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Energy drinks (or other caffine based drinks)-Do they even work?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by mds64, Sep 18, 2009.

  1. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member


    All the kids I see around where I am abuse the stuff-and thier dumb parents are foolish enough to give them cash to buy thier lunch.

    (12-13yrs tend not to think-after seeing moofie's post that's the kinda worry some responsible people have)

    At least for australia-the goverment gave the legal limit in caffine a green light for some reason.
  2. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    You didn't answer my question, it seems you're more into the issue that the parents aren't parenting their children, and instead are giving them things and not taking care of it.

    Why is it bad that they drink the stuff?

    Kids are hyper, regardless of what they eat or drink. It won't change. If they don't get it from caffeine, they get it from sugar. If not either, well, they're kids, kids are naturally hyper.
  3. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    My limited capacity for thought couldn't work out what you were actually asking.

    Look-the majority of people where I am can't watch thier kids buy the drinks during school times.

    Kids are hyper-but too many could not only make them worse-make them waste cash-but also health problems.

    And if that still doesn't explain your question-then blame my friggin schooling for doing a crap job and passing my thru despite knowing nothing.

    (our schools are crap)
  4. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Kids will waste their money regardless. If it's not being spent of caffeine, it's being spent of candy or fast food (fast food is really expensive compared to buying food from a Grocery store).

    I highly doubt a child will go through the pain of caffein intoxication. Once I drink two cups of coffee I get really sick, like sick to my stomach. It hurts a lot and I doubt any child will get to that point.

    Once kids eat too much sugar or caffeine, they die out within an hour.

    If they get to the point where it actually causes health problems, well, to get to that point they have to drink A LOT.

    I haven't seen anyone around the age of 12/14/16 have a caffeine obsession. They usually only drink it for the taste.
  5. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    From my sorces it's nearly happened a few times-intoxication.

    WHat I'm putting out in this topic is for people who think "hang on-does it really work" and for people who agree that they should be limited somewhat.

    Kids don't pay much attention to parents or teachers-only stopped my brother because he knows unlike my parent's I'm not full of lies and broken promises.

    He's mates are insane bunch-one of them has adhd-yet in normal school-I saw him drink it-he must really believe it works because for a moment I thought he was high-this was after 3 drinks in under an hour UNDER A DARE.

    What I basically wish (and so does every gumpy old fashioned person I guess-like my father who spoon feeds me with some of his thoughts) is just a way to limit the kids-idiot proof you might say.

    Also...has anyone seen the mother warning labels-rather casual way to let people know it's not good for young kids.
  6. leibfrei

    leibfrei Member

    Energy Drinks (like Red Bull with Taurine) are not allowed to be produced in Germany, but you can buy imported Engery Drinks from Austria in Germany & Switzerland.
    Trust me, they work. That's why you should never combine a Engery Drink with Alcohol.
  7. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Sounds like a dangerous mix.


    Something I found-not facts but basically sums up why I'm agaist them al together.

    I'm trying to find what the warning label say's but it say's something like this...

    'WARNING-HIGH CAFFINE CONTENT...ok we know that's why your drinking but but our lame legal guys made us remind you that's it's not for women up the duff, little kids or the people who can't take it"

    Something like that-it's mostly accurate-if anyone can help me find a pic of it that deserves a cookie XD
  8. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    I'm a firm believer that having restrictions on things and having warnings are the cause of common sense becoming rare. Idiot proofing things does nothing but causes more idiots. Why do we need WARNING: HOT on hot beverages? When I order a hot chocolate or coffee, shouldn't I expect it to be hot?

    If kids don't have the common sense to excessively stop drinking a ridiculous amount of caffeinated drinks even with the warnings on the can/bottle, then they have what's coming to them. One thing that common sense entails is moderation. With no sense of taking things in moderating, bad things will happen.

    Like, I love jagerbombs (redbull + jager) but I don't drink like, 4 of them. If I get too intoxicated on jager, I become a more hyperactive drunk. Having caffeine plus alcohol gives makes you an aware drunk, you become more aware to things but everything is in an intoxicated mind set. That is NOT good in most cases as it gives you confidence and it makes you think that you aren't drunk. It's weird to describe.
  9. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Good pint-but most companies resort to it-education isn't working like it used to-who to blame is for another debate.

    BTW-mother is popular for thier warning label on caffine...

    "WARNING! High caffeine content... Ok, we know that's why you're drinking it, but our lame legal guys made us warn you not to feed this to kids, up the duff women, or the weak who just can't tolerate it."

    That is what it actually says-the only energy drink that treats the label casually.
    Post Merge: [time]1253286476[/time]
    People actually laugh at that and think it's not serious.

    Oh well-at least my little brother doesn't drink it.

    That's all I need to keep me happy somewhat.
  10. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Also all these energy drinks have warnings for kids not to consume them I'm pretty sure. It says on the can like, intended for people over 16. Just like coffee.

    When there comes a new generation of kids, there's a new generation of parents. Last generation most parents were the type that were over bearing or harsh, this generation it seems that these parents are bending over backwards to make sure their kids stopped crying. Because crying is a horrible thing.

    Crying is a good thing, for kids it teaches them a lesson that they won't otherwise learn in school unless someone smacks them.

    It's good it treats it casually because it's a load of crap. Warning labels often include something incredibly obvious, kids not only learn in school, school is for learning academics, not common sense. Learning common sense happens outside of school. Warning labels like "May contain nut" on a bag of peanuts is stupidly retarded, kids are learning about the world around them, what if when they're older these products don't have these silly warning labels, what will they do? Assume that a bag of peanuts doesn't contain nuts?

    As for staying on topic, well I already answered that question, caffeine does work, although it varies from person to person.

  11. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Hrm, I admit you have a good point there.

    Parents are stupid and vary-mine are less than thier parents-but when your mother claims whip lashings and father claims he's been neglected for his 7 sisters you wonder if they are saying that just to get on your caring side or wethier they are stll tough-just not as tough as thier medievil parents.

    Cry can be good-but not in all cases-my brother used to get a belting from my dad and thus insted of crying-he's become destructive and destroys things just to get revenge-he (unlike me at his age) no longer values them at all-he has partial respect for me because I understand where he comes from-btw he grew up msotly from dad.

    As for me I grew up with just mum-but because of her bad habits (heavy drinking-etc) I become numb to everything-even physical pain to some extent unless it's a near death.

    ...hrm, seems somehow I taken some of my father's rage on new age things-I seen him walk up to kids and yell at them because they are ranting on about thier dares on this drinks-only for them to laugh "at the old man who can't handle the stuff".

    I guess I wanted to make a conversation-but you nat-have shown me something I guess I should have known...

    Some call it an entry level drug-setting them up for the next phases of all sorts of drugs (apparently the cocain drink in america has 3 times the australian legal limit) other's say just in moderation.

    I suppose what I said in a shorten form of my starter is "I chose the natural way-apples and fruit do a better job for me".

    But in reality I just made a rant that I can't back up simply because I know the world today lacks common sence-and thought that would be enough.

    (mods-if you think this has become a pointless raving attack on energy drinks-you may lock-otherwise leave it open-until other people post I have nothing to add)
  12. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Shown you what, exactly? I'm confused. I can't reply to the rest of your post because their personal experiences, there's really nothing to debate about in there.

    Cocaine drink? Cocaine's illegal. If you're talking about caffeine levels, then probably. But you have to see that the US has the most prevalent use of excess. Compare drink sizes from anywhere else and the US. A medium here (in Canada) is a small in the US.

    Caffeine is definitely not a gateway drug. Caffeine gets you overactive if intoxicated and makes you nervous, that doesn't really incite any sort of feeling of trying something new. Weed also isn't a gateway drug as most seem to say, it's usually the first 'drug' people use but that isn't the gateway drug. Alcohol is a gateway drug, alcohol gives people this false sense of invincibility and gives them confidence to do anything, usually they'll try or experiment with a heavy drug while drinking.

    This new generation has no common sense I believe, there isn't much to argue about that. I blame lack of discipline, media and a bunch of other things. I can't blame myself just yet as my kids are still babies.
  13. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    It's a name of an energy drink that's apparently designed to replicate the high it gives-it's name is cocain-they are planning an australian version-less caffine.

    (australian lobbies are planning to stop it being imported as well as sold because of the riduclus name-and no it's just an energy drink with a bad name)

    And what I said about the gateway drug-that's what most australia debates refer it as-so it's what I hear not personaly opinion.

    And this new generation is in one word-crap.

    I was brought up in ld world values-where please and thank you are the norm-and sex is taboo until 18.

    It does explain why my rant has taken it's direction, but none the less-not everyone would agree with my views-despite the fact that if I went onto a local talk back show and said some of what's mentioned here a few people may praise me for it-everyone or most people near my age has tried an energy drink at least one-I only tried one...technically yestartday.

    And I guess if they sold a 600ml vanilla coke without caffine I may have a new best friend-ain't gonna happen sadly.
  14. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    The Australia government isn't in my field but from what I've heard, they're a stupid paranoid group of individuals (look at the video games market there).

    I've heard NOTHING regarding as caffeine being a gateway drug. I think they're getting some things confused. Everyone consumes some sort of level of caffeine, I don't know anyone who hasn't have a coke or a sip of coffee when they were young (I used to ask my dad to have the last little sips of his coffee when I was young). Everyone is exposed to caffeine, it isn't a bad thing either, drinking a cup of coffee a day IS healthy, just like drinking a glass of wine a day.

    What I'm getting at is that saying that caffeine is a gateway drug is basically saying that brushing your teeth is a gateway to drugs. Everyone who does heavy drugs are exposed to caffeine, it doesn't work the other way around.

    Every new generation has a new set of norms. Doesn't mean they're always bad. Although I don't see this generation of kids having much to redeem them selves on. I know some good kids but I know more bad kids.

    Also, sex was never taboo until eighteen, never. Sex being used a pleasure back in the day was taboo, sex before marriage was taboo. My grand parents got married at 14, that was the norm, I think you're still able to get married at 14, wait no, it's 16 now.

    Although that being said, every new generation has an older generation to criticize or hate on the newer generation.
  15. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    The australian goverment is preety stupid and I agree to that-always people getting based and the excuses keep roling in in regard to police numbers...

    I suppose in moderation if can be ok-though I just worry for the hyper kids putting themselves at risk-who honestly wants to chase after them-I don't-if they come up to me at work I might say "bit young for 2- 4 packs eh" but that'll be it.

    And you are quiet right-from what I seen each generation does have new norms-bu the older gens always see a trouble-despite out simerlar ages-I think I'm with the oldies...

    And while "adult pleasure" isn't a bad thing, it depends on circumstances-though I best not say much more-before we de-rail this.

    PS-You must be bored or trying to drill some much needed sence into my hard head-you've been posting the most here.
  16. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    I drink energy drinks quite often, and like its started before it depends on your sensitivity to caffeine but I have learned that they are all just marketing schemes you get a sort of 'sugar rush' then it goes away.

    Only thing I have seen in the US markets I can say actually boots your energy is a drink called 'Redline' alot of people who work out uses them it doesn't affect you right off until you get active and raise your heart rate then you notice a difference they are pretty expensive you get 4 8oz 'shots' in a package for $10.00. here is some info here if your curious, but they are trying to pull it off the market as its been causing a lot of bad side effects as its also been used for 'weight loss'. Hell they are all bad for you in a way I don't care what people say. ;D
  17. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I'd agree to that-in moderation they may help-yeah like a sip an hour!

    Hrm, I never heard of this-might have been banned from sale in australia.
  18. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Risk for what? Running all hyper active into the street? The only real damage they can cause is on themselves if they consume A LOT of caffeine for a long period of time and head aches from their parents (if they're even there).

    Culture and nurture has something to do with generations too.

    I agree, should stay within love boundaries. Although it doesn't mean the people who do one night stands should be outcasted.

    I don't know, I post in this section the most because the other section I find attract the kind of members I don't really want to be associated with. Although this part of the forum attracts it's own kind of stupidity but that happens with any forum.
  19. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    The risk I talk about-while stupid-is damaged hearts or just plain old heart attacks.

    Some show did a bit of a study on tv-one of the kids had the shakes and while other's showed only s slight increase in energy levels-one kid had WAY too much for his body to take.

    They taken kids at 14-17 of age.

    Parents permission of course-safe drinking levels.

    Plus generally kids at even 14 don't need the benifit-as before they took the kids-one australian doctor they interviewed said what I have stuck to...

    "They already have more energy than an adult-why drink this on top of natural energy?"

    ...unfortunatly I'm running out of possible things to throw back-you've got a good head on your shoulders-havings kids must have wised you up :)

    As for the reply to my ps-I think I know where i stand in the bracket-though really unless you run into a spammer in one of the forum games I see no one of nusance...

    Unless your thinking about some of the elitist members.
  20. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    As silly as that sounds, that was a study, I've heard nothing about young young kids taking caffeine. :p

    It rests on the hands of the parents to let them drink this stuff. It shouldn't be the kid's decision because the only reason why they might want it initially is because it's adult. Kids imitate what their parents do.

    I'm talking real world situations, not a study environment where they exposed them to it.

    Don't know, my online etiquette has been better than when I first started forum-ing I guess. Introduced by my husband and soon took his place. Although my online activity is either a lot or none. I've been away from online activity for near a year before I joined this one. Having kids hasn't done much besides add experience and age.

    Some debates often end up as stupid agreements or stuff with no back up or no thought in them. See the smoking topic, "100% bad", okay, why? Or people don't read what was already presented before in the topic and just say whatever first before posting. The elitist members may be ass holes but atleast they know how to think before they post.