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Easy Boss or Hard Boss

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by asdzxc123789, Sep 24, 2009.


Easy or Hard?

  1. Easy

    0 vote(s)
  2. Hard

    0 vote(s)
  3. None. Just finish the level...

    0 vote(s)
  1. SoulSin

    SoulSin Well-Known Member

    That pretty much fits.

    I like intelligent boss fights. When they are hard when you don't know what to do, and easy if you know what are you doing.

    But the answer do that question depends on the distance of the save point.
    Fight and lose to a boss where the save point was one hour ago or in the middle of the dungeon can be very, but very annoying ._.

    Also it depends of the boss too. Is like when you are playing an RPG and you fight a really Big Monster in a cave, and you find a group of bandits in the next city that deal more damage and have more HP.
    There is something called logic I guess.
  2. markie

    markie Well-Known Member

    I dont really care, sometimes easy, sometimes hard.
  3. Sarah Kreuz

    Sarah Kreuz Well-Known Member

    nahhh, if you`re playing you DO care the moment you`ll face him.

    Gradius is a very good example for some very difficult bosses (except the 2 old Gameboy versions). Parodius also. Highly skilled bosses means a highly reward at all events (...and if it`s just the satisfaction to kicked his a.. ;)).

    so,I prefer a heavy boss-fighting.
  4. xReTry

    xReTry Member

    if the game sucks then i choose easy because i would like to get through it as fast as possible.. but if its fun and challenging then hard because its great to challenge a game thats worth my times
  5. Sarah Kreuz

    Sarah Kreuz Well-Known Member

    same too me.i really like those Games, that are going a little bit easier from every time you gonna fail. "Yggdra Union" (for GBAdvance) powers up your Comrade`s morale, if you fail a map/stage. So the next try is a lot easier.

    Surely there are Games outta there,that do the same with Bossfights. But i can`t recall them.