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Favorite/Best Gamecube Games

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by musiclegend14, Aug 18, 2009.

  1. timmy1991

    timmy1991 Well-Known Member

    I thought Gamecube was way cheaper than PS2... I bought my gamecube about 4 years ago for $75 new, while PS2 is still $150 now
  2. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    The only gamecube game that I have played is Fire Emblem Path of Radiance.. :(
  3. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I booted MIOS patcher and it said that I was already running CMIOS 5. I already have gcbackup0.1_theta installed. (even though the damn picture says Xi when I boot it up).

    I guess I'll just have to toy around with it some more.
  4. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    that's really odd...Did you try to use DVD-R's yet? I've only used DVD-R's for my multi game discs and once I got it working, I haven't had any trouble since
  5. Zman126

    Zman126 Active Member

    My favorites are probably Super Mario Sunshine, Legend of Zelda Windwaker, Ikaruga, and the pikmin series.
  6. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I have two DVD-Rs left and I don't want to waste them. I'll have to make sure that the burn is perfect when I do it.

    It's sad that we're both resorting to GC games when we have a perfectly good Wii sitting right there. This just goes to show you that there isn't much when it comes to Wii gaming.
  7. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    Honestly, I really hate the whole Wiimote/ motion sensor thing. It feels unnatural to me. That makes most wii games that much worse for me. Even the classic controller attachment for it, doesn't cut it for me. The only thing that's okay for it, is the FPS games...it kind of gives you the feel that you're in the arcade and what not.
  8. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I couldn't have said it better.
    Also, the Wii games are all GC quality graphics, with the exception of a few select games. The only reason why they're on the Wii is because of the control scheme. Also, most of the GC ports end up having the worst controls, why swing the Wiimote and have it do the wrong command when you could've just hit X or Y or whatever button it corresponds to on the GC.
  9. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    exactly. i actually hadn't played a gamecube game in over 5 years until the other week when i hacked my wii. I have a huge plasma tv so i expected the graphics to be pretty crappy compared to my wii. I'll be surprised if I pick up a wii game again besides guitar hero...and possibly the new super mario coming out for it.
  10. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Legend of zelda-wind walker 9if limited edition you get oricana of time to boot XD)

    Metroid prime (both)

    Resident evil (all-especially 4)

    Smash brothers melee

    Star war rougue squadron (2 and 3-awsome titles)

    legend of zelda collector's edition

    P.N.03 (really a tech demo for resident evil 4-but if you like shooters like say space invaders-this is your game XD)

    Robotech battle cry (game is flawed but I loved the anime-thus the game as well)

    Those are the best I won...

    And donkey konga is preety dam good-the jap one's have better music-english one's aren't master tracks-just covers.

    Still-1 2 and 3 RULE! (even with out bongoes)
  11. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    when i play Resident Evil 4 on for the gamecube on my wii the graphics come out better than the Wii port of it. It seems to be a lot smoother.
  12. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    That is odd...

    But then again-it might be because the wii port is a ps2 port that's been enhanced LOL

    I won't buy the wii one-I prefer old-school controls :)
  13. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Are they better? I mean Jesus Christ! I have to hold A and press B to shoot. I can't strafe, nor can I shoot while moving. He just sits there like a dumbass while he is getting mauled.
  14. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    i stupidly thought that getting a gun attachment would help. The wii is only good for hacking = ]
  15. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Sadly, I'm going to say that the Gamecube is better than the Wii in terms of quality games (with or without the respect of time).

    The only games that I like on the Wii are the ones that are essentially Gamecube styled.
    There are a few exceptions like The Conduit and Ghostbusters the Videogame.

    Did you try Gauntlet Dark Legacy? I know the graphics are crap, but it's basically Gauntlet Legends with an expansion pack. I used to play Legends for DAYS on end.
  16. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    i use to play gauntlet in the arcades, i think i did have one of the games as well...not really sure. It's on my list to download for when i get back home (I'm on vacation and the internet in the hotel is terrible)
  17. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    mine were

    Metroid Prime 1 & 2
    Timesplitters 2 (100 time better than 3)
    Smash Bros Melee
    RE4 (Love this game with Wii controls)
    Fire Emblem
    Tales of Symphonia

    All can think of right now
  18. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    @insanecrazy, I don't know how your gamecube backup launcher problems are going but i might have some useful information. you can have both Gamecube backup launcher v.1 THETA (Xi won't work, theta only) and v.2 installed at the same time because they have different IDs. That being said, i still get that weird black and white screen in v.2 when trying to load a multi-game disc...however it works perfectly when I load a disc with only one game on it. Backup launcher v.1 still handles the multi-game discs. If you can get both installed...the disc channel and wii backup launcher .3 gamma will load the gamecube disc with gamecube backup launcher v.1....v.2 will still have it's own channel.

    another thing i've stumbled upon is a way to get games that do not work with the backup launcher to...work haha. There's a program called "Wiper GMC Fixer v1.5f" that fixes the images and also makes them 3 gigs to fill up a DVD-R. I tried this with Wave Race Blue Storm (which won't load in any backup launcher at all) and I am now happily playing it on the gamecube backup launcher v.2. I'll post the link to the tutorial below.


    now i just want to figure out how to get the gamecube backup launcher v.2 to work with multi-game discs. Help would be appreciated.
  19. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Sweet, sweet.

    I've had the GCM fixer on my computer for awhile now. I haven't touched my Wii since I got my 320 GB myPassport. Been addicted to organizing it the way I want it. I have 40 HD movies now in iPod format ;D

    My friend bought 2 100 packs of DVD-Rs. They're basically all for me, I just have to burn 2 of each. I'll have to wait until I get them to continue this.
  20. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    ah well good luck with that. How i remember the days i spent organizing 1 tb external...now its practically all used up with 200 DVD-r rips on it and i don't know which ones to get rid of = [

    if you stumble across anything about the backup launcher v.2 let me know, every thread i've found with people having the same issue are all unanswered = /