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Etrian Odyssey III: The Drowned City (U) | DLinks & Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by meganova, Sep 20, 2010.

  1. dgwillia

    dgwillia Member

    Wasnt that the same filename for the bad one o_O

    EDIT: Yep, checked on a few other sites, that is one of the old ones.

    The new one is nt-etod3.rar i believe, cant find it for my life though <_<
  2. CamulaHikari

    CamulaHikari Member

    That's the bad dump.
  3. dgwillia

    dgwillia Member

    And the wait begins! Wonder if its even out on download sites yet
  4. CamulaHikari

    CamulaHikari Member

    No one found it yet, maybe it's a prescene info file? Like with PL x3
    Post Merge: [time]1285453664[/time]
  5. dgwillia

    dgwillia Member

    Thats the rom? Nice find
  6. CamulaHikari

    CamulaHikari Member

    It says EOIII on the homepage of romfreaks :3
  7. dgwillia

    dgwillia Member

    Oh wow, i have that site in my favorites bar <_<, hadnt even checked it yet XD.
  8. CamulaHikari

    CamulaHikari Member

    It's one of my usual three sites, it was an accidental find :3
    Post Merge: [time]1285454944[/time]
    Another DL: http://nitroroms.com/show/file-info/192388/Nintendo_DS/Etrian_Odyssey_III_The_Drowned_City_USA_NDS-NukeThis.7z.html
  9. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    original file

    m3 ds real latest sakura, black screen when try to go on boat
  10. bubblewrap

    bubblewrap New Member

    Haven't tested the NukeThis version yet. Is it supposed to include some miraculous bypass of the AP?

    EDIT: Didn't work on R4 with Wood R4 firmware; still froze when I tried to set sail, along with the random freezes in battle. Essentially unplayable until a fix is released IMO
  11. Jeremiah

    Jeremiah Well-Known Member

    The NukeThis seems to Freeze alot on EDGE though... :/ So I went back and loaded the one on the First Post. Also, only freezes you may encounter is when sailing and when you return to the Port on a Zoomed Out Map (Sometimes it won't freeze but to be safe...)

    Prince(ss) Are great healers if you can keep them from getting hit! :D

    Currently my Party is exactly the same one on the Box Art.

    Front Row: Hoplite - Buccaneer - Monk
    Back Row: Ninja - Princess

    Extra Party Members (Wildling Summons/Ninja Shadows) can be used for the "If Ally Dies this Effect Occurs" Skills. ::)

    Easy Money early on is make 5 Farmers and give the 3 of them 3 Harvestry, 1 of them 1 Keen Eye 1 To the Market ,1 Harvestry, and the last one with 1 of Chop,Mine & Take.

    Make another Batch of 5 Farmers but dump all their starting points into Combat Study. (This will be your late game farming Party) Make sure to Max out Combat Study then give them the same set-up with the Early-Farming Group.
  12. Dumachum

    Dumachum Member

    At the moment this game only works flawlessly on No$GMB with No$Zoomer loaded through the bios.

    It will freeze or lock up on flash carts and desmume.
  13. Reme

    Reme Well-Known Member

    oh so it only works through the bio's? i didnt think to try that...

    edit:i cant seem to get it to work through the bio's either = /

    Edit 2: nvm i havnt loaded through the bio's in so long i had forgotten how to lol got it working now
  14. Jeremiah

    Jeremiah Well-Known Member

    The upload by Sylar100 works fine on the EDGE until you hit the Deep City though. *sigh* Gotta redo all over again. :'(
  15. bubblewrap

    bubblewrap New Member

    The Hadouken dump works perfectly for me: R4 with Wood R4. The ship sails without any issues, limit skills work just fine, and I've spent a pretty good deal of time on BF2 without any freezing issues. Excellent fix!

    Edit: On BF4 now, with no issues. It looks like it may work just fine.
  16. archlvt

    archlvt Well-Known Member

    Hadouken freezes on the intro on acekard 2i. Why do these people feel the need to make such obnoxious intros? No one wants them. People should just do what throughhim did and put their logo in there along with the other company's logos at the beginning, at least it looks somewhat professional.
  17. Jeremiah

    Jeremiah Well-Known Member

    I'm praying that the Hadouken Patch fixes the Sylar 100 one. I hate redoing the whole 2 stratums again -.-
  18. zebby

    zebby New Member

    I d/l the hadouken one, and its the exact same file as the 1st bad dump that were release a couple of day after the game got out ... same read me files too ...
  19. Jeremiah

    Jeremiah Well-Known Member

    Well I did to mine was path over the Syler100 Dump with the Hadouken Dump. It fixes the Freezing in the Sea Map from what I've seen. I'm praying it fixes the Deep City Freeze. :-X
  20. Dose any one know if the Hadouken one fixes the Deep city freeze, just hit this part after taking like a 2 week break from the game.