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Does Satan Exist?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by dancubs, Apr 2, 2010.

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  1. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    All those pairs (save perhaps gender) are completely arbitrary. There is such a continuum of states between each pair of concepts that rather than claiming they cannot exist without each other, it would be more accurate to say merely that they distinguish each other from themselves. We are merely comparing extremes.
  2. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    I admit the rest of those are arbitrary extremes being compared.

    But hey, doesn't the brain (human or otherwise) also have a left & right side? And one is pre-dominant depending on the individual?

    Another example of that idea of things coming in twos but are part of a whole thing.
  3. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    Well, left and right are arbitrary. The concept of the brain and predominance are arbitrary. Even the idea of duality is as arbitrary as arbitrarity itself.
    According to mereological nihilism, there is no such thing as a "whole", there are only the parts that comprise it.
  4. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    I read about Nihilism. It was mind blowing. Something about nothing actually existing right?
  5. johncarl

    johncarl Well-Known Member

    satan and god exists, so theres balance.

    its how god created such. nothings good when nothings bad.
    and nothings evil, when nothing is good.
  6. indicatie

    indicatie New Member

    Then how do you explain it when a colleague of mine (who is a true christian and sees Jesus as his savior as well) just lost his baby, 8½ months into his wife's pregnancy?
    Is he worshipping the wrong Jesus?
  7. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    Yeah but if neither god or neither satan exist, then there is still balance.
  8. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Your arguments are arbitrary.
  9. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    Why, thank you for noticing.
  10. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    tehuber1337 is God... He knows everything.. Thus he must know of suffering... Thus he must be God. By this logic, then there must be a Satan to keep the balance.
  11. klaimore

    klaimore Well-Known Member

    How did Satan originate?
  12. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    How did tehuber1337 originate? He was born from the womb of the planet.
  13. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    *inb4 someone claims that's an accurate description of my mother's girth*
  14. Lukong

    Lukong Well-Known Member

    Yes and No. Due to what Jesus did its now up to us to make a choose to go to heaven cause all those things Satan did to the people like giving this one guy boils who his wife wanted this guy to curse God didn't and due to Jesus things like that don't happen so if you think that something bad happens due to Satan it isn't and neither is it God.

    Some people need to know God doesn't intend for bad nor good things to happen. You have to realize that if you learn good things, they change a person so that means people have that choose to do good or bad, God doesn't choose that for you not even things you didn't do.for example Cancer notice how people are still alive after being diagnosed will to me sickness are just terms tying to describe a illness not saying there wrong and that science is Devil's work, but just terms so we don't get things confused
  15. Nick Man

    Nick Man Well-Known Member

    Does God send disasters and such to punish us for worshipping other gods or sinning in general?

    Also, how did Jesus save us? Did he purge us of sins or give us free will or something?

    These questions are definitely relevant to the topic...
  16. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    According to Jewish text (the scriptures) which are also in the Old Testament of the Bible. God is a jealous god who is quick to anger and could probably be construed to be quite petty. He used disasters to punish many people who either didn't believe in him or who had committed sins.

    According to the Christian religion, Jesus came to save us by sacrificing his own life to cleanse our sins. Then because he was resurrected we can now get forgiveness for our sins through him. In a way he did give us free will as he is part of God, but we always had free will.
  17. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    There are two answers here. Scientifically, no satan does not exist. there is no such entity/person. Likewise, there is scientifically no such entity/person known as 'god'. In terms of theology, it depends whether you believe in such an entity existing or not.
  18. Lukong

    Lukong Well-Known Member

    - Put it this way if you wanted peace and it was easy as saying "We should work together as one"
    then it happened, but things don't change like that it has to be will thought out and that is what God did, but guess why...

    - We had free will ever since Adam and Eve eat the fruit of good and evil knowledge.

    - God doesn't send punishment, he gave us something like gloves to pick roses meaning he knows we are going to face struggle, but that is what the glove is for, though the roses were created by him we can avoid getting hurt. Earthquakes happen cause they happen, but if you decide to stay there its like walking into the street to get hit by a car, but God and his plan is like a crossing guard, headlights, speed bumps and that person who holds your hand[the whole getting making it easy for us to ask for forgiveness, being able to live a much better life and realizing there is a better way than all this]

    - Also the benefits of "worshiping" is no different than "worshiping" the right God [What if I told you all religions were almost right but there wrong, in other words we are meant to be just Christians and nothing more or less also meaning there is no religion if there is one religion]

    - And if Satan didn't exist Loon then people wouldn't exist

    - and Satan wasn't kicked out cause he was jealous kicked out cause God wanted to see how good he would be as a King seeing as he wanted to be a "god"

    - Also most don't know this but Amen means the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Why cause "A man" means one man and "Men" means more than one man. So A men means One Man who is many and that is the Father, The Son and the Holy Ghost.
  19. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    According to the bible God created us with free will.

    Are you trying to say God did not create the world or God did not know what would happen when he created the world?

    Where are you getting your "facts", they seem to be very different from any school of theology I have encountered up 'til now.
  20. Lukong

    Lukong Well-Known Member

    and why is every person saying I get it from some where else man can't someone come up with a idea once in a while. I mean seriously think about this that I came up with, but was always there.

    - Look at your palms and the bottom of your feet and then look at the palms and the bottom of other people notice how its the same color so that means we are all tied together not just by Blood, but by skin color

    look I realize somethings that people don't cause they don't have a positive attitude so they thing everyone else is the devil well I think we are not and also put 2 and 2 together
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