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Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies (AP Discussion - Page 9)

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by DragonQuester, Jun 17, 2010.

  1. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Well, Avast! didn't pop-up, Windows Security Essentials did, so it may have been a false positive.
  2. Psi_Ground

    Psi_Ground Well-Known Member

    And what's the password for the rar
  3. slimemachine

    slimemachine Member

    just extract the .NDS file and not the other one
  4. andyhhc

    andyhhc Member

    re-downloading it, I hope the password iwll work now
  5. ChristMonkey95

    ChristMonkey95 Well-Known Member

    On wood r4?
  6. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    On my normal N5
  7. OGTiago

    OGTiago Active Member

    I know it's stupid, but sometimes it's better to TYPE the password, or right click and paste. Do not ctrl+V as I have had problems putting in passwords like that before.

    Anyway, hope it works. DL now, at least quite a fast download.
  8. kenny6457

    kenny6457 Well-Known Member

    downloading prepatched sentinels of starry skies posted on last page hopefully it works on r4 sdhc with latest firmware
  9. Rod182

    Rod182 Well-Known Member

    Is there really an .exe in there, or did I misunderstood that? o_õ

    13KB/s, boo. Hoping somebody mirrors it to MU.
  10. Znood

    Znood Member

    omg thank god i have a cyclods so i can play this game without any hassles
  11. slimemachine

    slimemachine Member

    yes theres an .exe file in there just don't extract it
  12. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Keep all posts on-topic please.
  13. OGTiago

    OGTiago Active Member

    I'm getting 500kbps on the DL.

    Just extract the rom, you don't need the .exe. lol
  14. Rod182

    Rod182 Well-Known Member

    The heck!
  15. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    Everyone, once you download the file, just extract the RAR and copy the NDS file onto your flashcart. Everything else isn't needed (like the EXE)
  16. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Only extract the ROM, it appears to have malware or viruses packaged with the rest of it. Windows Security Essentials quarantined and cleaned them up nice and proper though, so they aren't major.
  17. DTheRPGFan657289

    DTheRPGFan657289 Well-Known Member

    Thank god I have utility tools up the butt here just in case. Nothing severely bad has gotten onto my machine in over three years of having this tower. Trying the link now.
  18. ShineALight

    ShineALight Member

    How strange, when I first downloaded the archive at the link I supplied, it had a different filename. Seems like the newer one is the hacked version with the XENOM intro. Now I get to download the game for the third time today.
  19. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    The XENOM patched ROM has an intro (a kind of awesome one actually) and works very well. Using Wood R4 v1.10, I've already gotten past all the previous AP spots.
  20. OGTiago

    OGTiago Active Member

    LMAO. I accidental extracted the .exe. No lie, I went to double click the cracked rom folder and I clicked the virus... Security Essentials spotted it though.

    That is the least obscure .exe ever too.