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Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by Amelia Leeming, Jul 17, 2010.

  1. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    The Edge has pulled itself away from the Cyclo in many ways while still remaining as a solid DSi alternative since the CycloDS isn't DSi compatible. I love how you so freely judge it with absolutely zero knowledge of the cart.

    The Acekard has been going downhill for awhile now. It is just an R4 with a bigger capacity that works on DSi's. People insult the R4 for having to rely on 3rd party firmware, but the Acekard is truly no better. Without AKAIO, the Acekard would be completely dead by now. I was gladly saying "Buy an Acekard" for a long while. It just takes the power of perspective to see that it isn't going to last as it's progressing now.
  2. innergamemaster

    innergamemaster Well-Known Member

    Here's what I'll do..I'm gonna buy a cycloDS clone a.k.a iedge and try it, if it's as good or better than I make a post stating that it's better

    I never considered buying one because I knew is was just a fake copy of cycloDS

    this kinda sound like an arguement I had with a guy who thought his R4i was as good as a DStwo
    Post Merge: [time]1279495888[/time]
    I'm sorry mr. drake...here

    I love iedge...happy???

    can we be friends??
  3. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    The iEdge isn't on the top of my recommend list, but I won't trash it because it is technically a clone of the CycloDS. I just feel every cart deserves just judgment instead of instantly being deemed garbage as soon as somebody finds out the cart was based off of one already in existence. I figure, if they're going to make a clone, might as well base it off the best. The makers of the iEdge did just that and did a pretty good job doing it.

    It is a solid alternative if you are into all the bells and whistles. Not many own the cart though, so I don't see it creep into AP threads very often. I don't know if it is just because these people don't have issues with the games or what. Owners who have posted seem to be relatively satisfied with the purchase they made.

    If they are satisfied, why should someone who has never so much as touched one be able to say that person made a bad decision? This obviously doesn't apply to the billions of R4 clones where there are maybe two or three quality ones.
  4. innergamemaster

    innergamemaster Well-Known Member

    isn't that the same as an R4i..R4 isn't Dsi compatible, but R4i is...R4i has features that R4 don't...but guess what?? it's still and R4 clone is it not??
  5. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    All because the cart has pulled away doesn't mean it isn't still a clone. I never full out said "It isn't a clone". Your example sucks by the way. You probably shouldn't pick a clone that has the original cart name in its name.

    A good example:

    The M3 was originally an R4 clone, but now look at it. It has fully spread into its own tree of carts with its own hardware and firmware. Although every M3 can technically be considered a clone of the R4 in one way or another, barely any of them are actually bad carts.
  6. innergamemaster

    innergamemaster Well-Known Member

    Sorry but I will never recommend a clone...it's just a fake copy of something else..it's like saying a Vii is just as good as a Wii
  7. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Except the "better" (used lightly) R4i carts seem to actually be clones of the Acekard2i, just use the R4 name for the names recognition (And can use modified versions of the AKAIO firmware).

    A better example is the TTDS, which was an R4 clone, and is now DSi compatible with an ok (but not great) third party firmware support.
  8. innergamemaster

    innergamemaster Well-Known Member

    or a folex is as good as a rolex...it's a clone...nothing more
  9. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Except you seem to be completely ignoring any quality, compatibility, etc. differences that exist. "Oh, it's a clone, it must suck!".

    You know Team Cyclops first cards were claimed to be clones of Supercard by the flashcart community? (Their card prior to the Evo). Does that mean the CycloDS Evo must suck because Cyclo was a clone!

    (Obviously the answer is no.) Clone does not mean bad. There are cards that are just fine that are considered to be, or at one time there developing team had, clones of another card.
  10. innergamemaster

    innergamemaster Well-Known Member

    I didn't say it sucks, I'm just saying it's not better than acekard or dstwo or even R4

    My response was to people who said it was better than the acekard, etc and that the acekard was out of business

    I still have my R4 clone and I'm still using it in my ds lite
  11. Amelia Leeming

    Amelia Leeming Well-Known Member

    I've bought the iedge now so sorry to all of the people who think it is rubbish cause it's a clone I bought it before the argument (heated discussion!) so sorry
  12. kieran-123

    kieran-123 Well-Known Member

    im sorry i was not online... lol
    but dont worry the edge *may* be a clone of the cyclo but the iedge is not because there is no icyclo ds.
    they built the card very well and they are still updating there own software.
    its a very good card dont worry you wont be disappointed :)
    the acekard use to be one of the best (so did the r4i SDHC at the time,they did constant software updates)
    but its gone downhill now and without the unofficial firmware thats being made for it,it would be dead...
    and who no's how long the unofficial firmware is going to be updated for it because the people who make it are not getting any money...
    so dont worry you have *one of the* best card thats available now..... :)
  13. Amelia Leeming

    Amelia Leeming Well-Known Member

    Thanks i'm glad i got it now, it should be here on wednesday i think
  14. innergamemaster

    innergamemaster Well-Known Member

    Few years from now clones like the iedge, will dissappear, while the acekard will still be around

    what happened to the edge will happen to the iedge...
  15. Amelia Leeming

    Amelia Leeming Well-Known Member

    oh never mind i can just get an acekard i get £11 a month for pocket money and i have loads of money any way its only a matter of if my mum will let me or not and why do u think it will go and what happened to the edge and how long untill it happens do u think exactly
  16. kieran-123

    kieran-123 Well-Known Member

    nothing happened to the edge its still being updated and 4 of my mates have bout one in the past month.
    he doesn't no what hes talking about and the acekard could die soon because like i said theres no updates for it by the original team so the unofficial team could stop making firmware any day now.
    then its dead...
    and like ive said before the iedge is not a clone.
    and its firmware is made my the edge team so thats not copied ether.
    the edge team has been around for ages and is far from going out of business.
    read this it says a lot about the edge + iedge - http://www.edgedscards.co.uk/
    so dont listen to what innergamemaster is saying... :)
  17. Amelia Leeming

    Amelia Leeming Well-Known Member

    OK thanks i wont listen to him u obviously know what u r doing i understand know
  18. Amelia Leeming

    Amelia Leeming Well-Known Member

    Still hasn't arrived it should arrive tomorrow then
  19. kieran-123

    kieran-123 Well-Known Member

    please keep me updated on how its going :)
    i will help you if anything go's wrong.
    out of curiosity were did you buy yours from??
  20. Amelia Leeming

    Amelia Leeming Well-Known Member

    Thanks that's really kind the post arrives around 11 so hopefully it will arrive. I got it from shoptemp
    Post Merge: [time]1279792222[/time]
    THE POST JUST ARRIVED!!! But NO parcel for me :( If it dosn't arrive tommorrow then i will be angry!! it says about two weeks but they always come in about 2 days but i can't track it cause i shipped it my hong kong air mail which dosn't do tracking cause its free!!We've got people staying all weekend so i won't be able to come on here then and I am away all next week so just hoping it arrives tomorrow!! As i said i am away all next week so i won't be able to come on but don't worry i wont have dissappeared forever i will inform u on whats happening when i get back!! I f it does arrive tomorrow which i am hoping it does i will tell u and will probs need help but if not it will have to wait untill the week after next!!!