Elite Beat Agents. XD

    I don't really keep track of all those Nintendo Power and GameFAQs ratings and such, I judge them on how much I hear from other people and how much I liked them, really. Every now and then you see a DS commercial on TV for Pokemon or Brain Age, and now Kingdom Hearts, basically only games people can't, or won't underrate. but a lot of games are pretty over rated too.
  4. Mcoupe69

    Mcoupe69 Guest

    yeah..bugs me a little bit that the only commercials you usually see on tv are super overrated ...or i should say popular* among kids and most turn out to be crap, lots of the great games never even get a commercial :( although kingdom hearts 358/2 days definitely deserves a commercial
  5. zangief

    zangief Well-Known Member

    why hate on Lock's Quest?
  6. darky000

    darky000 Well-Known Member

    I don't know with you guys but I am quite addicted in Jagged Alliance. hehe. Most reviews I read are below 5.0/ out of 10. *sigh. :(
  7. sizzleBomber

    sizzleBomber Active Member

    trackmania ds, defo worth at least a download. Loads of tracks, modes and a great editor.
  8. Mcoupe69

    Mcoupe69 Guest

    couple people been talking about track mania, ill have to check it out,

    also curious if ninja town is worth checking out?
  9. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    I'm with you.
    Trackmania's better, but Ninja Town is fun too.
  10. SoulSin

    SoulSin Well-Known Member

    Did you ever heard that the Sacred stones is called one of the worse FEs as well right?

    Anyway. Could Custon Robo arena enter this list? Dunno if its underrated or not.
    Black Sigil is cool. Just the battles that are kinda annoying, But I am enjoying the game.
  11. JazzyBunny

    JazzyBunny Well-Known Member

    Hmmm Favorite Under-Rated DS Games. Well that's easy, I can name a few.

    From the Abyss
    Katsui Death Label
    Touch the Dead
    Resident Evil DS
    Project Rub
    Custom Robo Arena

    Wow I mean I could go on but I leave it at that, perhaps I'll drop a few more titles later on ;)

    Easy topic for me because I'm a sucker for games that no one plays :D

    Last before I wrap it up my honorable mention would be Clash King V201, honestly the best driving game on DS right now. Yeah it's a (J) rom but it's easy to figure it out.
  12. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    I don't think Custom Robo Arena is underrated. It's quite popular.
  13. JazzyBunny

    JazzyBunny Well-Known Member

    Funny how I can never find anyone to play with......popular where?
  14. sizzleBomber

    sizzleBomber Active Member

    Might get a bit bored of it after a while. i still havent finished it but i really enjoyed what i played.
  15. Stardan

    Stardan Active Member

    disgaea i say becuz most people i ask about it are like " ...!..." so i think its underrated
  16. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    Not everyone plays online. And it's quite popular in my country. Dunno how it is in *wherever you live*. Or maybe just nobody wants to play with you? Put your irony away :p
    Disgaea is awesome ;D
  17. kamuikurou

    kamuikurou Well-Known Member

    Do you think people underrate puzzle games? The great ones are so fun and they never leave my microSD.
    - 42 All Time Classics/Clubhouse Games
    - Neves
    - Pic Pic
    - Picross
    - Zoo Keeper
    All of them are easy to pick up whenever you're bored with the game you're currently playing. And they serve a friend who borrows your DS well. :D

    Oh, am I the only one who enjoy the RPG/boar game hybrid, Dokapon Journey? It's fun to try and it supports up to 4-player game on a single DS. :)
  18. Mcoupe69

    Mcoupe69 Guest

    i'm still addicted to picross, its a good little distraction when u don't really feel like getting into a couple hour sit in rpg style or what not

    definitely agree with you that there are some great underrated puzzle games for the ds

    holy crap this also just made me remember trioncube - it got such crappy ratings but it was such a fun puzzle game :D

    If anyone has not tried trioncube yet and really enjoys puzzle games, check it out
  19. JazzyBunny

    JazzyBunny Well-Known Member

    Really?? Wow if you've only seen game sessions at my house, true most of the time I'm the only girl playing but I always have people who love to play with me in any game (just not CRA)

    As for irony? Where did you get that from. BTW I hail from NYC and if you can't find someone who plays a certain game here next best place is your little village perhaps.
  20. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    I guess mine would be Dropcast it pissed me off at first, then as I got used to it I was hooked.