That is a good point. Isn't there some way this can be overturned and you can start wearing the Union Jack on your undies?
I'm sure it's got nothing to do with the holliganism and anti-social behavior that goes hand in hand with the Jack and St George's cross.
Just to let you know. it's all complete and utter fucking bullshit. Just a bunch of retards on facebook.
Did you read it? The link actually did a new's and history check, not just "facebook retards" gassing it up. And I take offence to the word.
it was in the newspapers before facebook, and its true because the pubs have had to take down their flags. i was there last night Post Merge: [time]1274440939[/time] apparantley its to do with hooliganism but how is a no shirt going to stop a drunk hooligan? if they want to fight they will do it regardless of a shirt, and i think if they have been banned from wearing their countrys shirt its just another reason for them to get angry and cause trouble. the police got this one wrong big time and i can see it been overlooked
You live in Croydon? That was just racist media crap to get people (idiots) riled up. No pubs HAD to do anything. It was one thing on a list of suggestions from the police, sent to pub owners in Croydon only.
oh yeah? so why did a council cut down flags that a pensioner had put across the street and then have to apologise and put them back up?
it had nothing to do with racism read what the police say, its about hooligans and its not just in croyden, it happened in hull and i posted on here thinking it was only my city, read from page 1
Don't know anything about that.. I can't see why they would. I was talking about the newspapers and media spin that's racist, not what the police said. And just look at all that facebook shit.. "I'm not racist but [insert racist comment here]"
who cares what people on facebook say, most of them have the intelligence of a peanut. Theres St Georges flags flying all over the place, theres 2 down my street(of 10 houses) people are taking it serious, all my friends are talking about putting up flags and wearing shirts, i guess people just dont like been told they cant. I cant see the the police enforcing this now
Some of the things that the politicians in this country do are pretty lousy, but are pretty much on the same level of deviousness as those of our European neighbours, as well as the U.S. Also: there's nothing British about the BNP. Duh. Because apparently she'd tied them to street lamps, and tying banners to street lamps because you feel like it isn't really allowed. The fact that the council gave in to her and apologises just proves that the pandering of the government in defiance of common sense and contrary to laws and regulations goes both ways; it isn't just those evile ethnics that benefit. My definition of patriotism is feeling strongly about the positive ideals represented by your country and the will to defend them whilst pushing away and fighting those that seek to damage them *cough*certain*cough*politicians*cough*general*cough*idiots*cough*. You don't need to support the powers that rule your country to be patriotic; in fact, doing so in Britain at the moment would make you appear a fool. People should be allowed to fly flags on property they own and wear whatever they like; a lot of people see stupid stuff like this as further justification to rant their racist opinions.
Well now msg, a fine yarn you spin sir, but I suspect your anger should be vented towards a few publicans rather than the cops in this case. The pigs(police) being pigs, issued advice to some people not to display St. Georges flags and also told some pub owners that they should not allow people to wear England football shirts on premises. The pigs advise people lots of times about lots of things; sometimes, like this time, they get it wrong and look like idiots. The bigger idiots are the spinless gits who nod their simple little heads and say yes sir, sorry sir. Blame the pub owners for being thick and spineless and possibly money grubbing(I'll sell my story). The pigs did not force anyone to do anything they just intimidated people into acting like sheep. Pigs do that, the law is sometimes disregarded by them, they are pigs after all. Still advice is advice and many people told the pigs to fuck off, so the real story is that some publicans who are not licencees did not, your protest should be at the pub-chains in question, and the other spineless wimps who did not stick two fingers in their face and tell them to mind their own and fuck off. Who is this 'our'? The anglo-saxon or the brittains, or the fir-bolg, or the romans, or the celts, or the white people; the norse or the danes, or those from the spiral castle? Your rant is noble but those few words I quoted suggest you assume two things: That England has historical existance as defined by either an indeginious or non indigenious people(or indeed from foreign powers); that England existed and does exist as an inflexible border(England's border is altered between Scotland, Wales and isles every few years). I may not sound it but I am sympathetic to your issue; what the pigs did was wrong, and stupid, but what those who followed the advice of police did was cowardly, and ignorant to those communities whom they serve. Oh by they way that flag you think represents England does not. It is a religious flag not a national flag. It is hard to find a flag for England due to it being a bastard nation(I do mean bastard in the real sense of the word, and I think that is something to be proud of, inbreeding is always ugly). To be a patriot means to be a father to. Unless you birthed your nation you cannot be a patriot you can only be a nationalist. Nationalism is so 1980's.
quite simple, anyone who is today english. what colour is the england football shirt? oh yeah its the same as the st george and this thread is all about england football shirts i dont assume anything, scotland and wales have their own football teams and are seperate nations. this is nothing more than a rant about not been able to support my countrys football team by wearing its colours, its not about borders or anything thats happened in the past(how the hell did romans get involved in the english football team?) Well, after everything thats been said about it here(in Hull) i doubt the police will try to do anything, people are going out of there way to put up flags, any pub that bans england shirts will lose a lot of money