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do you think weed is bad for you. and sould it be legal or stay illegal

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by gameboy5.0, Apr 19, 2010.

  1. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    I know there are dresses made out of hemp. Are those legal in places where marijuana isn't?

    Also, can you smoke your dress after the prom?
  2. hmfan

    hmfan Well-Known Member

    I doubt a hemp dress is prom material lol but it would be funny to watch someone stuff a dress into a bong piece at a time.
  3. getbuck21

    getbuck21 Well-Known Member

    Hemp is generally made out of cannabis sativa as it is stronger than cannabis indica.
    Hemp seeds can be used in food legally, as they can't get you high.
  4. hmfan

    hmfan Well-Known Member

    ah so I got some things a little screwed up. still most of my points still stand. by the way cool avi made me chuckle
  5. alukado

    alukado Well-Known Member

    I've never try it before, better than cigarettes?
  6. Fire_Ice

    Fire_Ice Guest

    I'm able to alright but every step or every move hurts like a knife slicing true my bones
    it is a pain you do not wish to have. I've lived with this pain without any medication
    for 2 years and it made me hard.

    I even can drive after I had a J. (I must say if you don't have done that before then DON'T)
    it is something you must learn and you'll notice that your reflexes are not what they used to be.
    and I only drive short distances.
  7. fdgsaoralex

    fdgsaoralex Well-Known Member

    No, marijuana is both sativa and indica, they can both be as strong as each other with just as high a THC content. They both produce slightly different highs and all the different strains were created by breeding indica and sativa plants together.

    Hemp is just any marijuana plant with a low THC content, it doesn't even have to be low THC, but that'd be a waste of some fine ass weed.

    bascially hemp=marijuana just most of the time things made out of hemp are made from very weak strains of cannabis.
  8. Dagsie

    Dagsie Active Member

    Okay... I didn't read the posts between page 2 until 3 but this is my opinion about the person who posted about suicide=drugs it is not equal because suicide only affects your life and the life of those related to you wherein drugs affects not only those who are close to you but even those that you don't even know. For example make an actor do drugs most of his fans would do the same but make him suicide people would only pity him. And I think some topics like this should have some age limitations because there are kids who download from RomUlation too and might get influenced by us talking about drugs(ex. me 13 year old). And another thing you're(person who posted on the first page) right. Anything is bad when overused even games are also bad when overused yet still drugs is easily attainable that's why it is often overused and once you already are addicted it is hard to moderate and another separate thing leave the legalizing marijuana to the authorities(doctors) they "SUPPOSEDLY" know what's best and marijuana may help you in the short run but in the long run it may just cause your death. Me personally I am against marijuana but you decide whether it may be better to legalize it. Oh and hmfan lucky you, you have logical marijuana users in the Phil. they are the ones that usually cause the ruckus.
  9. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    The thing with marijuana is that it's not addictive. The only addictive quality of it is that people that say they are addicted (like mds) have addictive tendencies. Which is a problem with the person (lack of will power), not necessarily the drug. If I have an addiction to peanut butter, is it the peanut butter at fault or is it me?

    Please, enlighten me on how marijuana will cause death.

    I know many people who smoked weed, including me. And they and I are the farthest ones from creating a ruckus.

    You should probably read pages 2 and 3.
  10. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Why use me as an example?

    (I am a game addict-even gone thru a withdrawal from a video game-THAT SUCKED!)

    But those of weak will who enjoy it may become addicts (like me), which is why I chose not to get involved with drugs or anything in that context for that matter.

    I attempted to answer the first point, the second on death...prehaps an involuntary act like driving while high.

    As for the ruckus, I know trouble makers on weed, when they are on it they are dead calm, but when off they are eradic and...well let's say getting into a fight over spilling milk is far easier to invoke.

    Apparently they need the weed to calm them down, take it away and they are violent-but could this be a side effect of needing it too much...I don't know.
  11. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Because, he was probably referencing you. I know you have a addictive personality, so that's why you stay away from it. People with addictive personalities get addicted to things, it isn't the thing's fault, it's the person's fault for being weak willed. It's not necessarily a bad thing though.

    Or they're naturally violent. The thing is, is that all the people I know that smoke the drug, aren't the violent type, on and off marijuana.
  12. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I could be violent but I need to be "enabled".

    I only wish i knew why i was weak willed, but hay, i may be anti social from gaming but at least I'm drug free-helped me keep my licence longer than the idiots boozing and smoking (weed) on their permit licence.

    Plus it cost less, these drugs or "fun things" cost alot.
  13. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    It's actually cheap, depends who you get it from. It's cheaper than alcohol hear, I forgot the quantities but 5 dollars can net you around 3 buds here from what I remember, I think it got cheaper from what I hear from my sister, but eh. Alcohol's extremely expensive where I live so, yeah.

    It's the cheapest form of drug here, along with salvia (which in my experiences with it, is more dangerous than weed and more harmful to others).
  14. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    Weed should be legal for sure. I don't smoke myself, but my friends are much more troublesome after getting drunk, than smoking some marijuana. And I don't think they're addicted to it in any way, cause they rarely smoke it. Another thing is, that it's quite easy to get around here, and I don't know anybody who got charged for having it. At least not yet ::)
  15. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Salvia's safe as long as it's used correctly and responsibly. Much like alcohol in that regard actually.

    As for people being unsafe on the roads while under the influence of weed; they're no more dangerous than someone who's driving while tired.
  16. gameboy5.0

    gameboy5.0 Well-Known Member

    hfman you hit it right on the nail. if weed had no chemicals in it at all then it would most likely be safer there drinking and smokeing

    and you are right about it being made illegal it would have made some company go out of bussiness. i will say i did it once and did not like it (smoke cigertes and did not like it) but if there was ever a vote to make it legal then i would vote yes to it. nothen wrong with it just that some people like to add harmfull chemicals
  17. Cheesewizard

    Cheesewizard Well-Known Member

    well to me weed is bad. I hate it so much when you see posts on forums where people are saying "cant wait to get high tonight" i mean why would you be proud of that

    i hate people who smoke (both parents smoke) - i refuse to go out with a girl if she smokes (no matter what)
    Smoking effects everyone.

    everyone lives on the same planet - the people who dont smoke should be praised and rewarded

    people who smoke are polluting the atmosphere in which everyone breathes so us non smokers are loosing out, while you smokers are out there enjoying yourself.

    I also hate alcohol, sure il have some occasionally. But if alcohol didnt exist i wouldnt be mad

    I hate people who are like "cant wait to get drunk etc" grrrr i hate it.

    its all these god dam 13 yr olds who think there hard because they get drunk every day

    I have yet to be drunk - i dont drink alcohol be alcohol is in it, i drink the drink because i like the taste. i dont give a da if there is alcohol in it

    back on topic. yes i think all drugs should be illegal, unless prescribed y a professional medic (guy)

    I will never take mind altering drugs - i wil have caffeine and paracetamol

    btw i hate people who promote smoking weed, saying its the best thing ever etc. and Rastafarians are not cool!
  18. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    I smoke 3-6 times a day typically. I am happier than I have ever been. I am more successful and kick-ass at life than I have ever been. Factually, cannabis is fairly harmless compared to everything else kids are putting in their bodies, including alcohol and nicotine. It's also a an amazing and under-utilized plant with regard to medicinal properties. If you have never composed music high you wouldn't understand what marijuana does for the sense of hearing, amongst the others, either.

    Kind of sounds like the greatest thing ever, no?

    (By the way, you'd have to be insane to even want to smoke Salvia more than just occasionally. It's a pretty damn safe hallucinogen when it comes down to it, anyway.)

    Oh, you're silly. Hemp is usually cultivated from cannabis sativa because of the quality and quantity it produces, but sativa and indica, as well as a wide array of hybrids inhabit the street market for marijuana. There are more-than-subtle differences between the highs, even the appearance of the nugs.
  19. Batman168

    Batman168 Well-Known Member

    You mean a vaporizer?
  20. assasinseye1

    assasinseye1 Well-Known Member

    The way I see it is if a person wants to waste their life smokeing let them it is their isue, they should not let kids get their hand on it for sure.......but other then that wtf legilze that stuff ...u only have such a small time 2 live!!!!XD