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Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies (AP Discussion - Page 9)

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by DragonQuester, Jun 17, 2010.

  1. YCobb

    YCobb Active Member

    Hey guys, mark R4i up for a card it works on. I got past the train part, at least.
  2. elixirdream

    elixirdream Active Member

    can someone add these for the clean rom
  3. rockerzz182

    rockerzz182 Well-Known Member

    runs perfectly on r4ge..=D
  4. STR1KU

    STR1KU Member

    Thanks for the info! It means alot for me since I wasn't sure whether to continue playing this game. Guess I got the wrong info :D
  5. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    So what... This game works on an older firmware for other cards but won't work for the latest wood firmware? odd.
  6. whitekeeper

    whitekeeper New Member

    well the venom patched rom works like a charm on my M3 DS REAL but the only problem is that the cheats won't work coz of the xenom intro, the game crashes after the intro, but doesn't crash on the clean rom.

    is there a patched version without the xenom intro anywhere???
  7. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    I have a few questions (I know im DragonQuester but I really need to know :p)

    Are there any recruitable monsters in this?
    Is there a "Monster Arena" in this?
    How do you unlock advanced classes, like Sage, etc.?

    lol, just a few questions that need answering
  8. DTheRPGFan657289

    DTheRPGFan657289 Well-Known Member

    Lol, I suppose 30 seconds is a good enough attention span I can afford.
    I was tempted to upgrade it to D-3, but between them both, I heard more negative things spewed out about it versus D-2. The only plus it has is you can access the PSN store...not sure if you can play online with your PSP backups on D-2, but I'll test it out soon. The big reason I love my PSP? All the PS1 EBOOTS I made of my collection. Now, I can enjoy my entire RPG collection on the go!
    Post Merge: [time]1278773902[/time]
    I have it running on Acekard 2i in DS Lite with AKAIO 1.6 RC2. So far, no problems on my end.
  9. Jtran_12

    Jtran_12 Member

    Is there a patch that somebody can upload, that works for R4 V1.18?
  10. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    It works on Wood. Whoever said it doesn't needs to do some personal troubleshooting.

    Get the Wood R4 firmware. I'm assuming you're using an R4 Revolution otherwise known as an Original since you're using the 1.18 official firmware. The Wood R4 firmware has very high compatibility and works with the cracked version perfectly. You can either get it from filetrip.net, or there is a thread in the Flash Cart Help section that has Wood R4 in giant letters with a percentage about compatibility or something. I would link to it, but I'm too lazy right now.

    I think you'll have to do the high leveled quests in the related chains for the high ranking classes. I only assume this do to getting the Gladiator vocation last night through doing a quest. Either that, or you just have to get far enough into the game for those quest givers to appear. I can't be sure yet though. It may go as far as having to master a skill completely in a related class. I'll just have to figure it out later.

    I think if there were monsters to recruit, than you would have seen one or two at least by the point you're at. I don't think it has a Monster Arena.
  11. NebilimToS

    NebilimToS Member

    Worked on my clone R4 revolution with latest software,so far passed the first battle and saved successfully :D.

    I heard this game can last up to 80 hours,so, is this true? find hard to believe for a Ds game with only 250 mega size,there only a few exceptions like pokemon but it doesnt have a story and only about 'grinding'.
    I miss so much dragon warrior 7,that game lasted me 100 hours WITHOUT looking and getting everthing...
  12. KevInChester

    KevInChester Well-Known Member

    Rom size means very little.
  13. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    There is so much game play time because of the side quests. Doing all the quests (over 100), getting all the classes, working on the classes, it will be a very long experience. I figure it will probably be close to a 120 hour experience if all the quests were to be done, and close to 200 hours if one was trying to max out every class with four characters.
  14. DarkPrince_92

    DarkPrince_92 New Member

    Is there one for the R4 Ultra yet, all I get is a white screen =/...
  15. Griffandir14

    Griffandir14 Well-Known Member

    It works fine for me on my R4 SDHC using 1.18. No random freezing or anything.
  16. scorpio1964

    scorpio1964 Active Member

    So the wi-fi is only for the wi-fi shop? That's a bummer :'(
    Guess I'll have to wait till tomorrow to play with other people...
    Either way, it's still an awesome game.

    Also, at what part do you "unlock" the wi-fi shop? I'm in that place where you have to try to get the ship.
  17. Rod182

    Rod182 Well-Known Member

    Quick question: anyone know if there are any cheats (or if there WERE similar cheats in the JAP) to remove the other characters and leave only your hero when going through towns/world map? Like, only Hero visible, but the other guys are still there in the battle.

    While it might lose a bit of its charm, the frame rate chugs are a bit annoying. I think it would be easier to handle if there was only one dude
  18. crusnik_02

    crusnik_02 New Member

    Which firmware do you have on your r4III? I have one that I haven't used since I bought my acekard 2i but i wouldn't mind updating my r4.
  19. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Swing back by the big Inn in Stornwall (or whatever the town was called) either before or after the Jack of All Trades incident (basically, once you can change your classes actively), and there will be a new person in the inn next to the alchemy pot. That will be the special shop.

    The frame rate slow downs are a little annoying, but it really only happens with me when I have my three characters (Hero + 2 extra) on the map and then multiple monsters appear. It is just a bit too much for the game at the moment and slows down a bit till I move out of range of one of the monsters, or get into a battle to reset the screen. I wouldn't mind a small cheat for this, but then again, I would then have to actually put a cheat file back on my firmware.
  20. Avatar33

    Avatar33 Well-Known Member

    Patched Rom confirmed to work on Acekard 2.1 on Official Firmware 4.21 by me