I heard a joke about it.. if we can use FRESH water as an alternative fuel source.. wouldn't the earth turn into an uninhabitable wasteland?
the thing that gets me the most is the amount of opposition to schemes that will be beneficial, not least to the environment, but on out reliance on fossil fuels. take wind turbines - clean, quiet, kind of efficient... there is the capacity to have millions of these dotted wherever (land or sea), yet that hasn't happened. some complain "they're noisy" - i live next to one and it's near silent. some say "they're an eyesore" - because coal fired powerstations are so much prettier others claim "they do more harm than good" - well, let's just sit here and wait while stuff gets hotter. well, at least we tried *burns more oil* genuinley, it's this opposition to things that are ultimatley good that i can't understand. how many off shore wind generators are there in the USA or the UK? not a lot. why? reasons above - some idiot blurts out "eyesore" and the things get turned down, and another powerstation springs up somewhere.
do you know what its the same hippies saying "stop burning fuels" that are the ones stoping them being built. some were going to be built where i live but as its a realy pretty area every one said no to it. they big idiots i would of said yes but i want cheap power.
The current wind turbines are actually quite inefficient. Dont get me wrong im all for them but they do have problems. If you have 3 or more in a particular spot they have been proved to produce ossolating vibrations at a harmful frequency. One woman who lived beside a wind farm actually had to be admitted to a psychiatric hospital due to the vibrations which drove her literally crazy. Also these same vibrations have some serious impacts on bats. This is especially big here in NZ since our only native mammal is the bat, and both species that we have left are severely threatened. The vibrations from quickly spinning turbines screw with the navigation or (sight) of bats and they either fly strait into the turbine or in some cases just plain fall out of the sky. This is especially bad near the ocean since they drown. Sea birds have also been seen to fly into fast spinning turbines due to not seeing them (lol stupid sea birds...). There are alternative wind power turbines though to the normal ones you think of. These are perfect for residential environments. Ideally each house in the area would have one, and generate its own electricity. Combines with solar heating you dont even need to be connected to the power grid. They are completely quiet, spin slowly so they have no adverse effects on the environment or wildlife, and they look pretty sweet. They also dont take up a lot of room and are really cheap and easy to install. Not to mention they dont need high wind speeds to work. Heres a pic: That blue thing is the generator and turbine, Combine that with solar water heating and decent insulation and youll power your house for free over summer. Though in winter youll probably need to top up a little from the grid for heating.
I live in Ireland, we have wind turbines all over the gaff. While they aren't the most efficient things, I've never heard of any case like that woman you described, I can only assume there was some malfunction to cause those vibrations as I have never heard of any problems that severe. That wind/solar power dealy looks like a pretty sweet idea though.
yeah you can get those small wind turbines like the on above with photovoltaic tiles on too so that you can generate wind and solar off the same little gizmo. Of course its not as efficient as a roof mounted panel (usually used for solar heating) but itll still help you along with the power bill Problem is with personal wind and solar you usually need to have a decent battery setup to store the generated electricity. Though some countries will let you feed back what you generate into the grid and pay you for it. Pretty sweet deal if you ask me.
Didn't any of these people watched "The Day After Tomorrow" like it's based on the happenings here in the real world not sci-fi, but nooooo. They still continue to produce pollution on its current state. The more Acrtic Ice melts, Polar Bears cease to exist, they are now endangered. Not to mentioned the abnormal weather symtems. In the Philippines, it is rare to see tornadoes in our place. And previous news Texas was struck with a ST(Super Typhoon to us). I would say that "The World is covered by Noise" (I realy like this phrase as it has a definite meaning to others). Am I right? The Earth we knew is now the Earth with no North Pole. What about children if they say where will Santa lives? They should change everything from the drawings of the map to the rest of history.
^ Awesome movie, it's actually one of my favourite. This movie really shows that impossible can happen, like the vortex that can change anything to ice in matter of seconds which freezed the helicopter that was taking the royal family back home. Actually if the Artic and the Antartic circles keep continuing to melt, our end would be the same as in the movie.
Current renewables like wind turbines and solar panels actually do very little to aid the environment. Some take up to 20 years to repay the energy created in their contruction, installation and maintenance. With a 20 year operating life that means they just break even. The 18 months energy repayment rate given by turbine manufacturers accounts for only the energy used in their factories I believe. I think the *real* solution is some way off yet. Maybe covering the Sahara or similar with algae tanks or high efficiency, low cost solar cells would do the trick. The other gripe I have is with sea levels and arctic ice melting. I'm pretty sure that floating ice displaces the same amount of water it contains: ie there is no net water level gain when floating ice melts.
it will happen anyway. this is the natural cycle of the earth, when we look at the earths history it goes through times of ice age regularly we are just speeding up the effects. so even if we stopped everything we do it will still happen. we won't all die though, countries around the equator will not be icy and still have a warmish climate, we may all die because everybody will want to move to the unaffected areas and world war 3 will start especially as America will demand to be there and that will piss everyone off. remember we know we can survive, man lived through the last ice age the biggest problem we face is that people rely on technology and don't know the basics of how to live like hunt and use every bit of an animal. and there is the problem that man has over hunted and made extinct the animals that would of given people a staple diet in the cold climates.
actually... atlantis has been found, "http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/4011545.stm" "http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2003/09/30/1064819881656.html"
we eventually will run out of resources and we will be forced to "go green" meaning using natures power, and yes global warming = big problem and we may die cuz of it
it may be minuscule in terms of end temperature increase, but in real world terms it is significant as we are greatly accelerating it.
True, but I believe that the concept that we can so radically alter the course of the world's ecosystem so subtly and without meaning to is a bit of arrogance on behalf of mankind. The whole concept of global warming has been completely overblown.
um global warming is real? anyways, stop the um pollution because u make all the dudes in the deserts really uncomfortably hot. so please STOP GLOBAL WARMING ;D