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Does Satan Exist?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by dancubs, Apr 2, 2010.

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  1. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    @ Growlth, Good man, you state your beliefs before any agenda.
    No one has any right to take your beliefs from you, therefore recognise that you are not alone in belief of God, many people do and thay are not Christians, there is a world of religions, as the Mahabarat(Hindu/Vedic) says there is one God and one religion for each of us.
    Religion should be a personal thing, something we do, not something we are; and if that means atheism or cannabis or satanism so be it.
    There is one silly little problem in all this, some religions find the idea of getting converts as a brilliant thing, so much so they feel the need to shout on street corners or blow themselves up to prove how right they are.
    I find that books are less reliable than common decency.
    You seem to have the right attitude, read more.
  2. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    I love you. Also T. Rexes are cute when they're just chicks, aren't they? All fuzzy an' such.

    That's something I agree with. Though my sides are still hurting at the whole "someone just compared weed to Satanism" thing.
  3. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    I did not! However I am pleased to giggle you.
  4. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    I will never let you live this down, Prinny.

    Yay for taking stuff out of context!
  5. evilseifer

    evilseifer Member

    you know... earthly pleasure... like maybe sex... are sins i guess.. (when you not married) so does that mean i'm a sinner.. that i cary the seed of satan within me?

    it's like all bullshit.. really.. you can wage this argument war forever.. won't do a thing

    so that's my testament (oeps i meant statement:p)
  6. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    You obviously misread my post :p

    Why don't you look up what Modern Satanism is all about, or try contacting an actual Satanist before you give out a bad rebuttal like that :p

    What I said was a fundamental concept of their religion's teachings. Where in Christianity or even Catholicism &/or Judaism teaches that earthly pleasures are meaningless as we must strive for the divine & spiritual, Satanism it seems teaches the opposite. And yeah, just like with Pagan (notice I said Pagan as Christians wrongfully label anything Pagan as Satanic even though it is not) religions Satanists also perform sacrificial (of animals not sure about human though) rituals & talisman empowerment as part of their belief system's practices.

    Too bad one admitted Satanist (his username was Santino.... I forgot the rest) who got banned from RomUlation can't enlighten us on their church's teachings.
  7. FacePoppies

    FacePoppies Active Member

    Yes, Satan not only exists, but is very much present in today's world. Everywhere you look, sin makes its nest in the hearts and minds of humanity. And what's worse, Satan's influence is so powerful now that most people don't even consider the fact that he exists because they're too concerned with their own greed and lust to stop and notice. We have turned away from the Lord as a society, and we're starting to pay for it in death tolls brought about by "natural disasters."
  8. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    You know, I—... Have you ever thought—

    ...I really don't know what to say. Except that, as usual, everyone forgets Buddhism.
  9. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    Buddhism what's that? we as a trapped community don't understand this as we have never researched it before.
  10. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    Actually, now that I think of it... Buddhism gets more attention than Hinduism and Zoroastrianism combined, doesn't it?

    Quick. Someone start an "Does Angra Mainyu Exist?" debate.
  11. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    You're a typical devout Christian it seems.

    But do not disregard other religions just because your religious leaders demand you to. It's best you have an open mind & study up on them before you dismiss them so easily.

    Ever heard the saying, "You say tomato & I say tomato"?

    Even though many religions believe in different things, their "basal" teachings are the same:

    "Be good to others & good things may come your way.... be bad & bad things will surely follow"

    Or simply that of Karma or the Yin & yang.

    It's what's the religious leaders' doing & are demanding of you are what's wrong.

    And let me end by stating what a few of us stated on those older religion threads that have been forever locked for getting out of hand.

    Religion shouldn't have been institutionalized as it's basis is faith. Faith is something you believe in as an individual & not something force fed to you early on. Just like what personality & interests you have faith is different with whomever is telling you what it is they believe in.
  12. FacePoppies

    FacePoppies Active Member

    My only religious leader is the Lord Jesus Christ.
  13. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Well unlike you I accepted other religions, no matter how silly their beliefs are *cough* Scientology *cough*.

    And in fact I burrowed several ideals from other religions to encompass what I believe in, so My God is not a vengeful God, he's actually a very fun loving God.

    He actually hates it when someone has to go to hell, but he has to do the right thing, I mean some maniac raping little girls, a murderer with no remorse.... those types don't deserve to be in heaven... no wait. I don't believe in an end all heave either. I believe in Reincarnation since it kinda makes sense. What is light without dark? What is life without death? So yeah, it's an un-ending cycle of life & death, unless you've really been a ver bad boy (or girl) hence your life essence is taken away from the lifestream or is washed & refurbished with goodness so it can again return to mother Gaia.

    If you'll think my beliefs are loopy I don't give a flying fudge, at least it makes me happy & I live by it & no one is forcing me to believe it.... what did God call that gift he gave us? That's right Free will.

    So we all should just try to get along with one another & not impose on others mm'kay?
  14. FacePoppies

    FacePoppies Active Member

    Your beliefs are inconsequential to me. Belief does not alter reality, and the reality here is found in The Holy Bible.
  15. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member


    Whoops, there goes your theory out the window, amirite?
  16. amine15

    amine15 Member

    it exist and don't ask why
  17. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    so what about all the natural disasters that happened years ago when people had a sun god, a moon god, a sea god, a tv god and a wiping your arse god etc etc?
    surely all that praying would have kept them safe?
  18. FacePoppies

    FacePoppies Active Member

    No, because they were worshiping false idols.
  19. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    My concept of light & dark as two opposing yet similar entities stems from the idea of the Yin & the Yang from Eastern Philosophy & not from Physics.

    So is it with almost everything in "our world" (the world human understanding has proven &/or dis proven thus far), everything comes in twos but are actually part of a whole. Night & day, light & dark, good & evil & even Male & female are two different entities, yet are part of one species, in our case man. One can not live (propagate) without the other.
  20. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    in that case how do you know yours is real?
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