It's already very very hard to stop Global Warming at present but the least that we could do is lessen our activities that contribute to global warming
Man it's already December but mid-days to the afternoons are still hot! At mid-day the heat is as if Summer time but the nights are especially chilly as it should be. Twenty or so years ago, at about this time of year you could bask in the sun on mid-day & it wouldn't be hot. Oh yeah in Summer time the heat has become extremely unbearable
I don't know if it has been mentioned before, but holland will be the one country that survives. Sure everybody is complaining that water is rising, but it's not like we haven't had that before. We live 1-2m under water already. If there will be more water, we just raise our dykes, raise the wall. Some tropical islands should consider doing the same. Also, we won't stop global warming. While there's CO2 in the ground, it will continue to increase. Don't worry, the world will survive (it has been here in the air before, hasn't it?).
i don't mean to badger you but i don't think you see the whole picture. i guess it's okay to have a smaller perspective as it's more detailed up close. today, 12-10-2008, the temperature in nyc is 60f [it's rainning]. two to three days ago the weather was like below 35f.
I think that the earth is warming up, but I don't think that it's as bad as some people (Al Gore) would like us to believe. This is not the first time in earth's history that the global average temperature has risen, or that climates have shifted. No matter what happens, nature will take care of itself one way or another. If it has to eradicate humanity to maintain the balance, it will. After all, no matter how vain we are as a species, when you get down to brass tacks we are not special.
If people today still won't act, we will be slowly erased in the world map and not only that, the worst part is that we will die by Drowning, millions even me including in death's list...
It is human nature to destroy ourselves. We are succeeding, but not through global warming. And besides, humanity's eradication may actually do the planet some good.
I like how there was a shit ton of leaked documentation which completely throws the global warming thing on its head and its all being ignored. GLOBAL WARMING IS BULLSHIT PEOPLE. THIS IS A NATURAL CYCLE OF THE EARTH!
ice age dear, ice age. we won't drown we wil freeze. but we will more likly die from a war as all the rich cuntries fight to get in the poor still warm countries.
Quote simply, you're incorrect. The emails show only how easy it is to take tiny portions of text out of context and make them look sinister. And if this is all a part of a "natural cycle", then please tell me, what factor is causing the warming? It's not solar or orbital, we know that much.
And making unsubstantiated claims can't twist facts at all. <-(Sarcasm) I could be wrong here, but to the best of my knowledge the heating of the Earth is caused by an increase in the energy of solar rays getting through due to the weakening of Earth's magnetic field. They believe that this is a natural part of the Earth's cycle and happens approximately every 10,000 years or so. It has been a lot longer than 10,000 years since the last time this happened so we are overdue another ice age.
We are, by definition, still in an ice age. It is defined as a period where Polar ice caps are still present. We're interglacial meaning the ice is moving back because of warmer temperatures.
the earth isn't warming... global warming is the retard edition of climate change, which has been twisted and warped so that idiots believe that it's solely our fault. Of course it's got nothing to do with dwindling fossil fuel supplies and the finance boom in renewable energy.
It is how geographers define it. Not the common use in which is it given. Such as Interglacial is assumed to be the period between two glacial epochs, and people quote the adjective term, but never the appropriate noun. It's more a technicality than anything. It's also not an idea.
I'm sorry, but could you substantiate this claim with some proof? If I have made an error in calling the last period when a substantial amount of the Earth's surface was covered in ice an ice age, it seems it is a mistake shared by most papers on the subject.
They were not wrong. The world still has a high percent of glaciers. It is just technically, an ice age ends when the ice caps cease to exist.
Okay, where have you gotten this "non-idea" from that an ice age only ends when there are no polar ice caps?