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Does anyone else hate TWEWY (the world ends with you)?

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by matty123123, Mar 1, 2009.

  1. icefire34

    icefire34 Well-Known Member

    TWEWY was abit unusual and I didn't really like it. The battle system was abit weird too and I prefered the traditional turn based attacks.
    Oh well it's just my opinion.
  2. Barathrum

    Barathrum Well-Known Member

    played the first 2 or 3 weeks can't remember. It was pretty fun the first week, but got very boring, so boring I took out my micro SD and deleted it. I usually never play and game and toss it mid way. I guess this game just wasn't for me... It;s definately unique, but not my style at all. Two screens multi task takes too much thinking. Didn't like the story much either, about an EMO kid that hates life going into some game made by these people, and he has to get through it somehow... Not very interesting. Dont like the idea of pins either... They interupt with each other if you have two stylus stiking pins, it will only do one. So many people say it's good, and i get flamed for saying it's bad, but just stating my opinion. XD
    BTW i did not rush through this game, I gave it time, played through two weeks of it, thats like 5 hours. Wasted 5 hours of my life on a boring game xD.
  3. meminpanda

    meminpanda Well-Known Member

    well, i didnt like that game >3<
  4. zangief

    zangief Well-Known Member

    it's stupid how people play generic RPGs and say "i wish there's an RPG that doesn't use turn-based combat because it's too boring". now TWEWY innovates the way RPGs should be played, and people want turn-based combat again?

    what retards.
  5. 00Davo

    00Davo Well-Known Member

    I like it. It's new and different.

    Although I really suck at it. :p
  6. Roxas426

    Roxas426 Member

    the game sucks a little in the beginning but if you know how the pins work and the fighting then its a really good game and when I beat the game theres still a lot of things you can do
  7. KainOdius

    KainOdius Active Member

    There's a pretty good chance that some of us aren't those people.

    By pretty good, I mean for certain.
  8. matty123123

    matty123123 Well-Known Member

    ive decided ill give it one more go, if i still cant get into it by the end of the first week i give up.
  9. zangief

    zangief Well-Known Member

    remember, you dont have to usually follow the commands on the top screen. rightx3 or leftx3 (depending on where your enemies are) will usually work. oh, and set your partner setting to manual. :D
  10. Thalinor

    Thalinor Active Member

    I love RPG's but not "Urban" RPG's. Could not get past the whole rap/hip-hop RPG theme, so I did not even try the game.
  11. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    The flashy game play really just sucked me in...
  12. zangief

    zangief Well-Known Member

    so you love the old cliche' medieval or futuristic RPG, i take it?
  13. Barathrum

    Barathrum Well-Known Member

    Nobody said that.
  14. Krusha

    Krusha Well-Known Member

    TWEWY... I don't know WHAT to think of this game

    the whole "rap-loving emo" thing pisses me off...
    BUT the double screen battles are frantic and fun one you get the hang of it

    Its similar to "another code" in the way you can't do something until the CPUs realise it, even if the player did long before
    BUT the story line is very immersive

    I keep playing, if only for the difficulty settings, its PERFECT :D
    too easy? crank down your level and turn the difficulty up for better drops
    too hard? put the difficulty down and relax... even though your going to DIE in later levels for it...

    Biggest grumble is absolutely forgetting to kill normal noise and being pwned over and over because of an insufficient level
    along with the fact that shinko is damned fragile, I swear most enemies 1-hit her, whilst kino can be beaten up all day and not feel it...
  15. Thalinor

    Thalinor Active Member

    Yes, mostly medieval fantasy and future/past like final fantasy.

    I could do a modern RPG but not like this one.

    I hate rap/hip-hop, urban "culture", basterdized versions of the English language, people who can't walk because their pants are below their ass, people who use firearms incorrectly [IE: tucked down the front of the pants, and shooting with the pistol on a 90 degree angle instead of upright), people who think defacing the side of a building is "art", shitty malt liquor, loitering on someone else’s front steps, little bastard children who sit there and throw ice balls at passing cars [I had to call local PD this morning on some ghetto little pricks], etc.

    I do not want to get into a discussion on this though, if you want we can take it to PM. I want to end my part of the discussion saying that I volunteer at an inner city middle school and it has nothing to do with race and everything to do with CULTURE and upbringing. Some of the best students I have had were non-caucasian, who grew up in a shitty environment, but decided they wanted something better then the life they were handed.

    Ironically, this game came up in conversation a few weeks ago and one of the African American kids I work with said "Why is it that white people think it’s cool to act like they grew up in the hood, if they did would not think it was so cool." He went on to say [in other colorful words] that a game that glamorizes that theme was stupid. I told the kid the programmers/publishers were actually Asian [Squaresoft] and he just laughed and said some more colorful rhetoric. I thought the 80’s were bad enough, but the early 90’s [when all of this nonsense started] should be erased from history.
  16. matty123123

    matty123123 Well-Known Member

    im playing it again and i love it, ive worked out the pin system so i know what im doing and the story is immense, by your description of an urban person that pretty much describes me, except i dont malt liquor and throwing snowballs at busses i hilarious, i am white btw, anyway back on topic

    this game is really growing on me:D
  17. zangief

    zangief Well-Known Member

    see? i told ya!

    *waits for the thank you* :D
  18. Krusha

    Krusha Well-Known Member

    Ok, I'm addicted, im up to the (spoiler):3rd week: and I haven't bought anything aside from mission clothing and some ramen :p
    It is a bit sad that it's so easy to tell whats coming next... like when (spoiler):beat mentions his "pet noise" isn't noise and I'm just like "RHYME!"...: I don't know this for sure yet but I've been right so far. ;D
  19. matty123123

    matty123123 Well-Known Member

    Thanks you! :D im still on the first week im too distracted by DQ 5, ive so nearly finshed it :D
  20. Barathrum

    Barathrum Well-Known Member

    Congratz matty123123, you are starting to get into it. I still can't get into it at all, its at the top of my worst game list.