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EZflash 3-in-1 - can I cut off that part that sticks out?

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by CharrX, Mar 25, 2010.

  1. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Is that tape almost completely covering the card? That may be an issue if so. Also, how tightly does the cart fit in, and does it make it all the way to the bottom of the slot?
  2. CharrX

    CharrX Well-Known Member

    The tape only covers the plastic, nothing else.
    I'm sure that it's in all the way, since I can't push it in further after some time. Also, compared with a regular GBA-cartridge, it should fit.
  3. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    FYI you can take a Lite-sized EZFlash apart and transplant its guts with a regular GBA game, though I think you have to file a bit of plastic off the side. I'm pretty sure this will work better than just jamming it in.
  4. CharrX

    CharrX Well-Known Member

    I already thought of that, even opened it up by removing the screw, but I don't want to break the Rumble Pak which seems to be glued onto the cartridge itself (on the inside, of course).
    I also have an empty GBA cartridge (actually, the game just doesn't work anymore, so I can just use that).
    Is there any special kind of glue I should/shouldn't use to get this all together?
    Post Merge: [time]1269781856[/time]
    Sorry for DP.

  5. CharrX

    CharrX Well-Known Member

  6. titen96

    titen96 Well-Known Member

    why not just get a new one?
    and if you just want gba games why not just get a gba flash cart
  7. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    For gluing the case together a plastic modeling glue would probably be your best bet. I think those kinds of glue just about melt the plastic together.
    For sticking components in place, like the rumble pack, you might want to use those hot glue sticks, it holds things in place pretty well, and doesn't really damage the parts.

    I don't know how conductive the glues may/may not be, but you might not want to get it near any traces on the circuit board just in case.
  8. CharrX

    CharrX Well-Known Member

    The Rumble Pak is attached to the thing itself, how should I take it off without damaging it?
  9. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    It'll probably be easier just to buy a GBA Sized one.
  10. Jimbo1979

    Jimbo1979 Guest

    Have you actually tried to download a different version of GBA exploader to get it to work with your EZ flash 3 in 1 card?
    Only one version works for my M3 card. All the other versions display the message about not having the correct slot 2 device. If you go onto filetrip.net and search for the NDS emulators you will find all of the different versions of GBA exploader there. Only version 0.4 works with my M3 card. Maybe that one would work for you as well without taking your card apart?
    Post Merge: [time]1270478889[/time]
    This is a link to the version of GBA exploader that allows me to play GBA games on my DS lite with a M3 DS real card and an EZ 3 in 1 slot 2 card. Its the only way I could find to get the games running. Obviously you don't have a M3 card, but if you follow the link you will see there are about 16 versions of GBA exploader that may be compatible with your card.
