no the wieght of what will happen will be shouldered by the whole mankind becuase we are the ones who caused it
Global Warming in fact does not exist, the Earth goes through various cycles. Look at the temperatures in the year 1300, there were grapes growing in Newfoundland for crying out loud. Then in the years of 1400-1600 we hit an ice age, which we've slowly been coming out of, and we finally came out of the mini ice age today, where temperatures are higher, which a small group of scientist claim is global warming, yes the temperatures (for the most part) have reached a record high, but from temperatures around here right now I'd say it's global freezing. Also you have to look at the orbital tilt of the Earth, which has decreased its angle of inclination, thus causing this effect sceintist call global warming. If you were to talk to top physicists, they'd tell you the Earth is going through a normal phase that occurs once every so many hundreds of years. When the Earth comes out of an ice age, it's angle of inclination decreases, causing more sunlight to reach the surface of the Earth, instead of the innards. So quite frankly I feel global warming existes in a sense but it is not caused by hmans, temperatures still haven't reached the point they did in the 1300's, I don't see myself growing pineapples in my backyard anytime soon, so in effect some areas will record an increase in temperatures while others will see a decrease, you can almost say the hemispheres are switching places, as the inclination angel continues to change you will see the Northern hemisphere mimic what our southern hemisphere is now and vice-versa.
Has anybody heard about a group of people "cough, retards" that are calling it Global Cooling. I dunno but it sounds dumb.
i think they are just blaming factories, or others cause they wanna take down those companies who own them
that problem could be resolved by simply planting plants on your back yard........if every person would do that surely the CO2 level would decreas eventually
every single person in the world would need to plant one plant each, and insure its growth, further more, let it grow to its full potential and not harvest/ fell it. On top of that you would need to remove every single car off the road. Just to bring that level back down to even half of what it should be.