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Does anyone here NOT like Pokemon????????(now with a poll)

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by sf1215, Nov 11, 2009.


Pokemon- Like it or hate it

  1. LOVE IT

    0 vote(s)
  2. Like it

    0 vote(s)
  3. i don't know

    0 vote(s)
  4. dislike it

    0 vote(s)
  5. HATE IT

    0 vote(s)
  6. don't really care about it enough to like or hate it

    0 vote(s)
  1. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    Re: Does anyone here NOT!!!!!!!!! like Pokemon??????????


    Loved it up to gold/silver,(I was most addicted during the N64 pkmn stadium days),
    After gold/silver the series has been deteriorating with every release because of the unwillingness to change anything at all.

    The small amount they do change isn’t enough ;
    -few extra moves,
    -shitty new pokemon,
    -new map (which layout hardly differs),
    -insignificant other crap etc..

    The lack of any major changes (its too much of a scary thought for them) got tiresome and stale. I can see why people who havn't played the old ones love the newer ones (its the first time they are experiencing it after all), but if you have played them you will likely feel the same.
  2. F77

    F77 Active Member

    Re: Does anyone here NOT!!!!!!!!! like Pokemon??????????

    The first 2 generations were good, but since then everything started to degrade... like, the new pokemon are basicaly stupid imitations of the original pokemon, though there are some that arent stupid imitations... but they're even stupider in ideia!
    Plus the "new stuff" in the newer games are pretty boring... what was once the pokegear seems to be replaced by something else with a different name and same purposes... whats the point in that?! There's also other new stuff that just arent worth it...

    Nowadays, i dont like the ideia of pokemon, but i do like the pokemon games, mainly for 2 reasons:
    1) the RPG thing... i love RPG's and even though there's nothing that will ever beat(in my oppinion) FFVIII's storyline i still like to play through these not-so-good storylines.
    2)Being able to catch a monster, train it, battle with it... i dont know why, but i just love that! It's a pitty that there arent many games like that, but of all of those types of games, pokemon is better... though i'd really wish they'd make a pokemon-ish game with dragons, and other monsters like that, instead of those cute and/or ugly little pokemons...(oops... getting out of topic)

    So, yeah, i like the games but not the ideia of pokemon.
  3. gimmefreefun

    gimmefreefun Member

    Re: Does anyone here NOT!!!!!!!!! like Pokemon??????????

    There are other monster raising games on ds, like dragon quest V and Spectrobes: Beyond The Portals for example
  4. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Re: Does anyone here NOT!!!!!!!!! like Pokemon??????????

    I'm with Loony.
    Dunno why I can't like the 2nd Generation..
    maybe there are too much cons than pros.....
  5. darky000

    darky000 Well-Known Member

    Re: Does anyone here NOT!!!!!!!!! like Pokemon??????????

    Maybe you are all growing up fast that pokemon doesn't appeal too much anymore...
  6. F77

    F77 Active Member

    Re: Does anyone here NOT!!!!!!!!! like Pokemon??????????

    Tried dragon quest, the monsters seemed even weirder than in pokemon, i might go back to it eventually for a while... but not now
    Spectrobes... never heard of it... i think i'm gonna try it out *downloading*
    If you know of any other good monster raising games, i'd apreciate any help
  7. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    Re: Does anyone here NOT!!!!!!!!! like Pokemon??????????

    for some reason i keep playing pokemon even though the core of the game is the same since Red and Blue....
  8. sf1215

    sf1215 Well-Known Member

    Re: Does anyone here NOT!!!!!!!!! like Pokemon??????????

    Finally- People who agree with me, i have never liked Pokemon, i have tried almost every game, because a lot of people i know like it, but i just hate the idea of the game. maybe if they made the battles a little bit better and got some good graphics with real looking people, it might be ok. but nobody answered my original question. Why Do People Like It???
  9. richh 24

    richh 24 Member

    Re: Does anyone here NOT!!!!!!!!! like Pokemon??????????

    Pokemon us tight nuff said
  10. aninhajk

    aninhajk Member

    Re: Does anyone here NOT!!!!!!!!! like Pokemon??????????

    I don't know why I like, maybe because a played nearly ALL the pkm games, since yellow... I think it's ok, it's funny when you get hm, when you beat a gym leader... Well, maybe just I think in this way xD
    The best generation was the 2, G/S/C... R/S/E were ok, but i didn't like C/D/P.

    Well, you are forgenting the pokémon games like pokemon mistery dundgeon, ranger and so on xD

    Sorry for my bad english xD
  11. z4in

    z4in Active Member

    Re: Does anyone here NOT!!!!!!!!! like Pokemon??????????

    same here i agree.....
  12. Sarah Kreuz

    Sarah Kreuz Well-Known Member

    Re: Does anyone here NOT!!!!!!!!! like Pokemon??????????(now with a poll)

    Neither Love nor Hate for Pokemon. The Games are good, the Style is too childish - so...I don`t know.....guess I have to be in a special mood to play these Games. Could I live without anymore Pokemon-Games? Indeed. :)
    Post Merge: [time]1258147819[/time]
    Oh and People like it, `cause it`s a RPG. Would any Adult play "Pokemon" if it were released as a Mario-Kart-like Racing Game? Of course not. Me too.
  13. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    Re: Does anyone here NOT!!!!!!!!! like Pokemon??????????(now with a poll)


    I don’t see it’s graphics as that much of an issue, I would like to of seen it leave the grid format at least perhaps (why the F can you still only move in four directions?!), also out of interest what exactly would make “battles little bit better” to you?,
    for someone who despises the game your reasons are little bit rubbish.

    Creating/breeding/raising an unbeatable team from scratch

    Are the sort of reasons I’d expect.
  14. XUNB1

    XUNB1 Member

    Re: Does anyone here NOT!!!!!!!!! like Pokemon??????????(now with a poll)

    I like the first few Pokemon games, BUT its way too overrated, seeming that each new Pokemon game is practicly the same thing (Gameplay-wise, and sometimes graphics-wise), which gets too repetitive.

    Pokemon games along with the DS Phat/Lite/i basicily prints money.
  15. skumpster

    skumpster Member

    Re: Does anyone here NOT!!!!!!!!! like Pokemon??????????(now with a poll)

    Only played the Red version on the Gameboy Color and thought that it was 'okay' then. Now it just seems boring, repetitive and lackluster, like alot of DS games. If you're new to gaming in general (i.e. small kids, etc.) then you'd probably love it, esp. if you like the tv shows & movies.

    I think that's where it gets most of its new/repeat customers from. Fans of the animated features and where they get the funds to rehash more of the same.

    I wish it would die and they'd bring back something that should have never gone away: Metroid on the DS. *But*, developers want easy profits and aren't ashamed to rehash and cashdash.

  16. sf1215

    sf1215 Well-Known Member

    Re: Does anyone here NOT!!!!!!!!! like Pokemon??????????(now with a poll)

    the graphics are bad because everyone looks like a child and by
    i mean that they should make it look like a real battle and not just the creatures having seizures
  17. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    Re: Does anyone here NOT!!!!!!!!! like Pokemon??????????(now with a poll)

    Yeah, Searches on RomU aren't Web Address related. Unlike Google for instance.
  18. F77

    F77 Active Member

    Re: Does anyone here NOT!!!!!!!!! like Pokemon??????????(now with a poll)

    But, exactly what i think!
    That's part of the reason i kinda like pokemon stadium... the pokemon dont seem to be having seizures... and at least adopt a dragon quest-like battle graphics for the ds games...
  19. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    Re: Does anyone here NOT!!!!!!!!! like Pokemon??????????(now with a poll)

    he he, the animation graphics are pretty lame, there really should be a bit more movement.

    movement for attacks would be a good idea also
  20. sf1215

    sf1215 Well-Known Member

    Re: Does anyone here NOT!!!!!!!!! like Pokemon??????????(now with a poll)

    they move, just not the way you want them to move(to actually fight each other)