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Does Satan Exist?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by dancubs, Apr 2, 2010.

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  1. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    What about peeking at you in the shower and making you buy a vibrating bed just to enable sexytimes?
  2. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    I forgot.

    In the Sims they censor nudity. But it doesn't look like God cares so much. Otherwise we'd be walking around with black bars covering our crotches... And for women, their BOOBIES.
  3. Russky

    Russky Active Member

    Okay now you guys seem to be making fun of him.
  4. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

  5. growlth

    growlth Well-Known Member

    Well I think God gave us right and wrong for us to have free will, meaning he's not like the SIMs games where you control their actions. God, being infinite (earlier subject of how "science" doesn't explain how he came into existence if he is real, which I believe and know he's real) made us with finite minds (meaning we can't comprehend everything, easiest example would be how he came into existence, he didn't, he's always been around) and he made us with free will in mind, we choose whether we believe in him or not, love him or not, hate him or not, etc.

    Satan was created, intentionally, as the most-high angel but instead jealousy came into play and he betrayed God by offering Adam the second choice (originally he was only allowed to follow God who was life and happiness) and as a human he chose sin (there is no exact translation to the meaning of this word as the Christians use it but it is death, or the exact translation meaning "missing the target" like with an arrow) so that threw order and law into a crazy frenzy when it really wasn't needed except the "don't eat the forbidden fruit" law (lol) and all of a sudden we had free will with laws to follow so we wouldn't so to say have a terrible life that comes with sin.

    So does Satan exist? I believe he does. Do I have proof? Experiences I've had in life lead me to believe the Bible is all truth, and if the Bible says he exists Satan exists. Is that enough for you guys? It will probably not be. Humans all have a grid of understanding and we understand with our eyes and through experiences. I know God is real as I've had tons of experiences that have led me to believe so. I've also had experiences with demons (Satan's minions) and have actually seen or conversed with them before in the past, but I've had no contact with Satan nor will probably have any anytime soon. It's your choice whether to believe him or not, but he's as real as you and me and he wants you to continue eating the forbidden fruit. I hope someone comes along and will throw their opinion at me, but come a bit more prepared than a sentence post ;) and if you would like to know more about what I believe PM me, I give detailed explanations xP
  6. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    So you believe in a man that lived in a big fish, for three days?
  7. growlth

    growlth Well-Known Member

    You think if I believe in God, believe he's the same one who made everything from air to whales to humans and how they function, etc. I wouldn't believe he couldn't modify the laws he set of physics and life and get a human in a big fish for a few days and then get spat out still alive? I think it's quite certain when I say all truth I believe every word of it. How? I'm pretty certain it's possible and can be proven, it's quite dumb to think it couldn't happen anyways, it's just an excuse to find something to use to not believe in the Bible. God, as I said, has an infinite mind and I'm sure he could manage sticking a living human being in a big fish as easily as he made you.
  8. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    im waiting.......
  9. growlth

    growlth Well-Known Member

    Call up Mythbusters and throw it into their list ;) there are whales that could have swallowed Jonah whole (such as the sperm whale or the blue whale) and kept him in their mouth. The story of Jonah is important but it's not something you should focus on if you want to discriminate the Bible as Jonah is part of the Old Testament which is pretty much a story of our life through the people of Israel as what really concerns us now is the New Testament. As I said earlier everybody believes through experiences and I believe the whole Bible, you don't have to but that's returning to the "free will" concept.
  10. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    The one thing I absolutely hate about religion is that some people believe in it so much that they're near the point of blind faith.

    Why don't you doubt a single thing in the bible? As much as you believe in it, you don't know as much as anyone else in terms of life and death and all that.
  11. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    mythbusters is great!
    i wonder how they could prove it though?
    Homer simpson does it best - "if you want me to eat the cookies for you give me no sign now, consider it done. ommm nommm"
  12. growlth

    growlth Well-Known Member

    The Bible was written by God as a guide book on life, the whole way to live is the Bible. I have learned to take off the blindfold that I would say you have and I go beyond the words which is what the Bible is about. Read it, think about why Jonah was swallowed by a fish, because that's the real point. I don't doubt a single thing in the Bible because I have seen that not one thing has done me wrong. When I read something and take what it says and apply it to my life things get better, that's the point of the Bible. I know more about life and death than you do but no matter how much I say you won't care, I know because there's nothing I can say that could make you care. But that's the point of a debate, both state your opinions and if you want to learn from the other person then take it into account. I believe the Bible has the answers to life, that's why I don't have a doubt about a single thing.

    And Homer Simpson is the best xD Simpsons is awesome.
  13. jamesdond1

    jamesdond1 Member

    Since this does look kind of like a religious debate, I will come in. I do believe there is a God, and a Satan, but am not a blind follower as some call it. The way I look at it is - if there's no God, Heaven, and such what harm would that do to me. I mean, religion has taught me many things such as loving my neighbour, not sinning, and not coveting my neighbour's wife (lol). So really, where's the harm in religion?
  14. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Oh, you mean figuratively, not literally. In which case, a lot of the bible's messages are good messages but that's really all they are. That being said, I don't believe in God, Jesus or Moses or whoever was in the bible.

    The New Testament was written by guys some 100 years (and plus) after the supposed event happened. They're stories told through the generations compiled into a complete book.

    No you don't know. You think you do, you're believing in something that may or may not exist, the same in my case (I'm agnostic), even the definition of belief is the mental act of putting trust or confidence into something/someone. It's not the absolute truth, it's just a belief.

    In reality, you know just as much as me or anyone else on the planet about life and death.

    It's not so much a debate imo. You would've learned those things with time, wouldn't you have learnt though time that, oh hey, killing people isn't so great, being nice is good, being mean is mean and not good, etc etc. To say that the Bible started that is silly.

    But to say that it's all truth (either figuratively, literally or both), is to the point of ridiculousness. If you believe everything either figuratively or literally, you think that God hates gays, you have to eat kosher, believe in the law of God (the ten commandments, as edited by Jesus' time), and a bunch of other things. Especially some stuff in the Old Testament, I mean, God was a huge dick in the Old Testament.
  15. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    This whole topic went to hell the moment people decided to pick on growlth's post...

    I believe in a higher power, but it's not god, I tried praying in my darkest hours, I tried reform...and then I got screwed over.

    I went back to my old ways but with a new resolve-do things my way, and to purposely ignore those above me when i feel it doesn't suit.

    Here is an example of what I mean, I'd help an old woman across the street, but I'd tell her to use the traffic lights next time instead of crossing over a busy intersection.

    I'd help my parents unload the shopping, but complain about 50% of the food because I won't eat half of it.

    ...now where was I...oh yeah...

    I choose my own path, if god was there he'd given me a sign he was listening, if he was there he wouldn't let the world screw me over, if he was there I certainly wouldn't be here posting...

    As for Satan, like I said in an early post, he was created as part of the system of "control" as before politics (latin-Blood sucking leeches) we needed god (good path) and Satan (bad/evil path).

    If we didn't have this good and bad path thing laid out, people would just out raping people in the streets (more often) and straight up murdering each other.

    No offence to those who still love and respect god, I just lost patience and chose my own path, so far I haven't found redemption but I have found what I want...a job with a bunch of easy going slackers and a bunch of mates that remind me that being an anti social shut in isn't as bad as the idiots driving around throwing random things out the window to see what damage they can create.

    Good mates, bad moral upbringing, I'm there as the brakes/get free junk in the process :p
  16. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Nope, that's a quantificational fallacy known as proof by example. You're essentially saying "this part of the Bible is factual, therefore everything in the Bible is factual". This isn't proof.

    You're also guilty of using an existential fallacy, where you set up the premise "the Bible has worked for me" and therefore assume that the Bible is therefore true and relevant. No, it's a matter of luck and perception of situations.

    And finally, like every goddamn Christian I've ever had the pleasure of wailing on, you've used the classic bare assertion fallacy. The Bible is the word of God, huh? Says who/what? The Bible. Under normal critical thinking procedures that is highly spurious. My posts are actually the word of God. Why? BECAUSE I SAID SO. The Bible just dresses it up better than I do, because I am a massive dick.

    What am I getting at? Your arguments and reasoning are flawed, so I think it's clear that your argument can be discounted until there are no problems with fallacies and the like.
  17. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I seriously enjoy watching how you/nat etc debate...

    I'm glad I no longer make myself a target of your facts :p

  18. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    I personally don't discriminate, I don't give two shits if anyone believes in a religion, like I don't mind the way james believes. Also some things about growlth don't make me annoyed. But the fact to think that all the messages are truth? Really?

    The people I pick on are usually the people that either have inconsistencies, have broken logic, or are assholes, among other ones. I know I come off as an ass or elitest sometimes but it's impossible not to.

    And I'm a big deal.
  19. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    Absolute win.
  20. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    Unless someone's beliefs have a direct impact on me, I've got no reason to criticise them regardless of how faulty they may be. You think the moon landing was faked? Good for you. Take it up with FOX. You think God does or doesn't exist? That's great. You're free to start an internet debate about it for all I care. After all, it's not possible for someone to forcibly alter another's beliefs; the best one can do is instigate introspection.

    As such, Blitz and Nat's rebuttals are in vain. When one defines God or gods as infinite, incomprehensible being/s, it is already beyond the reach of science or logic. The crux of any such religious "debate" is therefore whether or not the proponents of any given position hold this definition to be true.

    Of course, it takes faith to believe a definition such as this. Faith, as the hope of things unseen, is a belief that can only exist due to lack of any irrefutable evidence to the contrary. When God is infinitely capable, there cannot possibly be undeniable evidence against God's existence.

    By the way, good to see that my little prophecy earlier on is self-defying, but for how long...?
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