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Does anyone here NOT like Pokemon????????(now with a poll)

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by sf1215, Nov 11, 2009.


Pokemon- Like it or hate it

  1. LOVE IT

    0 vote(s)
  2. Like it

    0 vote(s)
  3. i don't know

    0 vote(s)
  4. dislike it

    0 vote(s)
  5. HATE IT

    0 vote(s)
  6. don't really care about it enough to like or hate it

    0 vote(s)
  1. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    Re: Does anyone here NOT!!!!!!!!! like Pokemon??????????(now with a poll)

    yes, or an animation for them getting hurt or fainting (like in the stadiums).

    but maybe it would be too much work due to the sheer amount pokemon =/
  2. F77

    F77 Active Member

    Re: Does anyone here NOT!!!!!!!!! like Pokemon??????????(now with a poll)

    Too much work?
    C'mon! they have a full year(i suppose, since i dont know how much time passes between each release) and they never implement anything new that's worthwhile... so i'd say make it happen... and for those strange ppl that want to keep the classic style, just make it optional...
  3. sf1215

    sf1215 Well-Known Member

    Re: Does anyone here NOT!!!!!!!!! like Pokemon??????????(now with a poll)

    didn't you see what i added to my first post
  4. F77

    F77 Active Member

    Re: Does anyone here NOT!!!!!!!!! like Pokemon??????????(now with a poll)

    uh... didnt notice...
    maybe you're right... but wouldnt that make the anime too violent too?
    and what about other games such as final fantasy? i mean, it's muchmore violent to slash a chocobo or a zombie with a sword then having a chimchar scratch a cubone...
  5. sf1215

    sf1215 Well-Known Member

    Re: Does anyone here NOT!!!!!!!!! like Pokemon??????????(now with a poll)

    I don't think that that would make it to violent, they could have one Pokemon game rated T and another rated E, one for kids and one for older kids or teenagers and maybe adults.
  6. F77

    F77 Active Member

    Re: Does anyone here NOT!!!!!!!!! like Pokemon??????????(now with a poll)

    Wouldnt work... Rated T pokemon games wouldnt sell as much since most of the people who buy them are kids' parents, who would much rater buy a rated E version...
    Also, isnt pokemon stadium rated E? If they'd make the DS pokemon games like that it shouldnt be a problem...

    Though, a problem with changing the battles is that the games are already pretty known for how they look, so changing them would create a few conflicts... specially with the most loyal fans of the games.
  7. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    Re: Does anyone here NOT!!!!!!!!! like Pokemon??????????(now with a poll)

    I like the gameplay (RPG) but the story is stupid.
  8. pokecynth

    pokecynth Member

    Re: Does anyone here NOT!!!!!!!!! like Pokemon??????????(now with a poll)

    Pokemon Yellow was my first RPG ever, and the first gen games/shows were the best.
    After that though, like everyone else says, the characters and pokemon just sorta boiled down.

    Of all the later Pokemon games released I've gotten at least one of the pair, just out of loyalty and some excitement over the slightly changed features (more 3-D graphics, EV breeding, slightly different towns, WiFi battles & underground, lame/new pokemon).

    I think fans aren't really excited about all of this, but its part of our past so yeah, its sort of a loyalty thing. Same old plot, but with the scant amount of new features its like replaying an old game you love (which EVERYONE does with their favorite game), with the benefit of it not being, well, exactly the same.

    On the note of the battle graphics- yeah its played out, really old compared to the revamped backgrounds, but I think N keeps it that way for old times sake. Its not because of the "potential violence"- so many other games are more violent than pokemon, and the worst is what? Scratching? fireballs? Theres no massive amounts of blood and gore that would make parents worry.

    Plus, it leaves everything to the imagination when you have shitty graphics :3
  9. sf1215

    sf1215 Well-Known Member

    Re: Does anyone here NOT!!!!!!!!! like Pokemon??????????(now with a poll)

    Who wants to leave everything to imagination, that's so stupid. If you wanted to leave it to your imagination, then you wouldn't even play video games. You would just lie down in bed and imagine that you're playing a game.
  10. darkhero64

    darkhero64 Member

    Re: Does anyone here !!!!NOT!!!! like Pokemon??????????(now with a poll)

    i would play the first generation because i loved the leveling up and the rpg elements in battling.

    afterwards it became 2 repetitive and a waste of my finger energy.
  11. zerobahamut

    zerobahamut Well-Known Member

    Re: Does anyone here !!!!NOT!!!! like Pokemon??????????(now with a poll)

    People just like pokemon, because when most people were young they watched it. When time pass they start to think about it more often and they just love it. The TV shows, music, games, toys and all that. Its like their childhood dreams maybe ( for some people). Its just cool for a lot of people.
  12. pokecynth

    pokecynth Member

    Re: Does anyone here !!!!NOT!!!! like Pokemon??????????(now with a poll)

    You claim you want to know the reasons behind people liking Pokemon and I told you- saying it's stupid and throwing it down, you're acting like a kid covering his ears and having a tantrum- aka, not listening to the answer you keep whining about. It wasn't even my main point.

    And no doll, it wouldn't be the same, just saying that I gotta wonder if you've played any sort of game, ever.
  13. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    Re: Does anyone here !!!!NOT!!!! like Pokemon??????????(now with a poll)

    I would like it more if they improve the attack animation significantly,but that's what you get for inventing so many Pokemon I guess.
  14. sf1215

    sf1215 Well-Known Member

    Re: Does anyone here !!!!NOT!!!! like Pokemon??????????(now with a poll)

    First of all, I'm a guy and second of all i just don't like Pokemon in general and wanted to know who does like it. And I'm not turning down answers I'm just not agreeing with them.
  15. omegavitaminc

    omegavitaminc Well-Known Member

    Re: Does anyone here !!!!NOT!!!! like Pokemon??????????(now with a poll)

    its oookkaaaaaaayyy...
    i guess its my least favorite, out of the rpgs i like.
    but, of course, still one i like.
  16. _luigi_

    _luigi_ Well-Known Member

    Re: Does anyone here !!!!NOT!!!! like Pokemon??????????(now with a poll)

    pearl/diamond/platinum are all great but i don't like that ranger and mystery dungeon mystery dungeon was alright but not as good as the normal pokemon
  17. sf1215

    sf1215 Well-Known Member

    Re: Does anyone here !!!!NOT!!!! like Pokemon??????????(now with a poll)

    i guess that that is true but also they could just have some pokemon have the same attacks
  18. sinharvest24

    sinharvest24 Guest

    Re: Does anyone here !!!!NOT!!!! like Pokemon??????????(now with a poll)

    pokemon is soooooooooooooooooooX100000 repetitive why do you people still play them seriously tell me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Blade5406

    Blade5406 Well-Known Member

    Re: Does anyone here !!!!NOT!!!! like Pokemon??????????(now with a poll)

    because it's a game

    edit: might as well remove it
  20. zerobahamut

    zerobahamut Well-Known Member

    Re: Does anyone here !!!!NOT!!!! like Pokemon??????????(now with a poll)

    Because its OLD SCHOOL