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emos how did they start and please post your comments about them

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ian13456, Mar 11, 2009.

  1. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    calling things mainstream and being stuck in any genre is bad. allot of "mainstream" music actually sounds good and is well produced that's why it sells and becomes mainstream.

    i for one like a bit of fall out boy, its fun and good for a sing along. and before anyone calls me a pansy remember i like more hardcore or insanely talented bands then then most of the other metal heads in this forum.

    yeah people can listen to what they like and i bet some people do like emo music, to be honest although i agree that emo music is terrible there is the odd few songs that crop up that are good (but then again its the old 1000 monkeys with a 1000 typewriters thing)
    but we're not discussing music we're discussing personal actions.
  2. KowaiOishi

    KowaiOishi Member

    I Concurr.
    Especially My Chemical Romance.
    Dont Get Me Started On Those Fags.
  3. MunkyTV

    MunkyTV New Member

    /wrist :p
  4. ian13456

    ian13456 Well-Known Member

    just this afternoon my classmates brought a set of gillete(not the one you use to shave your beard).
    and I thought they will use it for E.P.P. class. Then I was shocked when i saw them at the back of our room cutting their selves (my new friend almost collapsed because of blood).hmmm I wonder what kind of air has gotten into their minds.and I noticed that when they were cutting their selves there were three girls.CAN A GIRL BE AN EMO TOOO? ahhh I prefer to study than to see them cutting their selves and eventually cry because of the cut they got.It was like lol when I saw them in the clinic.
  5. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member


    That aside, emos are a terrible fad. Horrendous. Inexcusable. (I just wrote "unexcusable by accident. Thanks internet, I'm getting stupider!)
    Now, one debate I would like to dismiss is the "some are just depressed, it's a real chemical imbalance". True, there is a real depression caused by a chemical imbalance, but that imbalance does NOT cause you to cry for attention, cut yourself, listen to horrible music, or wear black. What I'm trying to say, Natewlie, is that you're absolutely correct, but it's not relevant. And some people do just like the clothing. I, for one, am not a fan of the tight pants but I do happen to love the hair (of the ones who do it right). However, we're not talking about those people, either. We're talking about THESE PEOPLE
  6. Datanotfound

    Datanotfound Well-Known Member

    Don't lump us in with them.
  7. KowaiOishi

    KowaiOishi Member

    Omg I Wouldve Laughed At Them. Do They Have Nothing Better To Do?
  8. XD9999

    XD9999 Well-Known Member

    Whats the difference between emos and goths? They all look the same.
  9. Datanotfound

    Datanotfound Well-Known Member

    The fact that we don't wear girls pants(the guys anyway =p), cry ourselves to sleep at night, or find joy in hurting ourselves?

    Edit: To expand, there isn't a real dress code. There should be no such labels as these, but people judge you by how you dress. most people just wear what they like to wear, but the ones you see that are flamingly goth/emo (thats what I call it when they try to stand out way to much) are doing it purely for attention of some kind.
  10. XD9999

    XD9999 Well-Known Member

    ok...maybe im stretching a bit too far off-topic but, how can you tell if they are wearing girls pants or pants that looks like girls pants? and if there are people who are goths but does not dress like goths how can you tell that they are goths?
  11. PrincessCyanide

    PrincessCyanide New Member

    not all emos cut themselves for a start.or are they depressed all the time...i know many emos and goths and they are happy bright kids.
    any one can be depressed....
    and goths...goths are not sad and dnt listen to depressing music all the time.
    whos to say what way we are to dress,i dress anyway i like..i happen to like black clothes and the gothic style...
    dave vanian lead singer of the damned is classed as one of the leaders in goth music and wears frilly shirts...coming from the back of punk...do u think his songs are depressing? no (smash it up anyone?)
    its all about choice..if thats the way they choose to be then let them...its all about self expression....
    i dnt see hoards of emo and goth kids drinking on street corners,trying to pick fights with everyone...leave that to the chavs and neds of this world..
    if its a phase then they will grow out of it but supposrt them in whatever choice they make...they are ur friends after all
  12. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    its not about self expression and individuality cause they all look and act the sameĀ  :D

    and they do drink on street corners and fight when they evolve in to scene kids well they do/did around where i live
  13. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    if that happened on my street i think we would have to start a neighbourhood watch, or rather witch hunt
  14. atmizi69

    atmizi69 Well-Known Member

    don't you guys worry, emo is a fad. Like other fads, it will go away on its own. Either that or it will get replaced with a much worse than the emo thing...
  15. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Ah, cutting also falls in the same boat as depression, cutting is either caused by depression, an addiction to self mutilation or masochism.

    Cutting can be serious. I'm only saying this type of stuff because the depressed (although cleverly disguised) and the people who deal with pain through cutting don't get the hate that they deserve.

    And MCR is not emo, they fall in the same category as Fall Out Boy.
  16. Datanotfound

    Datanotfound Well-Known Member

    Its just a silly saying about emos =p referring to the extremely tight pants some boys wear. And you ran right across my point, I meant that people are judged at by how their appearance.
  17. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    if someone looks like an emo they then should not complain about being ridiculed for looking like one because that's the choice they made.
    its like if you choose to shave your head wear dr martens and suspenders because you like the look you also have to be prepared for people thinking your an aggressive racist .

    same with emo's you dress like one and people will think you a...... well...... emo
  18. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    I think that's entirely wrong equitypetey, if I want to dress like an emo then that's my choice, and people shouldn't give me shit about it. They can shake their head and walk away, but bullying is never justified. So the whole "if you dress like an emo you should accept the ridicule" is stupid.
  19. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    i never said bullying is justified and i never said ridicule some one to their face and make them feel bad.
    what i mean is if you look like an emo or catagorise your self in any other spesifec visual statment
    people are going to think you act like one and thus threat you like one so theres no complaining about it cause thats the way you have chosen to portray your self.

    i used to (when i was an angsty teen) be a goth i looked like a goth i got treated like a goth, it was fair as thats the way i chose to portray my self and now i'm a grown up and grew out of that phase i want to be treated with respect so i look respectable.

    as much as we try not to judge a book by it cover the truth is people generally do.
  20. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    sephs not emo :-\ ..... is he