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Dragon Quest IX - Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by DragonQuester, Jul 12, 2010.

  1. Lovepreet

    Lovepreet Active Member

    Does anybody know how to find the salamander?

    Im in the part where the queen won't tak to you unless you find her salamander or w.e

    All I know is that you have to clap... but where do I find him? Is he in the castle?
  2. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Outside the castle, on the left side (your left), in the shade by the tree. Clap there and the lizard will jump out.
  3. koker

    koker Active Member

    HOw do you change your character´s Job=
    Althoug I like Minstril.
  4. buchichu

    buchichu Well-Known Member

    when you get to alltrades abbey you can change jobs there.
  5. thomyyy

    thomyyy Member

    i went there but i cant get in there´s a purple/black thing in font of it.
    iit says´´a mysterious barrier is blocking the way´´
    and the other door is locked from inside
  6. drybones41

    drybones41 Well-Known Member

    Do you know the desert part well i was trying to find the lizard for the person for hours and can't find him. Can anyone help me?
  7. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

  8. drybones41

    drybones41 Well-Known Member

  9. buchichu

    buchichu Well-Known Member

    you have to find and speak with that ghost girl you keep running into and she'll eventually remove the force field for you
  10. triemie

    triemie Well-Known Member

    anyone knows how to get the ultimate sword skill and if its a quest where do i get it and how can i finish it quick ? (btw im now on to Greygnarl again)
  11. Soluri

    Soluri Well-Known Member

    Uh, which level should you be to kill that Stone-dragon thingie in Zere Rocks? I was 19,19,18,18 and that didn't went to well... Or that could also be because one of them was already dead before the battle and all my Mp was gone XD
  12. ohohbear

    ohohbear Active Member

    How can you get the cheat codes to work on dragon quest ix sentinels of the starry skies XENOPHOBIA and VENOM Patched Version?

    Cause I can't seem to get it to work for me.
    Unless the game id for the patch isn't :YDQE-23A95403 ?

    Can you help me? c;
  13. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure on which level I beat that boss, but what I do is using the Egg On+Psyche Up on the Warrior until he/she get maximum tension, and then execute the Dragon Slash attack on the boss. Deal about 700+ on the dragon, and both of my Mage and Priest are doing their healing/support duties.
  14. thomyyy

    thomyyy Member

    is there a way to prevent Liquid Metal Slimes from fleeing.
    i did try war cry and snooze but that doesn´t work.
  15. buchichu

    buchichu Well-Known Member

    are you using an M3? if so, it's an issue with the Xenom intro. check out the technical help forum and do a search there for solutions.
  16. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    There is no way. No magic abilities (Frizz, Sizz, Crack, Snooze, etc.) work on metal slimes of any sort. Battle abilities such as War Cry will not work either. All Metal Slimes are completely immune to those types of abilities. If it isn't a move that requires the use of your weapon to physically strike it, the move won't work. You really have to work for your experience.

    Suggested moves include moves that only inflict critical hits when they connect such as Thunder Thrust (guaranteed kill if it works), and instant kill moves such as Pressure Pointer. The instant kill moves aren't as highly recommended, as they have a very low success rate, and you will mostly be wasting your time.
  17. Griffandir14

    Griffandir14 Well-Known Member

    If you create a very stylized outfit, sometimes metal sl.imes will do that thing where they get fixated on a character.
    Also I found out via gamefaqs that King Metal Slimes are in the tower of Nod, just not walking around. You have to engage another monster and they will fight with them.
  18. unqiueninja

    unqiueninja Well-Known Member

    Where do I find Mythril Ores? I have finished the game and really need this ore to progress to the post story game as I need it to make silver shield as it is too expensive ;D
  19. Nick Man

    Nick Man Well-Known Member

    Here's a handy map!
    Also outside Tower of Nod.
  20. unqiueninja

    unqiueninja Well-Known Member