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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by rjsec4ever, Oct 6, 2009.

  1. timmy1991

    timmy1991 Well-Known Member

    ha, just got one before I saw this thread
  2. Surf_dude99

    Surf_dude99 Well-Known Member

    i have facebook
  3. Blade5406

    Blade5406 Well-Known Member

    Forced to have one XP, our instructor told us that some of our notes are to be uploaded there.......
  4. MysticMaja

    MysticMaja Well-Known Member

    I have one.
    I'm pretty much addicted to it, but I'm trying not to be >_<
    I'll go close the tab now haha.
  5. AcroneSF

    AcroneSF Well-Known Member

    I have one. I use it to keep contact with my friends when im busy in the gaming world
  6. Joshaz

    Joshaz Well-Known Member

    LOL So am I :p
    I'm more of a myspace person though!
  7. chaosmassacre

    chaosmassacre Member

    I do. I love it. All my friends who I love use it :D
  8. olliebot

    olliebot Well-Known Member

    I use it alot. But I hate it on birthdays when you get about 5000 notifications.
  9. lilasian

    lilasian Active Member

    I have Facebook, i use it regularly now.
  10. orange281

    orange281 Well-Known Member

    I got one to stop people bugging me to get one... I don't actually use it much though.
  11. lilasian

    lilasian Active Member

    thats the same way i got mine!!! *high five*
  12. orange281

    orange281 Well-Known Member

    Awesome! Go us!
    I reckon facebook must get really interesting once you're about 15 16 years old, most people under that age have bebo instead....and then theres random old people like me that just can't be bothered with either.
  13. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    Once again I'm the odd one out >.>
    I'll never use facebook...
    I'm too lazy for it...
  14. g@l1h

    g@l1h Well-Known Member

    Nah, it's not odd.
    If I don't need to use it to easily contact my family, I wouldn't use it either.
  15. lilasian

    lilasian Active Member

    im only 12 and i dont have bebo...
  16. Yenifer

    Yenifer Well-Known Member

    I use on, cause a friend of mine finaly forced me to do so.
    It's okay, but the GUI of the site is SHIT. And it's great to post stuff ment for friends and play browser-games if your bored ... that'S it ... ??? :-X
  17. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I use it only as an alternitive to msn-some people I know cbf'd with it...
  18. Yenifer

    Yenifer Well-Known Member

    Okay, that's right ... one can use it that way, too!

    But it can really be annoying, if you are at work just want to quick-check your mail at facebook and plop plop plop chatwindows pop up ...
  19. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Being anti social has it's benifits...lucky to have 1 window pop up XD
  20. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, i do have Hyves (rick2299/yoshi2299, i don`t know anymore...), Facebook ([email protected]), RomUlation, Habbo, Hotmail/MSN ([email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected] my own server...) and some other i can`t remember...