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Dragon Quest 5 Map problem

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by donkalleone, Feb 5, 2010.

  1. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Compare your No$gba settings with mine.
    Avoid using 'Opengl', and 'EX5', since only these option will make the game lag when you're on the world map.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Those are No$gba default settings, and the fps only change between 50 - 60, without lags.
    Check your Update Interval on no$zoomer as well, make sure it was selected as 60fps, with Automatic Skip enabled.
  2. shade3134

    shade3134 Member

    I changed it to 60 fps so now I can manage an average of 47 fps inside town and my world map speed went from 6 fps to around 14. Could it be my laptop? It's a core2duo 2 gHz with an nvidia 8400 but I can't imagine no$zoomer being computer dependant.
  3. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Could be, since No$gba's performance very much depends on your pc specs, where No$zoomer only serve as an addon to fix some issues which No$gba couldn't fix.
    Perhaps you could try this full package as well, see if there any changes. If the game lag still persist, I can only advise you to bear with it, or play on another laptop/desktop. :)
  4. Lucifuge91

    Lucifuge91 New Member

    Apologies if this is reviving an old thread, however the problem hasn't been solved.

    Make sure you are using No$GBA 2.6a and the latest No$Zoomer, and Enable EX3, this will fix the world map lag.

    Also make sure to have EX0 enabled, as disabling it will cause a graphical bug when entering a battle.

    Wouldn't have revived it if there were any other thread i could find in the first 5 pages of google. =(