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Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by Amelia Leeming, Jul 17, 2010.

  1. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    SCDSTWO (SCDS2) is around 36 dollars.

    Yes they are easy to download. Firmware on card = Play
  2. Amelia Leeming

    Amelia Leeming Well-Known Member

    I'm english how much is that in pounds and how much is the DSTWO and what do u reccommend??
  3. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Here is the product:
  4. Amelia Leeming

    Amelia Leeming Well-Known Member

    Thanks but do u know how much the DSTWO is and which do u think is easier to use and r there any hitches and which do u reccommend and r there any others????
  5. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    I don't know how much the DSTWO is in pounds...
    I think the DSTWO is easier to use, but I never tried one of the two.....
    I recommended the DSTWO, it can run GBA games on your DSi/DSi XL
    Yes there are many others. Look in the category's for way more products
  6. Amelia Leeming

    Amelia Leeming Well-Known Member

    r the DSTWO and the SCDS2 the same
  7. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    They both stand for SuperCard DSTWO.
  8. Fredbox

    Fredbox Well-Known Member

    Amelia, in the link that Yoshi gave you, click the british flag in the top right corner. Then it'll all be in pounds. Also, if you get an Acekard 2i, you don't have to borrow a friend's DS Lite. If you pay a bit more, Shoptemp will do it for you, so it'll run fine as soon as you get it.
    Just to let you know, the Supercard DSTwo is £24, but the Acekard, already updated by the shop (so you don't have to) is £11.
    If you have money to burn, sure, give the SCDSTwo a go, I'm sure it's a good card. But For many people, it's not worth the money when they can get an Acekard 2i as cheaply as that.
  9. Amelia Leeming

    Amelia Leeming Well-Known Member

    Ok thanks thats is really helpful I will go for the Acekard 2i then if I don't have to borrow someones DS the link that yoshi gave me does that have Acekard 2i on it and how do u download games does it come with a memory stick and little chip thing like the R4
  10. Fredbox

    Fredbox Well-Known Member

    You have to have a MicroSD card. You already have one though. That's the little chip thing. It's called a MicroSD card. Just make sure when you buy the Acekard 2i, where it says MicroSD card, you select either "none" if you don't want to buy a new one (the one from your R4 will work fine), or select whatever sized card you want (remember, they aren't free so they do add to the price of your order), then in the box below that, you have to set it to "Premium Update+Flashing Service" so they update it for you.
  11. Amelia Leeming

    Amelia Leeming Well-Known Member

    Thanks, I will keep my old micro sd card is it on the link that yoshi posted and does it come with a memory stick that u put the micro sd card in like with the r4???
  12. Fredbox

    Fredbox Well-Known Member

    You mean a USB one so it plugs into the PC?
  13. Amelia Leeming

    Amelia Leeming Well-Known Member

    yeah sorry i don't really think about what terms i use!!!
  14. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Darn, that sucks.

    The acekard 2.i works on all ds models, not just the dsi (if I read this correctly).

    I know the acekard is easy to set up, but it's a shame they sold out....
  15. Fredbox

    Fredbox Well-Known Member

    Well why not use the one that you got with your R4? If you're keeping the MicroSD, why not keep the adaptor (that's what the USB stick is). I don't know if the Acekard comes with one, but you have the one from your R4, right?

    @ hYpNoS: It's not sold out. Amelia was just saying she wan't buying one. But I changed her mind with the prices. Try too keep up.
  16. kieran-123

    kieran-123 Well-Known Member

    the SCDS2 is a good card and so is the iedge but if u want a cheap card then i guess u could go for the acekard 2i but i wouldn't recommend it.
    me and all my mates think thats its overrated.
    there is much better cards out there.
  17. Amelia Leeming

    Amelia Leeming Well-Known Member

    Thank u FreudianLemur uve been really helpful I am going to buy one right now (after I've got permission from my mum!) I thought it would take ages to find the right answer and right card but thanks to u I've found it!!! I might need a bit of help when it arrives or ordering it so don't just forget about it!!
    Post Merge: [time]1279455498[/time]
    As long as the acekard 2i works, is easy to use and has no hitches I don't mind, is it all of those things??? (oh and cheap!)
    Post Merge: [time]1279455777[/time]
    kieran-123 why wouldn't u reccommend it
    Post Merge: [time]1279456685[/time]
    HELLO?!?!?!?? Kieran-123 why wouldn't u reccommend it???? and can u read the post before!?!?!?!?!?
  18. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Please be patient. The user is offline and won't reply now.
  19. zanmato_

    zanmato_ Member

    Probably because it's not the best choice anymore. There was a time when AK2i was usually the first card to get updates (in the form of the unofficial firmware AKAIO). That's not the case anymore. The last few AKAIO updates have taken 1-2 months and there haven't been any loader updates either.
    Now some cards (Supercard DSONEi, DSTwo, iEdge, CycloDS at least) have a feature that auto-patches almost all antipiracy measures and therefor you don't need to wait for firmware updates when new AP protected games come out. For comparison, prices at Shoptemp:
    iEdge: £13.16
    AK2i: £10.38
    DSONEi: £16.67
    So, it's not THAT much cheaper than the more superior alternatives.
  20. Amelia Leeming

    Amelia Leeming Well-Known Member

    Which do u reccommend and is easiest to use and i can use my old micro sd card and momory stick thing (i know its not a momory stick!")

    Post Merge: [time]1279469406[/time]
    Shall I get iedge or acekard 2i i know i can use my memory stick thing (whatever it is) and micro sd card that i used for my r4 on the acekard 2i but what about the iedge