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Drawing Contest Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Anime, Manga & Cartoons' started by crazytuna, Dec 21, 2009.

  1. megashell

    megashell Well-Known Member

    well i gota say i love your style, you were at the top of my list, your uber good
  2. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    haha that is not PG-13 Riksa
    at least Megashell's (was it?) was covered...lightly...
  3. riksa90

    riksa90 Well-Known Member

    I actually think that boobs (expect maybe brestfeeding) are considered PG13. And the scene is about bullying, so that doesn't help either. Not that the picture is very sexual, but still. Well drawn and all, but I don't think it was really necessary. And it's still a little unfair. My lady was also 'covered'.

    And Megashell, this isn't anything personal. And I did spot your 5 points for me, and it's always nice to hear someone enjoy your art, it makes me wanna work even harder.
  4. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    Riksa, just post it next time
    if there's a next time...
  5. rock91

    rock91 Well-Known Member

    I hope that there will be. Tuna we lacked some advertising this time, but the next time it will be different. ^^
  6. megashell

    megashell Well-Known Member

    LOL! ^_^ its nuthing, i dont think its unfair tho, i mean im not scoring any votes for it . ha ha!

    >,> you guys should see the newgrounds art forum, its way worse then the drawing i submited
  7. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    screw advertising, we don't have funds for that :p
    oh and Rock, you're still paying those 5000 points right?
  8. nhi_po

    nhi_po Well-Known Member

    this is what youre worried about....
  9. phscarface

    phscarface Well-Known Member

    I wish I only had a scaner, so I coulda put the real drawnings here.
  10. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    well yeah...
  11. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    just give 500 points or less for every contest.
  12. Daowiies

    Daowiies Well-Known Member

    Alternatively; for future contests, applicants donate a sum of what? 20 - 50 points etc?
    And winner takes all or something I guess?
    2nd and 3rd could get 1/3 or 1/4 of total prize or something I guess?
    Don't mind this too much; just a suggestion if we have points trouble I guess :)
  13. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    It's not that I have points problem or anything, but more the fact that... I dont know...
    I just want Rock to pay :D
  14. megashell

    megashell Well-Known Member

    Okay so saterday, that is the 16th THAT is Tomorow, your going to count the points and all right?
  15. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    yeah sorry I just got caught up with some things
    sorry -_-"
  16. rock91

    rock91 Well-Known Member

    is groh in the finals ? XD
  17. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    yeah he is
    he barely made it to the finals
  18. rock91

    rock91 Well-Known Member

    lol ... I wonder if he will win. :eek:
  19. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    would be funny if he won
    but I would feel bad for Riksa, personally I think his drawings are the best, maybe not quality compared to Killua or Megan's, but more on the creativity and the originality point of view
  20. rock91

    rock91 Well-Known Member

    Megan said he COPIED them...but I gues that is ok... :p