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Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies (AP Discussion - Page 9)

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by DragonQuester, Jun 17, 2010.

  1. Aldar

    Aldar Well-Known Member

    The new Final Fantasy game coming out i believe in October is called...

    *Stolen from Meganova's upcoming games post.

    It's gonna be a whole new adventure that isn't a CC version of the game.
    *excited giggling*

    Sorry this is off-topic, but he asked so i figured i would respond. :)
  2. bahlak

    bahlak Member

    Using Wood r4 1.10 Patched Xenom Rom
    Everything works fine except around 30 minutes in there's a freeze at a cutscene. Reset and tested 3 times, and freeze is at the same exact place

    Spoiler is for if you get the same freeze at the cutscene around 30 minutes in at the big tree

    when you finish getting more spirits and the Yggdrasil tree is starting to bloom, it goes into a cutscene then freezes

    please let me know if anyone else is getting the same problem
  3. freepass

    freepass Member

    Thank you for your efforts.
  4. Tomoka

    Tomoka Well-Known Member

    well....thought it was just my card.... :'( maybe another form of AP? BTW, i'm using AKAIO 1.7, same issue....
  5. bahlak

    bahlak Member

    Yea it's odd though. People at gbatemp have confirmed that they have already made it to the main town with wood r4 and akaio. I'm pretty sure they're using the same Xenom version but I dunno
  6. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    It works fine on my pc emulator no problems at all
  7. kaizer3000

    kaizer3000 Member


    works like a gem on my R4 III (fake clone)
  8. drybones41

    drybones41 Well-Known Member

    I'm getting the pre cracked version and i was wondering does it work with the latest Ysmenu extinfo, infolib and savlib.

    EDIT: Testing it.
    So far so good.
    Got past the first fight without two black screens.
  9. Lord_eagle

    Lord_eagle New Member

    The pre-patched rom works with the latest 1.10 wood r4. i would have been nice if the front page or first post could be updated since after what i have read, R4 doesnt have any problems with this pre-patched rom.
  10. Dragoonzero

    Dragoonzero Well-Known Member

    Well the cracked version doesn't work with the YSmenu,it freezes in the movie after the train thing gets blasted
  11. drybones41

    drybones41 Well-Known Member

    I't works perfectly with Ysmenu thanks for the precracked version of it.
    I'm not up to that part yet just the part after you offer the thing to the tree. When i get to the train thing i see what happens myself.
  12. Dragoonzero

    Dragoonzero Well-Known Member

    Its roughly five minutes later
  13. drybones41

    drybones41 Well-Known Member


    EDIT: Still alive!
    Still working if there's any people who can't get past it use the files on the link below and replace the files in your ttmenu folder with the new ones if you havn't updated it in a while or recently or if you just can't be bothered updating.
    It's the exact same one that i have.
  14. bahlak

    bahlak Member

    Lord Eagle how far are you into the game?
    wood r4 1.10 worked perfectly for me up until 30 minutes in. When the cutscene occurs the game freezes at the same exact spot for me everytime
  15. mk2007

    mk2007 Member

    The patched rom works fine and two hours in on my Wood v1.10 R4, who says it doesn't ?
  16. bahlak

    bahlak Member

    hm i dunno what's wrong with my game then. I use the same exact firmware and rom as you ><
  17. Okay, I take back what I said earlier. The PREPATCHED version doesn't work on M3 Sakura/Touchpod, HOWEVER, the patched version works great so far on M3 Sakura on M3i Zero (haven't tested on Touchpod yet)

    But I did have to download it from another source (with the virus in it). The files on the front page aren't patched. Could the thread-maker add a link specifically to a patched rom? The one that worked for me was the .rar that began with x.
  18. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    The Megaupload link is the pre-patched ROM. If it freezes anywhere other then directly after character creation or after the first battle, it is no longer the AP, it's a compatibility issue. Also, the other link with the malware was removed because of the fact that it was a damn stupid move to leave it up there when there was another link with the pre-patched available.

    The file was done by XENOM. If it has the intro, it's the pre-patched. There is no ROM out there with the intro that isn't patched.

    On Wood R4 v1.10, I've already clocked over five hours. It works perfectly. You may need to back up everything and format your MicroSD card.
  19. kenny6457

    kenny6457 Well-Known Member

    i im playing the prepatched rom/precracked rom of Drago Quest 9 Sentinels or the Starry Skies and there has been no freezing at all so far and im at the part where u gotta go to the ruins
    and this is on a R4 SDHC with latest firmware
  20. salkj1

    salkj1 Member

    Same as me except i am past the ruins. so far this game is epic :D