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Does anyone here NOT like Pokemon????????(now with a poll)

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by sf1215, Nov 11, 2009.


Pokemon- Like it or hate it

  1. LOVE IT

    0 vote(s)
  2. Like it

    0 vote(s)
  3. i don't know

    0 vote(s)
  4. dislike it

    0 vote(s)
  5. HATE IT

    0 vote(s)
  6. don't really care about it enough to like or hate it

    0 vote(s)
  1. Landon1

    Landon1 Well-Known Member

    Re: Does anyone here !!!!NOT!!!! like Pokemon??????????(now with a poll)

    I loved the first 3 gen or whatever generation that goes up to ruby and saph. They went to far with the diamond/pearl/ diamond. btw pokemon is in ssmb so pokemon does have fighting
  2. sf1215

    sf1215 Well-Known Member

    Re: Does anyone here !!!!NOT!!!! like Pokemon??????????(now with a poll)

    not the fighting most people would want from it
  3. T-Dub

    T-Dub Well-Known Member

    Re: Does anyone here !!!!NOT!!!! like Pokemon??????????(now with a poll)

    meh! my feelings for it are neutral! I think it's fun, but I also feel that it's kinda easy too! I don't really pay any attention to the story, I only play it...well, to be playing it!
  4. airdash123

    airdash123 Well-Known Member

    Re: Does anyone here !!!!NOT!!!! like Pokemon??????????(now with a poll)

    I hate pokemon ??? but i love it in the same time ;D
  5. g@l1h

    g@l1h Well-Known Member

    Re: Does anyone here !!!!NOT!!!! like Pokemon??????????(now with a poll)

    Don't know what to say....
    There's just something that forbids me from liking Pokemons....
  6. denekie

    denekie Well-Known Member

    Re: Does anyone here !!!!NOT!!!! like Pokemon??????????(now with a poll)

    I totally dislike it!
    And i'm a bit too old for it (15)
  7. sf1215

    sf1215 Well-Known Member

    Re: Does anyone here !!!!NOT!!!! like Pokemon??????????(now with a poll)

  8. JayBlue

    JayBlue Well-Known Member

    Re: Does anyone here !!!!NOT!!!! like Pokemon??????????(now with a poll)

  9. sexywogboy

    sexywogboy Well-Known Member

    Re: Does anyone here !!!!NOT!!!! like Pokemon??????????(now with a poll)

    Good for you, tell someone that actually cares, genius!

    This thread shows that many people still don't know what Pokemon is all about. All people do is stereotype the game and think it's a long term fad that just got lucky and is ripping us all off. That is FAR from the truth.

    Pokemon (If played correctly) is one of the best made RPG's of all time, it's mechanics are brilliant and it has so many features that the normal Pokemon gamer would never even know about.

    Only recently, I started getting more competitive in Pokemon battles. I have been playing Pokemon since the dawn of Pokemon time, but I was seriously shocked at how complex and brilliant Pokemon actually is. There are a whole range of natures, calculations and personalities that honestly make no 2 same Pokemon the same.

    I know that as long as Pokemon exists, people are going to see it as the kiddy aimed game that will never make sense...But let me tell everyone this, a normal kid playing the game will NEVER be able to compete against a real Pokemon gamer that actually puts the effort into EV's, IV's, Strategy, Move sets etc.
  10. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    Re: Does anyone here !!!!NOT!!!! like Pokemon??????????(now with a poll)

    I've got a 300+ hour save file on my Pokemon Gold cartridge with all the pokemon in the pokedex and a team full of lv100s that absolutely raped face.

    I don't play them anymore but from what I saw, the newer ones are just as easy to get into. Fun games all-around regardless of whether you're playing casual or hardcore like the poster above me. I always liked that you needed to actually think a bit when you went up against people.
  11. airdash123

    airdash123 Well-Known Member

    Re: Does anyone here !!!!NOT!!!! like Pokemon??????????(now with a poll)

    Yea, that what happening to me. Usually, when i was young, i was obssessed with Pokemon Blue but as i grow up games getting boring and other thing takes its place
  12. gnursewan

    gnursewan Member

    Re: Does anyone here !!!!NOT!!!! like Pokemon??????????(now with a poll)

    I really like pokemon, though...
  13. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    Re: Does anyone here !!!!NOT!!!! like Pokemon??????????(now with a poll)

    I don't even think it's due to age really, it's just that if you've played the first few you're likely to be bored of it now because it's essentially the same game.
  14. airdash123

    airdash123 Well-Known Member

    Re: Does anyone here !!!!NOT!!!! like Pokemon??????????(now with a poll)

    Well, yea but for me, the age is majorly the thing thats keeping me from games.
  15. J03YY98

    J03YY98 Active Member

    Re: Does anyone here !!!!NOT!!!! like Pokemon??????????(now with a poll)

    i used to be a poke freak but now its kinda gay and i dont care about it anymore

    ( my friend is a poke faggot)
    Post Merge: [time]1259560634[/time]
    im into FPS now RPG is kinda not good depends on the game
  16. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    Re: Does anyone here !!!!NOT!!!! like Pokemon??????????(now with a poll)

    Wow you sure are mature :eek:
  17. sf1215

    sf1215 Well-Known Member

    Re: Does anyone here !!!!NOT!!!! like Pokemon??????????(now with a poll)

    what does that even mean
  18. sexywogboy

    sexywogboy Well-Known Member

    Re: Does anyone here !!!!NOT!!!! like Pokemon??????????(now with a poll)

    It means whoever said that is completely stupid.
  19. sf1215

    sf1215 Well-Known Member

    Re: Does anyone here !!!!NOT!!!! like Pokemon??????????(now with a poll)

    so true
  20. sf1215

    sf1215 Well-Known Member

    Re: Does anyone here !!!!NOT!!!! like Pokemon??????????(now with a poll)

    by the way who said that
    how do i merge this post with the one before it?