Ranger and Sage use bows. I'm not sure if any other class does right now. For Deftness, no clue. It might be like evasion or something to that effect. I don't enjoy the fact that they decided to pick random stat names for this game.
Are you sure? There are some gloves that raise deftness by a heavy amount, so I kind of have to question that.
Not really though. xD "Deftness - Governs a character's ability to make preemptive strikes, preform critical attacks and flee from battle"
If you are changing vocations(jack of alltrades), check the info(top screen) of the chosen class... and there it tells you what weapons they use
Also when i change Vocations, can i change my party's vocation? and do they get the attribute pts back?
You don't get the points back but if the 2 vocations share any attributes then they will stay, for example if both have a sword attribute, then any points in swords would be identical.
Unused points transfer over, used points only transfer over if the skill the points were put into is shared between classes. Example: Say you put 100 points into Swords for a Minstrel. The Gladiator that also uses Swords will have 100 points in it if you switch to that class. If you get 100 points with your Minstrel and don't use them though, if you change vocation with that character, those 100 points will still be usable,
So what if i got Deftness for my theif from that Attribute only theives have (forgot what it was called and it wasnt a weapon skill) will i still have the deftness when i change my vocation, and if i change back to the vocation, will it still have the attribute points on?
If you get a deftness bonus from a skill (ie: Deftness +10 or something like that), that will transfer over. It's a natural boost to your core stats that is there regardless of class.
Cool. So if it doesnt say Natural Boost, it doesnt get transferred over? Also the same skills from that attribute dont get transferred over do they?
Well, everything from the bottom skill for each class (Guts for Gladiator...uhh...other stuff for other classes) transfers over. I have yet to see if the extra equipped weapon's strength transfers over when you become an Omnivocational master.
So how does advancing classes work? I finished the Ranger Quest "Ranger Changer" with my lvl 16 theif. Am i not supposed to turn to a ranger after? NVm Sorry for that. Im finally a ranger ^^ Post Merge: [time]1280024882[/time] Ive noticed these strange coloured doors in people's houses. Does anyone know how to open them?
Uh, which level should you be to beat Garth Goyle? I was level 19,19,18,18 and that didn't went really well :
I've found a map where all treasure map all listed by region from the worldmap Just look at your treasure map and try to find it in the worldmap (This link is translated to dutch but if you want it in your own language please use google translate. But to look on the maps you will not need the text so have a look and happy treasure hunting http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?hl=nl&ie=UTF-8&sl=ja&tl=nl&u=http://dq9.gkwiki.com/236.html&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.nl&usg=ALkJrhiq0_P6RQN-x6oVwZtxSftjvu5G2g#b2e66e3b