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ds 3d wont read any game cartridges

Discussion in 'Non-Emulation Help' started by terracotta209, Mar 16, 2015.

  1. terracotta209

    terracotta209 Member

    Hi i have a ds 3d and all the sudden it wont read any Nintendo games i put in It says" there is nothing inserted into the game slot", I tried cleaning the slot that didn't work either. If i put an sd card in it says "could not detect an sd Card. The software on the sd card could not be displayed" . Its ver.9.4.0-21U ( not sure if that helps) Any info is helpful thanks.
  2. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    3DS v.9.4.0-21U?

    Well, this maybe a very late respond and you probably won't be around to read it or problem might have been solved. Just for the record then;
    1. If you're using Flash Cartridge, it's probably blocked because your flash cartridge hasn't been properly updated to work on that 3DS firmware.
    2. If you're using original game cartridge, then likely the cart slot is faulty. In which case you need to send it for hardware repair.