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do you think weed is bad for you. and sould it be legal or stay illegal

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by gameboy5.0, Apr 19, 2010.

  1. SushiKing

    SushiKing Well-Known Member

    OH yeah i totaly forgot about the munchies lol. And yeah you get blind then and there by seeing things that aren't there and that's what makes you walk into things and it also makes you blind over a long period.
  2. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Source please, I've greened out before and blacked out once too (from smoking too much). But never ever going blind. Also 'seeing things that aren't there' isn't going blind, that's a hallucinating.
  3. Yohko86

    Yohko86 Member

    I think weed ultimately has negative side effects, and therefore ends up becoming "bad". I prefer not to do it myself, but am not going to glare at someone who does it either (nor am I going to be around them a whole lot because weed-smoke is stank!).

    As for it being legal or not, I chose NOT. Medical marijuana legal, yes, but otherwise, no. What's the point anyway? It's just something else that has the potential to be taxed (probably pretty heavily) and/or to be made into a cheap (and therefore less effective) commodity by already wealthy and greedy people to make even more money via distribution and huge market control.

    But this is just how I see things. :)
  4. getbuck21

    getbuck21 Well-Known Member

    Where the hell are you getting your facts? Weed does not make you blind. There are no lasting effects (that have been medically proven). It's probably healthier than cigarettes and those are definitely legal.

    I've blacked out before, but I was laying on my couch so it was kinda nice.
  5. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I consider that suicide, I actually hate anything that is drug based.

    I hate cigs and booze as much as the more illegal drugs because of what I seen, I have yet to experience any of it...and I'm glad not to ever.

    And to anyone unfamilier to my post, I post in personal opinion, if your pro-weed drugs, I don't care what the good parts are, I do not believe in it.

    Though I won't hate you for it, I only hate people who encourage others...example post on facebook...

    People who keep encouraging stuff like this are idiots, I don't mind you listing the good points (since I'd ignore it anyway) but encouraging others is another story, you could cut yourself for all I care, I really don't want to hear about it.

    [me=hYpNoS]leaves to continue his harmless video game addiction that's robbed him of his social life and remaining eyesight[/me]
  6. getbuck21

    getbuck21 Well-Known Member

    If you use a bong there's like zero bad effects. Just saying. No smoke.
  7. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    I like the way the anti-weed side of this debate has yet to present any facts, but instead go entirely on personal opinion and misinformation they've gotten from romours.

    @Sushiking: Usually if you get bad effects from weed it's because it was mixed with something worse. This is due to the fact that dealers don't exactly follow health and safety guidelines and often prepare their drugs all in one area.
  8. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I just dislike drugs altogether thank you very much, I don't need facts.

    And wikipedia doesn't count apparently, so why bother....
  9. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    How do you form your opinions then?
  10. freehand01

    freehand01 Well-Known Member

    yeah its quite proven.....
    by my cousin....^^
  11. getbuck21

    getbuck21 Well-Known Member

    Happy 4/20 people. Go smoke.
  12. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    Wait, wait. THC really does make you hungry? And gain weight. As someone who possibly has body dysmorphic disorder, err... All right, I don't need weed anymore -laughs-
  13. Fire_Ice

    Fire_Ice Guest

    Lucky for me In my Country (NL) it is legal to buy and have and smoke.
    I once tried it and it was weird.

    But then when I was 16 I was diagnosed with (Reuma) a joint disease
    what means when is rains every damm joint and bone of mine body will hurt.
    and in the Winter I mostly spend my time inside because going outside
    is feeling like a knife slicing true my bones.

    In order to move freely with the latest pain I smoke 1 gram Weed (3 joints )a day.

    I'm doing this for almost 8 years and I've learned to control myself,
    when I've smoked one you couldn't tell it because I don't act any diffrent

    To controle yourself like that it takes a while some people can act strange after they had one
    it all depends on your character.

    But i can tell it does do damage to the brain. My short memory isn't that good as it once was.
  14. lampslammer

    lampslammer Well-Known Member

    so?..... no one has anything else to say other than it's unhealthy, or people will drive with it?

    Why isn't it legal?
  15. gameboy5.0

    gameboy5.0 Well-Known Member

    i think e is talking about weed that has chemicals in it
  16. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    Oh damn. Finally, someone from the Netherlands actually posted about weed and how it affects their life.

    Escape the pain of rheumatism and have the short-term memory loss of Dory from Finding Nemo, or keep your short-term memory retention intact while not being able to move.

    I like to move, so...
  17. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    I don't see why weed is such a big deal.
  18. SushiKing

    SushiKing Well-Known Member

    Maybe because you haven't had any bad experiences with it... yet?
  19. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    ...Have you?
  20. hmfan

    hmfan Well-Known Member

    To me this is a meh subject. chemically speaking the only substance that is harmful in the slightest is the THC (correct me if that's wrong) so in theory weed is safer than cigarettes. and how many weed smokers do you know that run out and kill someone? I know of none as they are to high to care. They are also to busy eating lots of snack foods. So they are helping the snack food industry. So what if they are baked half the time, It's not like they are hurting anyone as long as they stay out of the cars, but even then someone that is high is more likely to drive slow instead of crazy. (though they could be a road hazard because they are driving to slow...)

    Who would you rather have preparing your food at a fast food restaurant (or any restaurant for that matter)? Well in my opinion I'd rather have someone that is high doing it for two reasons. First, they are less likely to be pissed about something in their life and spit in your food than someone that isn't high. Second, you are more likely to get a larger portion than you ordered. So it's a double win there.

    As for legal, I think they should legalize it. There are far less troubles caused by a pot smoker than an alcoholic. Shoot the main reason Weed isn't legal is because of the many uses for the plant in general. (hemp products) Hemp rope doesn't rot like some ropes for one example, you can also make paper out of it, (are you out there save the trees people?) you can also make clothes out of hemp. (not sure what that would feel like though). the Plants are very versatile. So it was made illegal because it would ruin certain industries back in the 1800's (may be off in the date there)

    In my area, there are a lot of people that are pot smokers, and they are the nicest people in the world. ((I'm not one of them...)) and they get busted and taken to the county lock up and suddenly have a criminal record for something that is an idiotic offence... Why should that happen? They haven't hurt anyone... One of the main reasons they don't legalize it is because its money for the local governments (fines for posession and what not, and then they watch you more carefully for more so they can bust you again and get more money. It's greed people, greed...

    Granted though, for the first few weeks that Weed is legalized hundreds upon thousands of people are going to try it. But many of them are going to quit right after trying their first joint. Why? because the thrill of doing something illegal isn't there any more. Many weed smokers only do it because it's illegal. Take away that and where's the incentive to do it any more other than the THC in their systems telling them to keep doing it. There isn't. It's a simple psychological thing. Some people just like to break the rules for the thrill. Is it a gateway drug? Only when the person they buy from has other illegal stuff that is worse. So if you can pick up weed from your local gas station (in the store not the alley behind it) then the only other drugs that would be there is cigarettes and Alcohol (maybe depending on local regulations) a whole bunch of snack foods, and maybe some pain relievers (Tylenol, Aspirin etc.). So keep the stupid, dangerous stuff illegal(cocaine, heroin, acid, etc) and let the hardly dangerous weed be legal.