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emos how did they start and please post your comments about them

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ian13456, Mar 11, 2009.

  1. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    Just now?
  2. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member


    this is the story err i think
  3. KowaiOishi

    KowaiOishi Member

    Emo Is Just A Type Of Clothing Style/ Music/ Attitude.
    Being Sad Means Youre Just Sad. Youre Not Going Emo.
    Prolonged Sadness Leads To Depression... Not Being Emo.
    Slitting Your Wrists Has Nothing To Do With Being Emo.
    It Means You Have A Psychological Disorder And You Seriously Need To Be Checked.
  4. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    yes there are people who have those problems that are not emo but emo's tend to do every thing you just mentioned to get as much attention they can get.

    because people who have these problems for real you will never know they have. that's why it pisses me off so much because i have issues and makes my life hell and i've known some people who also have similar or even worse problems then me like the guitarist in my band i had years ago was diagnosed manic depressive and you could never tell. my friends recently when i told them i had to have therapy where really surprised because they had never known anything was wrong with me. and thats the way it is with people who have real life problems because they don't want anyone in there business.

    i hate the little emo's that go around thinking their problems are so big and whoring for attention............. aarrrggggg i could go on forever but it just make me mad so i'm not going to bother (i'm not just getting pissed off at emo's now its all little bastards that think its cool to use real disorders to gain attention)

    and i don't understand why its cool the style looks stupid the music is shit and the attitude is pathetic
  5. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    like someone else said.

    Emo and Scene are different.
  6. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    don't even get me started on scene kids they're just as bad if not worse they look like emo's (too me) and they act like chavs
  7. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    Chaves? We apparently have much different definitions on scene. Where I'm from, emo's are the whinny little bitches, and scene kids dress like a mixture of emo and goth, and have a lot of fun to screamo music.
  8. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Chavs are the British equivalent to 'Trailer trash'

    I don't mind emo's, they just do things differently, as long as they don't cause me any trouble I won't mind them, I have a friend who thinks he is 'emo', he doesn't slit his wrists but he acts depressed and sad all the time and I can't cheer him up much, must be that his parents split.
  9. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    What? Really? Here in the US, chavs are those (pardon my cultural slang, I'm not homophobic) fags that have short hair that's spiked in the front and wear the abcrombi and finch shit shirts.
  10. KowaiOishi

    KowaiOishi Member

    Its Not Cool >.> These Are Real Disorders Were Talking About That They Make Them Look Childish.
    Plus... Its Mostly The Little 12 Year Old Kids That Do It.
    They Realise Its So Stupid After A Few Months.
    I Saw This Kid, He Put This Hair To The Side And Claimed He Was Emo.
    I Laughed In This Face And Pushed Him To The Ground And Called Him Fag.
    That Kid Was My Little Brother. : D
  11. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    I hate people who share the opinion of 'people who fake disorders, get a life' or 'if you're depressed, cheer up'. Some of these emos could have actual depression, a chemical imbalance in the brain, they only dress that certain way to make an identity or persona to try and fit in and find other people with similar problems.

    By the way depression and mental disorders aren't funny to make fun of, that's probably because one of my friends killed herself and I had depression and my husband had depression and has aspurgers. Depression is a life altering disease (yes it's a disease) even if you end up not ending yourself it gives you a bleak look upon the world and even after conquering it you're still a huge cynic and a downer, often hiding your own feelings to make friends and belong, the same way the 'emos' do it.

    Or people can just dress the style because they like it, not because they want to have that kind of lifestyle. Look at the punk movement, people dressed like punks, even though they weren't.

    By the way, the word emos has been used too damn freely and has because it's own identity which wasn't the same it was in the beginning.
  12. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    Emo is dead. Emo is dead. Emo is dead.
    Honestly, though, it's one of the lamest fads ever. Why, let's all:
    a. wear black clothing religiously
    b. listen to shitty emo music. That means YOU, Fall Out Boy.
    c. write poems... that are pathetic and show how much of an attention whore you are
    d. act depressed to get attention
    e. cut self
    f. etcetera
  13. KowaiOishi

    KowaiOishi Member

    Erm Lol...
    Fall Out Boy's Pop Rock. Not Emo.
    They Were Probably Classified As Emo In The Past But Not Anymore : )
    Plus, Pete Wentz Is The Only Emo Douchebag In The Band.
  14. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    Fall out boy is the horrible music Emo's listen to.
  15. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Poetry isn't bad
  16. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    your way off fall out boy is no where near emo
  17. KowaiOishi

    KowaiOishi Member

    -cough- -cough-
    You Sir, Are Very Ignorant.
  18. googolplex1234

    googolplex1234 Well-Known Member

    I don't really care what music they like. I bet people can like "Emo" music and still not be Emo.

    The real thing that annoys me is the cutting. They do it for attention.
    Just don't give them attention and it will stop.
  19. KowaiOishi

    KowaiOishi Member

    Exactly, All Of My Friends Love Hardcore Metal Stuff.
    You Dont Exactly See Them Sitting In Corners Hating Life.
  20. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    Mainstream sucks in general.