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DS piracy leads to 2.5-year prison sentence (via Joystiq)

Discussion in 'General News' started by kamuikurou, Aug 4, 2009.

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  1. phscarface

    phscarface Well-Known Member

    here in Brazil these stupid laws don't make us scary, for you to have a idea here a GTA IV cost 200 reais ( 1 dollar equal to 2 reais) and the pirate just 30 reais ( 15 dollars). So, what do you think we do?The pirates allow people that don't have enought cash to enjoy.Few are rich here, so we use cracks on those games, not even SecuRom can stop the perfect pirate copy.Even cops buy pirates games for their children.
  2. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    personally i only know a few pirates, not many where i live...."It's taboo in western countries" as mds64 said it...
    i don't talk about it or anything to anyone except my closest friends.....not sure who i can trust....but i do know where i can go to get pirated games/dvds, but i just mainly do it myself...
  3. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    In the UK I would imagine that there are a few places where pirate software/dvd's could not be obtained, they would be the same places where the internet does not exist.......probably some offshore islands or maybe around SW1. There is no 'Taboo' about sharing those things you love. If you stick with your loves then eventually, when you can afford it, you will pay proper respect to that which you hold dear.

    Oh and on other news Nintendo are bombing in the UK markets!!, piracy or shovelware, you decide. (but not on this thread please)
  4. Lechongbaboy

    Lechongbaboy Well-Known Member

    Piracy is a bussiness. we should support piracy. I mean piracy has been with us humans thousands of years. why stop it?
  5. hello48new

    hello48new Member

    NO WAY!
    I'm a Singaporean!
    Now in Canada, but still.
    majulah Singapura :)
  6. Ali9

    Ali9 Member

    I personal view ROMS as a way to "Try Before You Buy". As I have said before, if you love the game buy it (if you can get it where you are) and support the game devs. People stop buying junk, they "might" stop making it.
  7. MrNeutral

    MrNeutral Member

    lets face it people are cheap theres rarley ever a time people will pay for a legit copy unless the game was really good and you feel like supporting the producers for their hard work
  8. Tri_Edge

    Tri_Edge Active Member

    so we cant be pirates any more?
  9. spire208

    spire208 Well-Known Member

    Yar you've made this old sea dog cry...
  10. Altarius95

    Altarius95 Well-Known Member

    Hardly anything regarding piracy is done is Aus. I mean, they have those ads and stuff, but the cops hardly ever do anything.

    Maybe we should all hide?
  11. ndsrom-peach

    ndsrom-peach Well-Known Member

    well, same here in my country
  12. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member

    ... piracy will never die... it won't, its just code that can be easily broken
  13. ADMSeraphes

    ADMSeraphes Well-Known Member

    Arrrr, tis sad and woeful life for the original pirates.
  14. TAYLOR2O

    TAYLOR2O Well-Known Member

    What a shame, it shouldn't have happened! I mean the piracy thing!
  15. agxthesorrow

    agxthesorrow Well-Known Member

    is impossible to stop the piratery in the entire globe not meanwhile the internet exist.... and we can't live without it...
  16. phscarface

    phscarface Well-Known Member

    Oh and what you do here...#download games# is so diferent..aw c'mom what'd ya think? Pirates download games from internet and then they sell it...
    What you call "junk"....i call "the best" that the site offers to all users.
  17. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    Do you think that all RomU users are pirates?
  18. phscarface

    phscarface Well-Known Member

    They're copies from original.......pirartes are diferent?
  19. stalker017

    stalker017 New Member

    If game companies will lower the price tag of their games, I think it may help combat piracy, well maybe just a little. Let's get real. Free is fun. ;D

    Honestly, I only have 4 original game carts on hand. I would love to have a huge collection of DS games inside my room. Really awesome to think that my future grandsons/daughters will still play Pokemon HGSS on my 50-year old DSi/DS Lite. ;D
  20. ybom

    ybom Well-Known Member

    My take, current standards (let's create a fake standard for the next portable gaming device):
    1. Java apps for the iPhone need to be considered.
    2. "Hardware" needs to be considered; some people need or desire a CD.
    3. True market costs, specifically current market, needs to be considered.
    4. A less draconian publishing system needs to be considered and expanded on, refer to 1 but go further.
    5. Developer costs and "no evil" policy needs to be enforced. Basically no EA.
    6. Consumers will do the right thing if their other half of the product (the mechanica) does the right thing. I feel this could be the most important point.

    [on topic]The problem with the laws in many places is the "till proven" paradigm. Cops tend to be the innocent and citizens tend to be the guilty, even though in the grand scheme it would most likely work itself out on its own. I understand IP law is the new suave, but it's disgusting how it's being forced on us. Do you think the typical "pirate" will ever get a chance to defend themselves, even prepared? I almost feel like the media industry is selling us jewel cases filled with ropes just long enough to hang ourselves, rather than entertainment.
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